SLUG mail archive
telnet error
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 90 16:26 PDT
From: (Stephen L. Nicoud)
Why does the telnet server throw up an error when a user, who is
telnetting from a Sun to a Symbolics, closes the connection (ala close
or quit in Unix's telnet)?
Here's the message displayed on the Symbolics:
[08:55:44 a TELNET server got an error:
End of file for #<TCP::TCP-BINARY-STREAM 70030444>.]
Is there a way to suppress this?
They fixed this in 8.0. The network terminal software now has a handler
for EOF and simply exits silently. The reason for this error is that the
network terminal software expects a sligltly different connection-closing
protocol than Unix uses; the error doesn't happen if you telnet from a
Symbolics to a Symbolics and then close the connection.
They also implemented a "Halt Remote Terminal" command, which closes the
current remote terminal connection. And if you logged in during that
remote terminal session it logs you out (conversely, if you try to logout
during a remote terminal session when you didn't login during that session
it queries you).
- telnet error
- From: (Stephen L. Nicoud)
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