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slug-90 announcment (3 of 3)

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0    2Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference

0                             2June 18 - 22, 1990

0                                  2Hosted by 
0             2The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
0                              2Stanford University
0                                 2Stanford, CA

0                  1Program and Registration Form 

0       3

0          4Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference
0             1Developing and Delivering Applications

0       5Last year, over 150 users met in Boston with Symbolics management
0       5and developers to share3 5experiences and hear about Symbolics'
0       5technology, product and business plans.3 5This year,3 5SLUG-90 will
0       5include tutorials by Symbolics' Educational Services, technical
0       5sessions,3 5Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, formal presentations by
0       5Symbolics developers, presentations by3 5Symbolics management, and
0       5many opportunities for informal discussions with representatives3 5of
0       5all facets of Symbolics management.

0       5Symbolics has recently announced details of "Focus on Five", its new
0       5product and corporate3 5strategy to maintain price performance
0       5leadership, support application portability, and3 5broaden its markets.
0       5Top Symbolics management, including Jay Wurts (President and CEO),
0       5Ken Tarpey, Ken Sinclair, and Johanna Rothman will be on hand to
0       5discuss the strategy and3 5its implications.3 5Prominent Symbolics
0       5developers, such as David Moon, Kent Pitman, and Scott3 5McKay will
0       5discuss the forthcoming release of Genera 8.0 and the future of
0       5Genera, including3 5CLOS and CLIM.

0       5The theme of this year's conference is "Developing and Delivering
0       5Applications" - using the3 5tools provided by Genera to build
0       5application software while addressing the following3 5constraints:

0             5What are the right tools to use to ensure that the3 5programmer
0             5and user interfaces are optimal?

0             5What effects will using a particular tool have on
0             5maintainability, extensibility, and performance tuning?

0             5How can we make the application available to the user, and
0             5what tools exist3 5to ensure this can be accomplished?

0             5How can we take advantage of Symbolics' extensions to Genera
0             5(for example,3 5Statice, Joshua, and Concordia), given the above
0             5constraints?

0       5This year, the focus is on tools we can use to (1) develop better
0       5systems faster than we3 5could before, and (2) deliver these
0       5applications in a variety of environments.3 5Symbolics has3 5given us
0       5some solutions in both of these areas, such as CLOE and
0       5Ivory-embeds; what other3 5paths have been used successfully and at
0       5what cost?3 5In particular, we'll try to address the3 5question of how we
0       5can develop an application in Genera for delivery in different
0       5environments, while sacrificing as few of Genera's developmental
0       5advantages (and layered3 5products) as possible.

0       5Please join us in what promises to be a lively and informative week
0       5at Stanford!
0       3

0          4Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference0 2Tutorial abstracts

0       5All tutorials are aimed at experienced Lisp programmers familiar with
0       5Common Lisp Flavors and3 5the Genera environment.3 

0       6CLOS for Flavors Programmers

0       5Allan Wechsler, of Symbolics Educational Services, will be covering3 
0       7o5 0 5Similarities between Flavors and CLOS

0       7o5 0 5Flavors features absent from CLOS

0       7o5 0 5Conversion tools and techniques

0       7o5 0 5New features of CLOS, including multimethods,3 5specialization on
0         5built-in types, individual methods, and the meta-object protocol.

0       5This tutorial is aimed at programmers who want to make their
0       5programs3 5portable by using the Common Lisp Object System.3 

0       6CLIM for Genera Programmers

0       5Allan Wechsler will also be teaching this course and will cover3 
0       7o5 0 5History of CLIM

0       7o5 0 5Example of a CLIM application

0       7o5 0 5Comparison between CLIM and Dynamic Windows

0       7o5 0 5Conversion tools and techniques

0       5This tutorial is aimed at Dynamic Windows programmers who want to
0       5make their programs3 5more portable by using the Common Lisp
0       5Interface Manager.3 

0       6Developing Portable Common Lisp Programs

0       5Lauren Slater, of Symbolics Educational Services, will be teaching a
0       5course aimed at3 5experienced Genera programmers who have an
0       5interest or a need for porting an application to3 5a standard platform.

0       5This tutorial will provide a methodology for porting an application
0       5from a Symbolics machine3 5to an 80386 machine using Common Lisp,
0       5CLOS, CLIM, and Symbolics CLOE. The focus of the3 5tutorial will be on
0       5using the tools provided in both environments for expediting the port.
0       5Participants will learn how to use the CLOE Developer to develop and
0       5test an application in3 5an environment that is compatible with the
0       5eventual delivery environment.3 5They will learn3 5how to migrate their
0       5application from the Symbolics machine to the target environment,
0       5and3 5how to use the CLOE application generator to load and compile
0       5the application code.3 5Suggestions and tools for tuning the
0       5performance in the delivery environment will be covered.3 5In addition,
0       5the Common Lisp Developer, a similar tool for developing programs
0       5to be ported3 5not just to CLOE but to Common Lisps from other
0       5vendors, will be discussed.

0       3
0          4Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference
0                             2General Information

0       6Location

0       5All of the Conference sessions will take place on the Stanford
0       5University campus.3 5The3 5general sessions will be held in Skilling
0       5Auditorium, which is located behind the Durand Building,3 5just to the
0       5left of the Via Crespi.3 5The tutorials will be held in the McCullough
0       5Wing of the3 5Physics Lecture Hall (adjacent to Skilling Auditorium), in
0       5rooms 127 and 128.3 5The machine3 5room is in the Durand Building, in
0       5room 450.3 5Please refer to the attached map of Stanford's3 5campus.3 5On
0       5Monday and Tuesday, June 18 and 19, registration will be held in the
0       5McCullough Wing.3 5From Wednesday, June 20, to Friday, June 22,
0       5registration will be held in3 5front of Skilling Auditorium.

0       6Transportation

0       5United Airlines, in conjunction with the Stanford Academic Conference
0       5program, offers3 5special "discounted" fares to conference attendees.
0       5To inquire about or take advantage of3 5these discounts, please call
0       5United's Meeting Desk at 800/521-4041 and refer to the3 8Stanford
0       8Meeting Code 437FG5.

0       6Housing

0       5SLUG has reserved rooms at the hotels listed below.3 5If you wish to
0       5stay at any of these3 5locations, you are responsible for making
0       5reservations.3 5You should identify yourself as a3 5SLUG Conference
0       5attendee to get the quoted rates.3 5Please note that Stanford's
0       5graduation3 5ceremonies end on Sunday, June 17.3 5Thus, the number of
0       5hotel rooms available on Sunday3 5night is very limited.

0       5The Cardinal Hotel, 415/323-5101, (1 mile from Stanford University;
0       5convenient to3 5Marguerite Free Shuttle to Stanford's campus)3 
0       5Has a limited number of rooms available on Sunday, June 17.3 
0       5Rates: $44.00/night including tax

0       5The Red Cottage, 415/326-9010, (2.8 miles from Stanford University)3 
0       5Has a limited number of rooms available on Sunday, June 17.3 
0       5Rates: $49.00/night including tax

0       5Riviera Motor Lodge, 415/321-8772, (1.4 miles from Stanford
0       5University; convenient to3 5Marguerite Free Shuttle to Stanford's
0       5campus)3 
0       5Rates: $49.68/night including tax

0       5Holiday Inn, 415/328-2800, (0.8 miles from Stanford University;
0       5convenient to Marguerite3 5Free Shuttle to Stanford's campus)3 
0       5Rates: $89+tax/night (single), $99+tax/night (double)

0       5SLUG has also reserved on-campus housing for the Conference from
0       5Monday, June 18 until3 5Friday, June 22.3 5There are no rooms available
0       5on campus on Sunday, June 17.3 5If you wish3 5to stay in a dormitory
0       5room, please mark the appropriate space on the Registration Form
0       5and3 5send payment now.3 5The rate is $28.75/night for a single room (no
0       5doubles available).3 8Please note:9 8We must have your on-campus
0       8room request and9 8payment by May 14, 1990.3 5You will also be
0       5required to leave a $40.00 key deposit upon3 5checking in.3 5This deposit
0       5will be refunded to you when you return the key to the housing3 5office.
0       5A confirmation of housing accommodations will be sent to you.

0       6Parking

0       5Parking privileges are extended to all conference participants for a
0       5nominal fee of $7.50 for3 5the entire week.

0       5Please indicate on your Registration Form whether you will need
0       5parking privileges and send3 5payment with your registration.3 5Permits
0       5may be obtained at Conference Registration.

0       6Meals and Entertainment
0          4Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference
0       5There are many restaurants and clubs on campus and in the immediate
0       5vicinity.3 5Stanford is3 5also convenient to San Francisco, the Pacific
0       5coast, redwoods, wine country, Santa Cruz,3 5Monterey, Carmel and
0       5many other areas of interest.3 5Additional information can be obtained
0       5at Registration.

0       6University facilities and services available to SLUG'90
0       6participants

0       5The bookstore, most of the Stanford University libraries, and
0       5Stanford's extensive athletic3 5facilities are all accessible to
0       5conference participants.3 5There will be a small fee for use of3 5the pool
0       5and/or the golf course, which can be paid upon arrival.

0       6Machine Room

0       5A machine room will be available throught the conference.3 5Machines
0       5can be used for3 5demonstrations, swapping software, hacking, etc.3 5Be
0       5sure to bring your own tapes!

0       6Information

0             8Conference Chairman0         8Conference Registration
0             5Richard Billington0               5Maria Baute
0             5Georgia Tech\School of ICS0      5Shelanski Associates
0             5Atlanta, GA 30332-02800        5701 Market St., Suite 2000
0             5404/894-32270                  5Philadelphia, PA 19106
0             5FAX: 404/853-93780             5215/922-5757
0             5Email: SLUG90@ai.sri.com0       5FAX: 215/625-9037

0       5Contact Maria Baute regarding registration.3 5Contact Richard Billington
0       5with comments or3 5suggestions on the conference agenda.

0       3
0          4Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference
0                              2Registration Form 

0       4Make checks out to5 8Symbolics Lisp Users Group

0       6Registration fees

0                             5 Tutorial 0        5 1-day 0    5 3-day 
0                             5 (half day) 0      5 conference conference

0       5Advance registration 0  5 95 0             5 n/a 0       5 120

0       5Late registration 0      5 115 0            5 75 0        5 150

0       5Students 0              5 75 0             5 20 0        5 55

0       5Dormitory housing is available on campus for $28.75/night.

0       5A campus parking permit is available for $7.50.

0       5Name:________________________________________________

0       5Company:_____________________________________________

0       5Address:______________________________________________

0       5City:_________________________________________________
0       5State:__________

0       5Country:___________________________________________
0       5Zipcode:___________

0       5Phone:______________________________
0       5FAX:_____________________________

0       5Email:________________________________________________

0       5Dormitory housing ($28.75/night x ___ nights)0             5$_______

0       5Campus parking permit0                                   5$_______

0       5CLOS for Flavors Programmers tutorial0                    5$_______

0       5CLIM for Genera Programmers tutorial0                     5$_______

0       5Developing Portable Common Lisp Programs tutorial0        5$_______

0       51 day conference on ______________ (days)0             5$_______

0       53 day conference0                                        5$_______

0       5Total enclosed0                                           5$_______


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