SLUG mail archive
Genera 8.0 Announcement
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 90 09:24 EST
From: JR@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (Johanna Rothman)
I will make sure that any other points you brought up in your mail will be addressed.
I have a few brief questions.
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 90 10:57 EST
From: groberts@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM, jr@YUKON.SCRC.Symbolics.COM
This letter went out in hardcopy to all customers this week. The sales
reps also received this letter. If you have questions, please address
them to your sales rep, Gary Roberts, or Johanna Rothman.
Support for the Creation of Portable Code: Genera 8.0 supports the
Common Lisp Object Standard (CLOS), part of the ANSI Lisp draft
standard, for portability of object-oriented Lisp programs. Symbolics
support for CLOS includes a Zmacs-based utility for converting existing
programs from Flavors to CLOS.
We're very anxiously awaiting the capability to DUMP-FORMS-TO-FILE on
CLOS instances. Will this be supported by the release?
The Common Lisp Developer, included in Genera 8.0, is a tool which aids
in developing and testing Common Lisp programs on a Symbolics system. A
programmer working under the CL Developer is automatically guided toward
writing code that conforms to a strict interpretation of Common Lisp
(Steele), thus increasing the ability to port the program to any other
Common Lisp environment.
Has this been or will this be updated for the new (1990) 2nd edition of
New Garbage Collection Option: The programmer may choose to use the
new in-place garbage collector, reducing application memory
This isn't a question. I just couldn't resist throwing in the comment
that this is cool. Under Genera 8.0 Beta, I've let my machine almost
run out of memory and then done a GC in-place and kept it alive for
additional weeks!
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