* Birth Born in San Diego February 9, 1966. ** Lived in an Apartment in San Diego Lived in some apartment I don't really remember for a little bit. ** Lived in "New House" in San Diego. Moved to "New House". That's what I called it. I have memories of it. Peacocks in the back yard in a cage. There was a playhouse. A swing set, I think. There was a swingset in the kid's yard across the street. Remember swinging on the neato double swing on it, when my parents were visiting theirs. Spring water dispenser in the garage (?). It was empty, so I tried to refill it. Lifted a huge glass bottle, dropped it, and slashed the shit out of my hand. Blood gore. Went to the hospital, got lots of stitches. Still visible scar on left hand, complete with needle holes. ** Lived next to a canyon in San Diego. Remember going and seeing the house being built. It came with some neato bar stools. Dad had an office. Sliding windows. Weird smell in the bed room. Flew kites way high in the sky in the back yard with huge roll of waxed string that we bought when I bought my skeleton key at the hardware store, where I told the guy behind the counter that my dad let me try his cigar (that he lit in the Volvswagon cigarette lighter), and he said that was illegal. My father wouldn't let me in the door once. He said he didn't know who I was. He may have been wearing a cap with a propeller on it at the time. The kid next door (in the other direction) had a spook house made out of refrigerator boxes. He was the one who pushed me around in the stroller. Same one who stopped by with his mother (Aunt Peg) years later in Carabelle, and went fishing on the teacher's dock with Paul and I. The kid next door, who had a neat red grocery-bill-counter-upper (with four buttons), teased me about moving to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Remeber going to Cincinatti. Remember going to University of Kentucky campus. Rember going to Kentucky fair. With Deany Warren (kid with imaginary friend) and mom. Remeber camping with them at Mamoth Cave. Went thru cave. Saw no bats. Bought soveneer (sick) piece of limestone with sparkeled multicolor paint on it glued to styrofoam. ** Lived in Lexington Kentucky Lived next door to Morris. I remember him standing there in the driveway when we were just moving in, after driving astronomical distances in a Volks Wagon from San Diego. People across the back yard fence had a rabbit: "Bugs Bunny." Their mom made them eat their barf. The Warrens lived next door. They were horrible people. Shot bb's at our windows, One kid had rotten teeth. I gave him a banana for his birthday. The mom was a mean lady who was so fat she waddled. I called her fatso one day and she sprained her finger calling my mom on me on the phone. We had a party line. Once somebody called on the phone and asked me if I wanted a fire engine. I said oh yes, I want a fire engine! They told me that it would be parked outside my house. It never showed up. The man down the street was a fire man. I wanted to be one. He talked at my pre-school. He had a heart attack. There were other Warrens down the street. The kid at that house had an imaginary friend, and a huge stuffed bear. I mean HUGE. I went to the pre-school down the street. I walked there. Mrs. House was my teacher. I gave her a Greatest Teacher award when I graduated. They had school on Sunday, where we attended chaple. It was a religious school. I was bored Sundays. I remember when I choose my favorite colors. We had a project to do with crayons, and she said we should use our two favorite colors. I had to make up my mind, so I choose purple, and, more arbitrarily, red. She could not teach me the difference between a jacket and a coat. In the storage room full of games, I read the word "puzzle", and pronounced it as "pyoozle" as a joke. She was irritated, and corrected me. I realized this, so I kept pronouncing it "pyoozle." We made a big list of much more than 100 homonymn on a strip of paper on the wall. She had said that there were only 100 homonyms, but we topped that. I brough in Moose and Mousse. My mom helped me with that one. We took pieces of wood and nailed bottle tops onto them to make gears we could turn. The nails bent the tops a bit, and some of them were already bent, so they weren't exectly smooth meshing. My first homework was to go turn on a faucet and watch how the water runs. They taught us to skip in gym, but I was trotting. * Edmunds, Washington (near Seattle) * Derwood, Maryland (near Rockville) * Gaithersburg, Maryland * College Park, Maryland * Junior High School In junior high school, I got an Apple II, which caused me to stop hanging out at Radio Shack all the time. I went from Basic to 6502 assembly to Pascal to Logo to Forth. When I got a modem, I got an account on some of MIT's machines over the Arpanet. Learned Emacs, Lisp, Macsyma, started writing lots of terminal programs, and got hot and heavy into electronic mail. During high school, Mark Weiser gave me an account on Mimsy, the CSD's Vax. I used it to learn about C, Unix, networking, ZMob, and to supplant my social life. I worked in the attendance office in high school as a student assistant, hacking Image/Query on an HP3000. I wrote a small adventure game in Logo that Terrapin distributes with Commodore-64 Logo. I got a job hacking Forth for a company called Computer Challenges. I wrote an animation package and a graphics demo in Cap'n Software's [Crunch] Forth system (under DOS 3.2), created various utilities in 6502 assembly, and implemented a Forth-83 system for the Apple based on the old 6502 FIG-Forth (under DOS 3.3). Computer Challenges tried to screw me over, so I stopped working for them. On my own, I converted my Forth system to run under ProDOS, and wrote lots of nice things for it. Worked for Typerite for Selfware and Software Express Videotex for Karl Ginter. I graduated from high school, and started taking classes and the U of Md., majoring in Computer Science. At that point, I was hired by the CS Department, and worked on the systems staff, hacking, doing systems support, dumping, creating, installing, experimenting, and learning. I was chosen to be on the team of four to represent UMD at the 1984 ACM Capitol Regional programming contest, along with Chris Torek, James O'Toole, and Sergio Antoy. We won first place, and went on to the International ACM Scholastic Programming Contest in New Orleans, to take forth place. I won third place in a preliminary programming contest to choose the team to represent UMD at a contest at Drew University, where our team of four won third. I was also on the team of four from UMD that won third at the 1985 ACM Capitol Regional programming contest.