Run On Sentence

Copyright (C) 2001
By Don Hopkins

Pie Menus | are designed to | be free, | easy to learn, | teach themselves, | save time, | reduce errors, | prevent frustration, | provide rich | expressive feedback, | support robust | real-world applications, | integrate easily | into diverse | workflow environments, | serve as | a free software | design example | as well as | an inspiration | for further research, | and as | a benefit to | project managers, | software developers, | academic researchers, | computer programmers, | usability specialists, | user interface designers, | web browsers, | game players, | students, | hobbiests, | hackers, | busy people | with tight deadlines, | limited budgets | and ambitious projects | to deliver, | people who have | better ways | to spend their life | than pushing | a mouse around, | pointing and pecking | at tiny targets | like trained chickens: | most importantly | the users. | ==== | The pie menu | source code | and the ideas | behind pie menus | were developed | over time | by Don Hopkins, | thanks to | the support of: | University of Maryland, | UniPress Software, | Sun Microsystems, | DUX Software, | Turing Institute, | Carnegie Mellon University, | Kaleida Labs, | Interval Research Corporation, | Maxis Software, | Electronic Arts, | Lush Creations, | Mike Gallaher, | Mark Weiser, | Jack Callahan, | Ben Shneiderman, | Mitch Bradley, | Owen Densmore, | Arthur van Hoff, | Martha Zimet, | James Gosling, | David Rosenthal, | Ted Selker, | David Liddle, | Brad Meyers, | Bill Verplank, | Craig Hubley, | Bob Adams, | David Levitt, | Russel Nelson, | John Gilmore, | Hugh Daniel, | Josh Siegel, | Mary Hopkins, | Levi Kruger, | Jim Mackraz, | Eric Bowman, | Jamie Doornbos | and Will Wright. | ==== | Dedicated | to | the | memory | of | Mark | Weiser | and | Alan | Turing | ====