From: Hopkins, Don [mailto:Hopkins, Don] Sent: Monday, January 25, 1999 4:23 PM To: Cc: Subject: pie menus and XML Hay Dave! I'm improving my ActiveX pie menu control, so you can specify nested pie menus in XML. Something like: When you make a selection from a pie menu, it sends an ActiveX event to the web page it's on (i.e. its OLE container), that you can handle in JavaScript or VBScript or whatever. But the scripts have to be embeded on the web page, instead of in the menu specification. This separation of menu specification and action scripts is a pain in the wazoo. It might be nice to be able to fully specify a menu and its behavior in the xml file, so no scripting was necessary. It occurrs to me that XML-RPC or something like that might be a good way to specify menu actions. So the XML file describing the menu could contain XML remote procedure calls to be executed when you select items from the menu. I'm not up on the syntax of XML-RPC, but I assume there's a way to give a remote procedure call a name or id, to which the pie menu item's "action" fields could refer (like "bar" and "plugh" in the example). Then they could be dispatched automatically by the pie menu when you select the item. Of course it would still be possible to write javascript event handlers on the web page as you currently can, but xml rpc could be an optional way to package up all the behavior of the pie menu in one file. Another approach besides XML-RPC to self-contained programmable pie menus, would be to embed javascript or vbscript in the pie menu xml file itself, and use the IScriptingEngine interface to execute the scripts in the pie menu xml file, instead of on the web page. Both approaches could work together. When you select an item from a pie menu, first the menu could look for the XML-RPC object named in the action. If that existed, it would dispatch it. If it didn't, it would give the scripting engine a try, asking it to execute the function named in the action. If that didn't work, then it could pass the action onto the container as an ActiveX event (so the web browser can call javascripts on the web page). The pie menu should expose callbacks to the scripting language so scripts in the pie menu can pass arguments and invoke the XML-RPC objects defined in the pie menu xml file. Then you could do all kinds of local processing, and pass the computed arguments onto the XML-RPC call. Have you played around with the IScriptingEngine stuff? The requirement is that the program that wants to host the engine has to expose itself as an OLE object, which pie menus already do. Then they have to have a way to persist the objects and scripts they contain, which XML enables. So first I'm going to get the XML saving and loading working, and then tinker around with IScriptingEngine to put scripts in the XML file. Is there a library or some code I can use to implement XML-RPC call-outs? Where should I start reading? -Don