#include "surfmodl.h" void initial(argc,argv) int *argc; char **argv; { FILE * Infile; /* name of data input file */ int i; Xeye = 100.0; Yeye = -70.0; Zeye = 75.0; Xfocal = 0.0; Yfocal = 0.0; Zfocal = 0.0; Nlite = 1; Xlite[0] = 100.0; Ylite[0] = 30.0; Zlite[0] = 0.0; Intensity[0] = 0.7; Magnify = 1.0; Viewtype = 0; Interpolate = FALSE; Epsilon = 0.3; Shadowing = FALSE; XYadjust = 1.0; Showaxes = 0; Xaxislen = 0.0; Yaxislen = 0.0; Zaxislen = 0.0; Axiscolor = 1; Nwindow = 1; Mono = TRUE; Gxmax = 1000; Gymax = 1000; display = TRUE; drawing_style = DRAWING_STYLE_HIDDEN; Zcutfar = 1.e6; System = 1; #ifdef STDCGA System = 1; /* IBM PC */ Ngraphchar = 40; Gxmin = 5; Gxmax = 315; Gymin = 5; Gymax = 195; Ncolors = 3; #endif #ifdef SANYOIBM System = 2; /* Sanyo MBC-555 Hi-Res */ Ngraphchar = 80; if ( (System == 1) || (System == 3) ) { Gxmin = 5; Gxmax = 315; Gxmin = 5; Gxmax = 195; Ncolors = 3; } else { Gxmin = 10; Gxmax = 630; Gymin = 5; Gymax = 195; Ncolors = 7; } #endif #ifdef TOOLBOX /* Initialize the graphics first */ initgraphic(); leavegraphic(); System = 1; Ngraphchar = 0; Gxmin = 10; Gymin = 5; Gxmax = Xscreenmaxglb - 10; Gymax = Ymaxglb - 5; /* Assume only one available color, unless otherwise noted */ Ncolors = 1; #endif #ifdef TBCGA Ncolors = 3; #endif #ifdef HERCULES Ncolors = 1; #endif #ifdef EGA Ncolors = 15; #endif #ifdef Z100 Ncolors = 7; #endif #ifdef IBM3270 Ncolors = 15; #endif #ifdef ATT Ncolors = 15; #endif initialize(); /*Inifile[0] = ' '; */ /* Set the 'last' values */ Xelast = 0.0; Yelast = 0.0; Zelast = 0.0; Xflast = 0.0; Yflast = 0.0; Zflast = 0.0; Vtlast = 0; Maglast = 0.0; Sorted = FALSE; Fileread = FALSE; switch (*argc) { case 2: readfile (argv[1]); break; case 1: break; default: printf ("usage: SURFMODL [filename]\n"); exit(1); break; } /*case paramcount*/ Zcutnear = 0; /* move cut plane to eyepoint */ /* clrscr(); */ } /* procedure Initial */