- Added Pie Menus to Menu.c. - Autoselect does not apply to pie menus. - Changed f.beep, f.circledown, f.circleup, f.continue, f.focus, f.iconify, and f.lower from IsFunction to IsQuitFunction. (globals.c) - Changed conditions of assignment of IsImmFunction -vs- IsUwmFunction to menu functions, so that you can have functions in menus that act on the windows the menu was invoked in. (gram.y) - Changed handling of IsImmFunction in Menu.c to pass function "window" (the window in which the menu was invoked), instead of "sub_window". (Menu.c) - Made submenus pop up at the location of the mouse up event that selected them. (Menu.c) - Took into account MBorderWidth when calculating menu placement. (Menu.c) - Removed check for equality of key mask for button up event during menu selection. (Menu.c) - Made all calls to exit() go through Exit() in uwm.c, so as to facilitate forth hacks. (Error.c, uwm.c) - Changed GetButton.c to allow ^H as well as DELETE, and ^X as well as ^U, when typing at icons. Fixed bug with zeroing out icon_str. Added global variables: - PieCursor - MenuRadius - PieMenus Added defaults to uwm.h: - DEF_MENU_RADIUS - DEF_PIE_MENUS Added fields to structures: - MenuInfo - name_x - name_y - piemenu - items - initial_angle - radius - center_x - center_y - width - MenuLine - x_offset - y_offset - quadrand - slope - YYSTYPE (y.tab.h) - coval Added to .uwmrc grammar: - Numeric variable menuradius, that is the default radius. - Added "pulldownmenus" and "piemenus" flags, which set the default menu type, that you get with "menu". - Added "pulldownmenu" and "piemenu" declarations, which function just like "menu", but override the default menu type. - Added specification to menu grammar. If left out, the defaults are assumed. They are used right before the "{" that starts a menu declaration. They set the angle of first menu item, and the menu radius. They are both integers. The angle is in degrees.