%          BtolPopup.ps v1.0
%     Date: January 17, 1990
%     Authors:
%             David G. Zawada
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             zawada@athens.ees.anl.gov
%             David C. Mak
%             EAIS-VIS
%             Argonne National Laboratory
%             mak@athens.ees.anl.gov
%	PopupItem.ps is the class definition for a new type
%	of cycle item.  Given a list of items, a PopupItem
%	allows for the selection of one of the items in the
%	list through a popup menu that it displays when it
%	is clicked on.  The function of a PopupItem is best
%	described by an example, so here's one...
/win framebuffer /new DefaultWindow send def
	20 dup 500 350 reshape

		(Popup Items) (by) (Dave Zawada)
			(and) (Dave Mak) (Argonne National Laboratory)
		{} ClientCanvas 0 0 /new BtolPopup send
				/ItemLabelFont /Times-Roman findfont 32 scalefont def
				/ItemFont /Helvetica findfont 32 scalefont def
				20 270 move  % move to specific location; let PopupItem handle scaling
				0 sethue
			} 1 index send

		[ (Option1) (Option2) (Option3) (Option4) (Option5) ]
		{} ClientCanvas 0 0 /new BtolPopup send
				/ItemLabelFont /Times-Roman findfont 18 scalefont def
				/ItemFont /Times-Roman findfont 14 scalefont def
				20 190 150 0 reshape  % scale and move yourself if desired
				0.3 sethue
			} 1 index send

			(Btol version 1.3) (coming) (SOON!!!)
			(watch news-makers)
		] {} ClientCanvas 0 0 /new BtolPopup send
			20 150 /move 3 index send
			true /setcycleon 2 index send
	] def

	/PaintClient { 0.7 0.7 0.7 rgbcolor fillcanvas items paintitems } def

	items forkitems pop
} win send