-- <<<- global theDatePage := object (WebPage) title: "The Date According to ScriptX" base: theSXPrefix contents object (WebHeading) level: 2 contents object (WebMacro) func: (self str props -> getAny self) contents "It's " "Now equals " "The time is " "Today's date is " "The date today is " "The date's currently " "Right now, the date is " "At the tone, the time will be " "I'm happy to inform you that it is now " "I don't know about where you are, but where I am it's " end (self str props -> (theCalendarClock.date as String) | str) ". " end "... Thanks for asking. " "Feel free to ask again " object (WebLink) url: "date" contents "any time!" end end registerService theWebServer \ (new WebService \ name: "Date" \ about: "Win a date with ScriptX!" \ handler: (service request params -> HTML theDatePage)) -- >>>