SLUG mail archive


slug-90 announcment (1 of 3)

The final announcement for SLUG-90 is being mailed out now.  However, if
you can't wait to send us your money, I'm posting the formatted and
pseudo-Scribe versions to SLUG (and no, you can't EMAIL or FAX us your
check!).  The schedule was done on a Mac, so you'll have to wait for
it in hardcopy form.

Important times:

Monday, 1:30pm		CLOS tutorial
Tuesday, 8:30am		CLIM tutorial
Tuesday, 1:30pm		Porting tutorial
Tuesday, 6:00pm		Symbolics reception
Wednesday, 9:00am	Conference begins
Thursday, 8:00pm	SLUG reception
Friday, 3:00pm		Conference ends

If you'd like to help out by chairing sessions, etc., contact Richard
Billington (

Hotel rooms near Stanford on Sunday night will be hard to find because
of Stanford's graduation on Sunday, so the first tutorial is at 1:30pm
Monday, which should allow most of you time to take the first flight out
Monday morning and still make the tutorial.

0, redistributed,,


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