The Epic Battle of Time and Space:
Pie Menus versus Linear Menus!

Watch This Space...

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What are these Fasteroids, anyway???

The goal of Fasteroids is to help the space ship blast away the asteroids. But its real purpose is to compare the selection speeds and error rates of directional "pie menus" versus traditional "linear menus". The actual point of the game is to give you a fun and fair way to test drive and compare pie menus and linear menus for yourself.

When you click the left button in the black space, a pie menu or a linear menu will pop up. You should select the bright yellow item with four stars, and it will fire four blasts, which will help destroy the asteroids. But if you select any of the other items, that is considered an error, so it will only fire one blast.

The menu style changes every round. Some rounds, the menu will be a pie menu, and other rounds it will be a linear menu. Some rounds, the menu items will be randomized, and other rounds they will be constant.

If you would like to share your results, please press the "Send Statistics to" button, and your selection times and error rates will be reported to It will show the overall results and how you results compare. Don't worry -- it doesn't send any personal information, just the details of the measurements summarized in the table, including the selection count and time for each test type, menu type and menu item.

And What are Pie Menus???

Pie Menus are a naturally efficient user interface technique: directional selection of pie slice shaped targets. The cursor starts out in the center of the pie, so all targets are large, nearby, and in different directions. Fitts' Law explains the advantages of pie menus, relating fast selection speed and low error rate to large target size and small distance. Pie menus are easy for novice users, who just follow the directions, and efficient for experienced users, who can quickly "mouse ahead" once they know the way.

To learn more about pie menus, please visit Pie Menu Central!

For the complete credits, as well as some swell entertainment, please don't forget to read the fine print.

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Copyright (C) 2001 By Don Hopkins.