SLUG mail archive
1 Re: Dired Problems0
1 Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 14:28:53+0900
From: kddlab!!myers@uunet.UU.NET (John K. Myers)
My immediate problem: I have a huge number of files in a directory.
I would like to move a large subset of these into a new directory.
There are too many files to comfortably "Rename" each by hand; I require
a way to do this automatically. I assume that this operation is routine
and basic, and should be well-supported.
After reading the Dired manual (v.3, pp. 163-173) carefully for ten minutes,
I can find no way to do this. (Normally, it takes me a day of chasing down
all possible references before I find out something's undocumented...)
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
Try marking each file you wish to process with the "A" command. You can use
a keyboard macro to mark multiple files with A.
When you have the files to process, Q dired. Dired will prompt you if the
files are correct, and if you tell it to process them, it will ask for a
Give it the function
(lambda (file) (rename-file file
This should do what you want. Obviously the new path should conform to the
physical path the new-host likes, or you should use a logical pathname. Note
that no file is specified; rename file will default to the old filename, by
using the merging rules appropriate for the host(s) involved.
- Dired Problems
- From: kddlab!!myers@uunet.UU.NET (John K. Myers)
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