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@pageheading (center "Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference")
@blankspace (1.5inch)
@heading[Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference]
June 18 - 22, 1990
Hosted by
The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA]
@blankspace (1.5inch)
@majorheading[ Program and Registration Form ]
@majorheading[Developing and Delivering Applications]
Last year, over 150 users met in Boston with Symbolics management and developers to share
experiences and hear about Symbolics' technology, product and business plans. This year,
SLUG-90 will include tutorials by Symbolics' Educational Services, technical sessions,
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, formal presentations by Symbolics developers, presentations by
Symbolics management, and many opportunities for informal discussions with representatives
of all facets of Symbolics management.
Symbolics has recently announced details of "Focus on Five", its new product and corporate
strategy to maintain price performance leadership, support application portability, and
broaden its markets. Top Symbolics management, including Jay Wurts (President and CEO),
Ken Tarpey, Ken Sinclair, and Johanna Rothman will be on hand to discuss the strategy and
its implications. Prominent Symbolics developers, such as David Moon, Kent Pitman, and Scott
McKay will discuss the forthcoming release of Genera 8.0 and the future of Genera, including
The theme of this year's conference is "Developing and Delivering Applications" - using the
tools provided by Genera to build application software while addressing the following
@begin[description, spread .5, above .5, leftmargin 0.5inch, indent -.5 inch]
INTERFACES@\What are the right tools to use to ensure that the
programmer and user interfaces are optimal?
MAINTENANCE and PERFORMANCE@\What effects will using a particular tool have on
maintainability, extensibility, and performance tuning?
PORTABILITY@\How can we make the application available to the user, and what tools exist
to ensure this can be accomplished?
EXTENSIONS@\How can we take advantage of Symbolics' extensions to Genera (for example,
Statice, Joshua, and Concordia), given the above constraints?
This year, the focus is on tools we can use to (1) develop better systems faster than we
could before, and (2) deliver these applications in a variety of environments. Symbolics has
given us some solutions in both of these areas, such as CLOE and Ivory-embeds; what other
paths have been used successfully and at what cost? In particular, we'll try to address the
question of how we can develop an application in Genera for delivery in different
environments, while sacrificing as few of Genera's developmental advantages (and layered
products) as possible.
Please join us in what promises to be a lively and informative week at Stanford!
@heading[Tutorial abstracts]
All tutorials are aimed at experienced Lisp programmers familiar with Common Lisp Flavors and
the Genera environment.
@subheading[CLOS for Flavors Programmers]
Allan Wechsler, of Symbolics Educational Services, will be covering
@begin[itemize, spread .3, above .3]
Similarities between Flavors and CLOS
Flavors features absent from CLOS
Conversion tools and techniques
New features of CLOS, including multimethods,
specialization on built-in types, individual methods, and
the meta-object protocol.
This tutorial is aimed at programmers who want to make their programs
portable by using the Common Lisp Object System.
@subheading[CLIM for Genera Programmers]
Allan Wechsler will also be teaching this course and will cover
@begin[itemize, spread .3, above .3]
History of CLIM
Example of a CLIM application
Comparison between CLIM and Dynamic Windows
Conversion tools and techniques
This tutorial is aimed at Dynamic Windows programmers who want to make their programs
more portable by using the Common Lisp Interface Manager.
@subheading[Developing Portable Common Lisp Programs]
Lauren Slater, of Symbolics Educational Services, will be teaching a course aimed at
experienced Genera programmers who have an interest or a need for porting an application to
a standard platform.
This tutorial will provide a methodology for porting an application from a Symbolics machine
to an 80386 machine using Common Lisp, CLOS, CLIM, and Symbolics CLOE. The focus of the
tutorial will be on using the tools provided in both environments for expediting the port.
Participants will learn how to use the CLOE Developer to develop and test an application in
an environment that is compatible with the eventual delivery environment. They will learn
how to migrate their application from the Symbolics machine to the target environment, and
how to use the CLOE application generator to load and compile the application code.
Suggestions and tools for tuning the performance in the delivery environment will be covered.
In addition, the Common Lisp Developer, a similar tool for developing programs to be ported
not just to CLOE but to Common Lisps from other vendors, will be discussed.
@heading[General Information]
All of the Conference sessions will take place on the Stanford University campus. The
general sessions will be held in Skilling Auditorium, which is located behind the Durand Building,
just to the left of the Via Crespi. The tutorials will be held in the McCullough Wing of the
Physics Lecture Hall (adjacent to Skilling Auditorium), in rooms 127 and 128. The machine
room is in the Durand Building, in room 450. Please refer to the attached map of Stanford's
campus. On Monday and Tuesday, June 18 and 19, registration will be held in the
McCullough Wing. From Wednesday, June 20, to Friday, June 22, registration will be held in
front of Skilling Auditorium.
United Airlines, in conjunction with the Stanford Academic Conference program, offers
special "discounted" fares to conference attendees. To inquire about or take advantage of
these discounts, please call United's Meeting Desk at 800/521-4041 and refer to the
@b[Stanford Meeting Code 437FG].
SLUG has reserved rooms at the hotels listed below. If you wish to stay at any of these
locations, you are responsible for making reservations. You should identify yourself as a
SLUG Conference attendee to get the quoted rates. Please note that Stanford's graduation
ceremonies end on Sunday, June 17. Thus, the number of hotel rooms available on Sunday
night is very limited.
The Cardinal Hotel, 415/323-5101, (1 mile from Stanford University; convenient to
Marguerite Free Shuttle to Stanford's campus)
@*Has a limited number of rooms available on Sunday, June 17.
@*Rates: $44.00/night including tax
The Red Cottage, 415/326-9010, (2.8 miles from Stanford University)
@*Has a limited number of rooms available on Sunday, June 17.
@*Rates: $49.00/night including tax
Riviera Motor Lodge, 415/321-8772, (1.4 miles from Stanford University; convenient to
Marguerite Free Shuttle to Stanford's campus)
@*Rates: $49.68/night including tax
Holiday Inn, 415/328-2800, (0.8 miles from Stanford University; convenient to Marguerite
Free Shuttle to Stanford's campus)
@*Rates: $89+tax/night (single), $99+tax/night (double)
SLUG has also reserved on-campus housing for the Conference from Monday, June 18 until
Friday, June 22. There are no rooms available on campus on Sunday, June 17. If you wish
to stay in a dormitory room, please mark the appropriate space on the Registration Form and
send payment now. The rate is $28.75/night for a single room (no doubles available).
@b[Please note: We must have your on-campus room request and
payment by May 14, 1990.] You will also be required to leave a $40.00 key deposit upon
checking in. This deposit will be refunded to you when you return the key to the housing
office. A confirmation of housing accommodations will be sent to you.
Parking privileges are extended to all conference participants for a nominal fee of $7.50 for
the entire week.
Please indicate on your Registration Form whether you will need parking privileges and send
payment with your registration. Permits may be obtained at Conference Registration.
@subheading[Meals and Entertainment]
There are many restaurants and clubs on campus and in the immediate vicinity. Stanford is
also convenient to San Francisco, the Pacific coast, redwoods, wine country, Santa Cruz,
Monterey, Carmel and many other areas of interest. Additional information can be obtained
at Registration.
@subheading[University facilities and services available to SLUG'90 participants]
The bookstore, most of the Stanford University libraries, and Stanford's extensive athletic
facilities are all accessible to conference participants. There will be a small fee for use of
the pool and/or the golf course, which can be paid upon arrival.
@subheading[Machine Room]
A machine room will be available throught the conference. Machines can be used for
demonstrations, swapping software, hacking, etc. Be sure to bring your own tapes!
@begin[display, leftmargin 0.5inch]
@b[Conference Chairman]@\@b[Conference Registration]
Richard Billington@\Maria Baute
Georgia Tech\School of ICS@\Shelanski Associates
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280@\701 Market St., Suite 2000
404/894-3227@\Philadelphia, PA 19106
FAX: 404/853-9378@\215/922-5757
Email:\FAX: 215/625-9037
Contact Maria Baute regarding registration. Contact Richard Billington with comments or
suggestions on the conference agenda.
@pagefooting[immediate, left Mail or FAX to Shelanski Associates at 215/625-9037]
@heading[ Registration Form ]
@i[Make checks out to] @b[Symbolics Lisp Users Group]
@subheading[Registration fees]
@tabset(1.8inch, 3.1inch, 4inch)
@\ Tutorial @\ 1-day @\ 3-day @*
@\ (half day) @\ conference @\ conference
Advance registration @\ 95 @\ n/a @\ 120
Late registration @\ 115 @\ 75 @\ 150
Students @\ 75 @\ 20 @\ 55
Dormitory housing is available on campus for $28.75/night.
A campus parking permit is available for $7.50.
City:_________________________________________________ State:__________
Country:___________________________________________ Zipcode:___________
Phone:______________________________ FAX:_____________________________
Dormitory housing ($28.75/night x ___ nights)@\$________
Campus parking permit@\$________
CLOS for Flavors Programmers tutorial@\$________
CLIM for Genera Programmers tutorial@\$________
Developing Portable Common Lisp Programs tutorial@\$________
1 day conference on ______________ (days)@\$________
3 day conference@\$________
Total enclosed@\$________
0, redistributed,,
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