These are the ScriptX web services developed by Don Hopkins. Put this folders in the same folder as the ScriptX application. The "webserve" folder is the web server extension, as the html synthesizer. The "gifexp" folder is the gif exporter, used by the web server. You can run the ScriptX web server stand-alone without DreamScape, by loading "webserve/webserve.sxt". Sorry, but this web server and gif exporter stuff is Mac only, but have a go at porting it if you like. Better to understand the basic idea and rewrite it from scratch, though, since it's mostly different brands of nuts and bolts. The "webserve/product/webserve" folder is a DreamScape product, and you can copy it to the DreamScape "source/products" folder, and build it by dragging "!" into ScriptX. First, run NetScape. Then run DreamScape by dragging "dream.sxt" into ScriptX. Bring up the object catalog, select the "Toys" category, then drag out the NetScape icon. That will dynamically load the webserve C library and the webserve.sxl ScriptX library into ScriptX, register services and dialogs that let you interactivally browse the state of DreamScape, and start the ScriptX web server. The server does not actually listen on a socket, but rather it communicates with NetScape through the Spyglass Browser Remote Control API, and writing html and gif files out to the file system. In NetScape, open the URL "scriptx:help". DreamScape will have registered its service as "dream", appearing at the bottom of the help menu. There are a bunch of other whacky services on the help menu for you to explore. Check out the class browser, and the norml parser! If you'd like to know more about this stuff, please get in touch with me! Don Hopkins