Pies: Implementation, Evaluation, and Application of Circular Menus By Don Hopkins, Jack Callahan, and Mark Weiser (Paper in preparation. Draft available from authors.) Introduces Pie Menus, a new type of menu whose choices are positioned a circle around the cursor, like the slices of a pie. They are compared and contrasted with pull down menus, and ideas about their usage and applications are discussed. A Comparative Analysis of Pie Menu Performance By Jack Callahan, Don Hopkins, Mark Weiser, and Ben Shneiderman Proc. CHI'88 conference, Washington D.C.: available from ACM, NY. Details the design, procedures, and results of an experiment comparing Pie Menus with pull down menus. The experiment compared the selection time and error rate for choices from Pie and pull down menus of eight items. Menu tasks were classified by the type of their selections, as Pie type tasks, linear type tasks, and unclassified type tasks. Pie menus were shown to be significantly faster and more Directional Selection is Easy as Pie Menus! By Don Hopkins ;login: The USENIX Association Newsletter Volume 12, Number 5; September/October 1987; Page 31 Summary of the Work-in-Progress talk given at the 1987 Summer Usenix Conference in Phoenix. Covers some problems encountered and tricks learned in the implementation and testing of Pie Menus, proposed interaction techniques and applications, as well as philosophical discourse on choice grouping and placement, display style, and input asthetics. A Pie Menu Cookbook: Techniques for the Design of Circular Menus By Don Hopkins (Paper in preparation. Draft available from author.) Describes the design of efficient and easy to use pie menu selection techniques. Pie menus are a fast, accurate way of using a mouse to select from items displayed on the screen. They have several advantages over traditional linear menus, and many practical applications. Describes characteristics and distinctions of pie menus and gives examples of pie menu applications that take advantage of these qualities. Suggests general principles and heuristics for effective pie menu design, that can be applied to other applications.