LIST OF FILES ON THE SURFMODL DISTRIBUTION DISKETTES The following are documentation files for SURFMODL: README (Quick note on what to do, plus any last-minute updates) FILES.IDX (This file) SURFMOD1.DOC (The main SURFMODL documentation file) The following are all the source files for SURFMODL. Files with a .PRE extension must be preprocessed before being compiled (see the documentation files for details): SURFMODL.PRE (the main program file), INREAL.PAS, READINI.PRE, WRITEINI.PAS, READFILE.PAS, VIEWCHAN.PAS, INITIAL.PRE, ARCCOS.PAS, PERSPECT.PAS, NORMALIZ.PAS, COLORMOD.PAS, DRAWPLOT.PRE, BORDER.PAS, OPENWIN.PRE, GETKEY.PAS, LITEMENU.PAS, PARAMENU.PRE, MENU.PAS, MENUMSG.PAS, SETGMODE.PRE, WIREFRAM.PAS, ONSCREEN.PAS, STORLINE.PAS, SWAPS.PAS, SHELLPTS.PAS, FILLSURF.PAS, MINMAX.PAS, SHELSURF.PAS, SHADING.PAS, HIDNLINE.PAS, INLIMITS.PAS, CHEKSURF.PAS, SHADOWS.PAS, SURFACE.PAS, STORSHAD.PAS, INTRFILL.PAS, GOURAUD.PAS, SGRAPH.P, DRAWAXES.PAS The following are all the source files for PREPROC, the surface modeling preprocessor: PREPROC.PAS, EXTRUDE.PAS, INREAL.PAS, PATCH.PAS, PLANE.PAS, PREINIT.PAS, PREREAD.PAS, REFLECT.PAS, REVOLVE.PAS, SCSHROT.PAS, WRITEFIL.PAS The following are miscellaneous source files: MPREP.PAS (Source to the macro preprocessor, of no relation to PREPROC) FEM2SURF.BAS (Example of how to convert finite element data for SURFMODL) FUNC3D.PAS (Example of creating raw data for displaying a 3-D function) FUNC2SUR.BAS (Program to convert FUNC3D output to SURFMODL format) ERROR.MSG (Turbo Graphix Toolbox error message file -- must have this in the current directory when executing a toolbox version of SURFMODL) The following are all executable files: SURFMODL.COM (SURFMODL for the IBM CGA and the Sanyo MBC-55x) SURFMODL.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFMCGA.COM (SURFMODL for CGA - for IBM incompatibles) (use this version only if SURFMODL.COM won't run) SURFMCGA.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFMEGA.COM (SURFMODL for the IBM EGA) SURFMEGA.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFMHGC.COM (SURFMODL for the Hercules graphics board) SURFMHGC.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFMZ10.COM (SURFMODL for the Heath/Zenith Z-100) SURFMZ10.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFM327.COM (SURFMODL for the IBM 3270) SURFM327.000 (Overlay file for same) SURFMATT.COM (SURFMODL for the AT&T 6300) SURFMATT.000 (Overlay file for same) PREPROC.COM (SURFMODL general-purpose preprocessor) MPREP.COM (Macro preprocessor for compiling SURFMODL) The following are all example data files for use with SURFMODL: CUBE (A VERY simple data file, to get you started) CUBE.INI (Initialization file for CUBE) FAN.IN (An example of a PREPROC data file) FAN (The output from PREPROC if you use FAN.IN, ready for SURFMODL) FAN.INI (Initialization file for FAN) MARYELLN (Data file for my wife's face) MARYELLN.INI (Initialization file for MARYELLN) ROBOT2 (Data file for the Puma Educational Robot) ROBOT2.INI (Initialization file for ROBOT2) TETRA (Another simple data file - a tetrahedron) TETRA.INI (Initialization file for TETRA) PARABOLA (Parabola data file, made using FUNC3D.PAS and FUNC2SUR.BAS) PARABOLA.INI (Initialization file for PARABOLA) The following are example batch files for using MPREP to prepare SURFMODL for compilation: RECOMPIL.BAT (For the standard CGA version) RECOMEGA.BAT (For the EGA Toolbox version) RECOMHGC.BAT (For the Hercules Toolbox version) RECOMZ10.BAT (For the Heath/Zenith Z100 Toolbox version)