/* * * G N U P L O T -- term.c * * Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Colin Kelley, Thomas Williams * * You may use this code as you wish if credit is given and this message * is retained. * * Please e-mail any useful additions to vu-vlsi!plot so they may be * included in later releases. * * This file should be edited with 4-column tabs! (:set ts=4 sw=4 in vi) */ #include #include "plot.h" char *getenv(); extern FILE *outfile; extern BOOLEAN term_init; extern int term; extern char input_line[]; extern struct lexical_unit token[]; extern struct termentry term_tbl[]; extern char outstr[]; extern pauseon; #define NICE_LINE 0 #define POINT_TYPES 6 do_point(x,y,number) int x,y; int number; { register int htic,vtic; register struct termentry *t; number %= POINT_TYPES; t = &term_tbl[term]; htic = (t->h_tic/2); /* should be in term_tbl[] in later version */ vtic = (t->v_tic/2); if ( x < t->h_tic || y < t->v_tic || x >= t->xmax-t->h_tic || y >= t->ymax-t->v_tic ) return; /* add clipping in later version maybe */ switch(number) { case 0: /* do diamond */ (*t->move)(x-htic,y); (*t->vector)(x,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y); (*t->vector)(x,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y); (*t->move)(x,y); (*t->vector)(x,y); break; case 1: /* do plus */ (*t->move)(x-htic,y); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y); (*t->move)(x,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x,y+vtic); break; case 2: /* do box */ (*t->move)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->move)(x,y); (*t->vector)(x,y); break; case 3: /* do X */ (*t->move)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y+vtic); (*t->move)(x-htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y-vtic); break; case 4: /* do triangle */ (*t->move)(x,y+(4*vtic/3)); (*t->vector)(x-(4*htic/3),y-(2*vtic/3)); (*t->vector)(x+(4*htic/3),y-(2*vtic/3)); (*t->vector)(x,y+(4*vtic/3)); (*t->move)(x,y); (*t->vector)(x,y); break; case 5: /* do star */ (*t->move)(x-htic,y); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y); (*t->move)(x,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x,y+vtic); (*t->move)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y-vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y+vtic); (*t->move)(x-htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x-htic,y+vtic); (*t->vector)(x+htic,y-vtic); break; } } /* * general point routine */ line_and_point(x,y,number) int x,y,number; { /* temporary(?) kludge to allow terminals with bad linetypes to make nice marks */ (*term_tbl[term].linetype)(NICE_LINE); do_point(x,y,number); } #ifdef PC static char near buf[80]; /* kludge since EGA.LIB is compiled SMALL */ static int pattern[] = {0xffff, 0x0f0f, 0xffff, 0xaaaa, 0x3333, 0x3f3f, 0x0f0f}; static int graphics_on = FALSE; int startx, starty; pause() /* press any key to continue... */ { while (kbhit()) (void) getch(); /* flush the keyboard buffer */ while (!kbhit()) ; } PC_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { PC_curloc(24-row,78-strlen(str)); PC_puts(str); } PC_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { PC_curloc(row+1,2); PC_puts(str); } PC_text() { if (graphics_on) { graphics_on = FALSE; pause(); } Vmode(3); } PC_reset() { } #define CGA_XMAX 640 #define CGA_YMAX 200 #define CGA_XLAST (CGA_XMAX - 1) #define CGA_YLAST (CGA_YMAX - 1) #define CGA_VCHAR 8 #define CGA_HCHAR 8 #define CGA_VTIC 2 #define CGA_HTIC 3 CGA_init() { PC_color(1); /* monochrome */ } CGA_graphics() { graphics_on = TRUE; Vmode(6); } #define CGA_text PC_text CGA_linetype(linetype) { if (linetype >= 5) linetype %= 5; PC_mask(pattern[linetype+2]); } CGA_move(x,y) { startx = x; starty = y; } CGA_vector(x,y) { PC_line(startx,CGA_YLAST-starty,x,CGA_YLAST-y); startx = x; starty = y; } #define CGA_lrput_text PC_lrput_text #define CGA_ulput_text PC_ulput_text #define CGA_reset PC_reset #define EGA_XMAX 640 #define EGA_YMAX 350 #define EGA_XLAST (EGA_XMAX - 1) #define EGA_YLAST (EGA_YMAX - 1) #define EGA_VCHAR 14 #define EGA_HCHAR 8 #define EGA_VTIC 5 #define EGA_HTIC 5 static int ega64color[] = {1,1,5,4,3,5,4,3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3,5}; static int ega256color[] = {1,8,2,3,4,5,9,14,12,15,13,10,11,7,6}; static int *egacolor; EGA_init() { PC_mask(0xffff); egacolor = ega256color; /* should be smarter */ } EGA_graphics() { graphics_on = TRUE; Vmode(16); } #define EGA_text PC_text EGA_linetype(linetype) { if (linetype >= 13) linetype %= 13; PC_color(egacolor[linetype+2]); } EGA_move(x,y) { startx = x; starty = y; } EGA_vector(x,y) { PC_line(startx,EGA_YLAST-starty,x,EGA_YLAST-y); startx = x; starty = y; } #define EGA_lrput_text PC_lrput_text #define EGA_ulput_text PC_ulput_text #define EGA_reset PC_reset #ifdef EGALIB #define EGALIB_XMAX 640 #define EGALIB_YMAX 350 #define EGALIB_XLAST (EGA_XMAX - 1) #define EGALIB_YLAST (EGA_YMAX - 1) #define EGALIB_VCHAR 14 #define EGALIB_HCHAR 8 #define EGALIB_VTIC 4 #define EGALIB_HTIC 5 #include "mcega.h" EGALIB_init() { GPPARMS(); if (GDTYPE != 5) { term = 0; int_error("color EGA board not found",NO_CARET); } egacolor = (GDMEMORY < 256) ? ega64color : ega256color; } EGALIB_graphics() { graphics_on = TRUE; GPINIT(); } EGALIB_text() { if (graphics_on) { graphics_on = FALSE; pause(); } GPTERM(); } EGALIB_linetype(linetype) { if (linetype >= 13) linetype %= 13; GPCOLOR(egacolor[linetype+2]); } EGALIB_move(x,y) { GPMOVE(x,GDMAXROW-y); } EGALIB_vector(x,y) { GPLINE(x,GDMAXROW-y); } EGALIB_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { strcpy((char far *)buf,str); GotoXY(78-strlen(str),24-row); gprintf(buf); } EGALIB_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { strcpy((char far *)buf,str); GotoXY(2,row+1); gprintf(buf); } #define EGALIB_reset PC_reset #endif /* EGALIB */ #ifdef HERCULES #define HERC_XMAX 720 #define HERC_YMAX 348 #define HERC_XLAST (HERC_XMAX - 1) #define HERC_YLAST (HERC_YMAX - 1) #define HERC_VCHAR 8 #define HERC_HCHAR 8 #define HERC_VTIC 4 #define HERC_HTIC 4 HERC_init() { } HERC_graphics() { HVmode(1); graphics_on = TRUE; } HERC_text() { if (graphics_on) { graphics_on = FALSE; pause(); } HVmode(0); } HERC_linetype(linetype) { if (linetype >= 5) linetype %= 5; H_mask(pattern[linetype+2]); } HERC_move(x,y) { if (x < 0) startx = 0; else if (x > HERC_XLAST) startx = HERC_XLAST; else startx = x; if (y < 0) starty = 0; else if (y > HERC_YLAST) starty = HERC_YLAST; else starty = y; } HERC_vector(x,y) { if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > HERC_XLAST) x = HERC_XLAST; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > HERC_YLAST) y = HERC_YLAST; H_line(startx,HERC_YLAST-starty,x,HERC_YLAST-y); startx = x; starty = y; } HERC_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { H_puts(str, 41-row, 87-strlen(str)); } HERC_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { H_puts(str, row+1, 2); } #define HERC_reset PC_reset #endif /* HERCULES */ /* thanks to sask!macphed (Geoff Coleman and Ian Macphedran) for the ATT 6300 driver */ #ifdef ATT6300 #define ATT_XMAX 640 #define ATT_YMAX 400 #define ATT_XLAST (ATT_XMAX - 1) #define ATT_YLAST (ATT_YMAX - 1) #define ATT_VCHAR 8 #define ATT_HCHAR 8 #define ATT_VTIC 3 #define ATT_HTIC 3 #define ATT_init CGA_init ATT_graphics() { graphics_on = TRUE; Vmode(0x40); /* 40H is the magic number for the AT&T driver */ } #define ATT_text CGA_text #define ATT_linetype CGA_linetype #define ATT_move CGA_move ATT_vector(x,y) { PC_line(startx,ATT_YLAST-starty,x,ATT_YLAST-y); startx = x; starty = y; } #define ATT_lrput_text PC_lrput_text #define ATT_ulput_text PC_ulput_text #define ATT_reset CGA_reset #endif /* ATT6300 */ #ifdef CORONA #define COR_XMAX 640 #define COR_YMAX 325 #define COR_XLAST (COR_XMAX - 1) #define COR_YLAST (COR_YMAX - 1) #define COR_VCHAR 13 #define COR_HCHAR 8 #define COR_VTIC 4 #define COR_HTIC 4 static int corscreen; /* screen number, 0 - 7 */ COR_init() { register char *p; if (!(p = getenv("CORSCREEN"))) int_error("must run CORPLOT for Corona graphics",NO_CARET); corscreen = *p - '0'; } COR_graphics() { graphics_on = TRUE; Vmode(3); /* clear text screen */ grinit(corscreen); grandtx(); } COR_text() { if (graphics_on) { graphics_on = FALSE; pause(); } grreset(); txonly(); Vmode(3); } COR_linetype(linetype) { if (linetype >= 5) linetype %= 5; Cor_mask(pattern[linetype+2]); } COR_move(x,y) { if (x < 0) startx = 0; else if (x > COR_XLAST) startx = COR_XLAST; else startx = x; if (y < 0) starty = 0; else if (y > COR_YLAST) starty = COR_YLAST; else starty = y; } COR_vector(x,y) { if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x > COR_XLAST) x = COR_XLAST; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > COR_YLAST) y = COR_YLAST; Cor_line(startx,COR_YLAST-starty,x,COR_YLAST-y); startx = x; starty = y; } #define COR_lrput_text PC_lrput_text #define COR_ulput_text PC_ulput_text #define COR_reset PC_reset #endif /* CORONA */ #endif /* PC */ #ifdef AED #define AED_XMAX 768 #define AED_YMAX 575 #define AED_XLAST (AED_XMAX - 1) #define AED_YLAST (AED_YMAX - 1) #define AED_VCHAR 13 #define AED_HCHAR 8 #define AED_VTIC 8 #define AED_HTIC 7 /* slightly different for AED 512 */ #define AED5_XMAX 512 #define AED5_XLAST (AED5_XMAX - 1) AED_init() { fprintf(outfile, "\033SEN3DDDN.SEC.7.SCT."); /* 2 3 4 5 7 6 1 1. Clear Screen 2. Set Encoding 3. Set Default Color 4. Set Backround Color Table Entry 5. Set Backround Color 6. Move to Bottom Lefthand Corner 7. Anti-Alias Vectors */ } AED_graphics() { fprintf(outfile,"\033FFD\033"); } AED_text() { fprintf(outfile,"\033MOV.0.9.SEC.7.XXX"); } AED_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { static int color[2+9] = { 7, 1, 6, 2, 3, 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 5 }; static int type[2+9] = { 85, 85, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 85, 85, 85, 85 }; if (linetype >= 10) linetype %= 10; fprintf(outfile,"\033SLS%d.255.",type[linetype+2]); fprintf(outfile,"\033SEC%d.",color[linetype+2]); } AED_move(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"\033MOV%d.%d.",x,y); } AED_vector(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"\033DVA%d.%d.",x,y); } AED_lrput_text(row,str) /* write text to screen while still in graphics mode */ int row; char str[]; { AED_move(AED_XMAX-((strlen(str)+2)*AED_HCHAR),AED_VTIC+AED_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\033XXX%s\033",str); } AED5_lrput_text(row,str) /* same, but for AED 512 */ int row; char str[]; { AED_move(AED5_XMAX-((strlen(str)+2)*AED_HCHAR),AED_VTIC+AED_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\033XXX%s\033",str); } AED_ulput_text(row,str) /* write text to screen while still in graphics mode */ int row; char str[]; { AED_move(AED_HTIC*2,AED_YMAX-AED_VTIC-AED_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\033XXX%s\033",str); } #define hxt (AED_HTIC/2) #define hyt (AED_VTIC/2) AED_reset() { fprintf(outfile,"\033SCT0."); } #endif /* AED */ /* thanks to dukecdu!evs (Ed Simpson) for the BBN BitGraph driver */ #ifdef BITGRAPH #define BG_XMAX 768 /* width of plot area */ #define BG_YMAX 768 /* height of plot area */ #define BG_SCREEN_HEIGHT 1024 /* full screen height */ #define BG_XLAST (BG_XMAX - 1) #define BG_YLAST (BG_YMAX - 1) #define BG_VCHAR 16 #define BG_HCHAR 9 #define BG_VTIC 8 #define BG_HTIC 8 #define BG_init TEK40init #define BG_graphics TEK40graphics #define BG_linetype TEK40linetype #define BG_move TEK40move #define BG_vector TEK40vector BG_text() { BG_move(0, BG_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2 * BG_VCHAR); fprintf(outfile,"\037"); /* 1 1. into alphanumerics */ } BG_lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { BG_move(BG_XMAX - BG_HTIC - BG_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), BG_VTIC + BG_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\037%s\n",str); } BG_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { BG_move(BG_HTIC, BG_YMAX - BG_VTIC - BG_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\037%s\n",str); } #define BG_reset TEK40reset #endif /* BITGRAPH */ /* thanks to hplvlch!ch (Chuck Heller) for the HP2623A driver */ #ifdef HP26 #define HP26_XMAX 512 #define HP26_YMAX 390 #define HP26_XLAST (HP26_XMAX - 1) #define HP26_YLAST (HP26_XMAX - 1) /* Assume a character size of 1, or a 7 x 10 grid. */ #define HP26_VCHAR 10 #define HP26_HCHAR 7 #define HP26_VTIC (HP26_YMAX/70) #define HP26_HTIC (HP26_XMAX/75) HP26_init() { /* The HP2623A needs no initialization. */ } HP26_graphics() { /* Clear and enable the display */ fputs("\033*daZ\033*dcZ",outfile); } HP26_text() { fputs("\033*dT",outfile); /* back to text mode */ } HP26_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { #define SOLID 1 #define LINE4 4 #define LINE5 5 #define LINE6 6 #define LINE8 8 #define DOTS 7 #define LINE9 9 #define LINE10 10 static int map[2+9] = { SOLID, /* border */ SOLID, /* axes */ DOTS, /* plot 0 */ LINE4, /* plot 1 */ LINE5, /* plot 2 */ LINE6, /* plot 3 */ LINE8, /* plot 4 */ LINE9, /* plot 5 */ LINE10, /* plot 6 */ SOLID, /* plot 7 */ SOLID /* plot 8 */ }; if (linetype >= 9) linetype %= 9; fprintf(outfile,"\033*m%dB",map[linetype + 2]); } HP26_move(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"\033*pa%d,%dZ",x,y); } HP26_vector(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"\033*pb%d,%dZ",x,y); } HP26_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { HP26_move(HP26_XMAX-HP26_HTIC*2,HP26_VTIC*2+HP26_VCHAR*row); HP26_move(HP26_XMAX-HP26_HTIC*2,HP26_VTIC*2+HP26_VCHAR*row); fputs("\033*dS",outfile); fprintf(outfile,"\033*m7Q\033*l%s\n",str); fputs("\033*dT",outfile); } HP26_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { HP26_move(HP26_HTIC*2,HP26_YMAX-HP26_VTIC*2-HP26_VCHAR*row); fputs("\033*dS",outfile); fprintf(outfile,"\033*m3Q\033*l%s\n",str); fputs("\033*dT",outfile); } HP26_reset() { } #endif /* HP26 */ #ifdef HP75 #define HP75_XMAX 6000 #define HP75_YMAX 6000 #define HP75_XLAST (HP75_XMAX - 1) #define HP75_YLAST (HP75_XMAX - 1) /* HP75_VCHAR, HP75_HCHAR are not used */ #define HP75_VCHAR (HP75_YMAX/20) #define HP75_HCHAR (HP75_XMAX/20) #define HP75_VTIC (HP75_YMAX/70) #define HP75_HTIC (HP75_XMAX/75) HP75_init() { fprintf(outfile, "IN;\033.P1:SC0,%d,0,%d;\n;IP;SI0.2137,0.2812;\n", HP75_XMAX,HP75_YMAX); /* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. turn on eavesdropping 2. reset to power-up defaults 3. enable XON/XOFF flow control 4. set SCaling to 2000 x 2000 5. rotate page 90 degrees 6. ??? 7. set some character set stuff */ } HP75_graphics() { /* 1 fputs("\033.Y",outfile); 1. enable eavesdropping */ } HP75_text() { fputs("NR;\033.Z",outfile); /* 1 2 1. go into 'view' mode 2. disable plotter eavesdropping */ } HP75_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { fprintf(outfile,"SP%d;\n",(linetype+3)%8); } HP75_move(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"PU%d,%d;\n",x,y); } HP75_vector(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"PD%d,%d;\n",x,y); } HP75_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { HP75_move(HP75_XMAX-HP75_HTIC*2,HP75_VTIC*2+HP75_VCHAR*row); fprintf(outfile,"LO17;LB%s\003\n",str); } HP75_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { HP75_move(HP75_HTIC*2,HP75_YMAX-HP75_VTIC*2-HP75_VCHAR*row); fprintf(outfile,"LO13;LB%s\003\n",str); } HP75_reset() { } #endif /* HP75 */ #ifdef NEWS #include "term.h" #define NeWS_XMAX 540 #define NeWS_YMAX 720 #define NeWS_XLAST (NeWS_XMAX - 1) #define NeWS_YLAST (NeWS_YMAX - 1) #define NeWS_VCHAR (NeWS_YMAX/30) #define NeWS_HCHAR (NeWS_XMAX/72) #define NeWS_VTIC (NeWS_YMAX/80) #define NeWS_HTIC (NeWS_XMAX/80) NeWS_init() { if (ps_open_PostScript() == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Gnuplot: Cannot connect to window server\n"); exit(0); } ps_initialize("GNUPLOT", NeWS_XMAX, NeWS_YMAX); ps_findfont("Times-Roman"); ps_scalefont(14); ps_setfont(); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_init(); } NeWS_graphics() { ps_newpath(); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_graphics(); } NeWS_text() { ps_display(); ps_flush_PostScript(); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_text(); if (pauseon) { printf("next frame?"); getchar(); } } NeWS_move(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { ps_moveto(x,y); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_move(x,y); } NeWS_vector(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { ps_lineto(x,y); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_vector(x,y); } NeWS_linetype(linetype) int linetype ; { /* cdef ps_setdash(string s) stroke [s {cvi} forall] 0 setdash */ switch ((linetype+2)%7) { case 0 : /* solid. */ case 2 : (void) ps_setdash(""); break ; case 1 : /* longdashed. */ case 6 : (void) ps_setdash("9 3") ; break ; case 3 : (void) ps_setdash("3") ; /* dotted. */ break ; case 4 : (void) ps_setdash("6 3") ; /* shortdashed. */ break ; case 5 : (void) ps_setdash("3 3 6 3") ; /* dotdashed. */ } if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_linetype(linetype); } NeWS_lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row ; char str[] ; { (void) ps_moveto(NeWS_XMAX - NeWS_HTIC - NeWS_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), NeWS_VTIC + NeWS_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; (void) ps_show(str); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_lrput_text(row,str); } NeWS_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row ; char str[] ; { (void) ps_moveto(NeWS_HTIC, NeWS_YMAX - NeWS_VTIC - NeWS_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; (void) ps_show(str); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_ulput_text(row,str); } NeWS_reset() { ps_close_PostScript(); if(strncmp(outstr,"STDOUT",6)) PS_reset(); } #endif /* NEWS*/ /* thanks to richb@yarra.OZ (Rich Burridge) for the Postscript driver */ #ifdef POSTSCRIPT #define PS_XMAX 540 #define PS_YMAX 540 #define PS_XLAST (PS_XMAX - 1) #define PS_YLAST (PS_YMAX - 1) #define PS_VCHAR (PS_YMAX/30) #define PS_HCHAR (PS_XMAX/72) #define PS_VTIC (PS_YMAX/80) #define PS_HTIC (PS_XMAX/80) PS_init() { (void) fprintf(outfile,"%%!\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"36 36 translate\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"/mv {exch moveto} def\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"/ln {exch lineto} def\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"0.25 setlinewidth\n") ; } PS_graphics() { (void) fprintf(outfile,"newpath\n") ; } PS_text() { (void) fprintf(outfile,"stroke\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"showpage\n") ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"36 36 translate\n"); } PS_linetype(linetype) int linetype ; { (void) fprintf(outfile,"stroke [") ; switch ((linetype+2)%7) { case 0 : /* solid. */ case 2 : break ; case 1 : /* longdashed. */ case 6 : (void) fprintf(outfile,"9 3") ; break ; case 3 : (void) fprintf(outfile,"3") ; /* dotted. */ break ; case 4 : (void) fprintf(outfile,"6 3") ; /* shortdashed. */ break ; case 5 : (void) fprintf(outfile,"3 3 6 3") ; /* dotdashed. */ } (void) fprintf(outfile,"] 0 setdash\n") ; } PS_move(x,y) unsigned int x,y ; { (void) fprintf(outfile,"%1d %1d mv\n",y,x) ; } PS_vector(x,y) unsigned int x,y ; { (void) fprintf(outfile,"%1d %1d ln\n",y,x) ; } PS_lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row ; char str[] ; { PS_move(PS_XMAX - PS_HTIC - PS_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), PS_VTIC + PS_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"(%s) show\n",str) ; } PS_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row ; char str[] ; { PS_move(PS_HTIC, PS_YMAX - PS_VTIC - PS_VCHAR*(row+1)) ; (void) fprintf(outfile,"(%s) show\n",str) ; } PS_reset() { } #endif /* POSTSCRIPT */ #ifdef QMS #define QMS_XMAX 9000 #define QMS_YMAX 6000 #define QMS_XLAST (QMS_XMAX - 1) #define QMS_YLAST (QMS_YMAX - 1) #define QMS_VCHAR 120 #define QMS_HCHAR 75 #define QMS_VTIC 70 #define QMS_HTIC 70 QMS_init() { /* This was just ^IOL, but at Rutgers at least we need some more stuff */ fprintf(outfile,"^PY^-\n^IOL\n^ISYNTAX00000^F^IB11000^IJ00000^IT00000\n"); } QMS_graphics() { fprintf(outfile,"^IGV\n"); } QMS_text() { /* added ^-, because ^, after an ^I command doesn't actually print a page */ /* Did anybody try this code out? [uhh...-cdk] */ fprintf(outfile,"^IGE\n^-^,"); } QMS_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { static int width[2+9] = {7, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7}; /* * I don't know about Villanova, but on our printer, using ^V without * previously setting up a pattern crashes the microcode. * [nope, doesn't crash here. -cdk] */ static int type[2+9] = {0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 5}; if (linetype >= 9) linetype %= 9; fprintf(outfile,"^PW%02d\n^V%x\n",width[linetype+2], type[linetype+2]); } QMS_move(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"^U%05d:%05d\n", 1000 + x, QMS_YLAST + 1000 - y); } QMS_vector(x2,y2) int x2,y2; { fprintf(outfile,"^D%05d:%05d\n", 1000 + x2, QMS_YLAST + 1000 - y2); } QMS_lrput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { QMS_move(QMS_XMAX-QMS_HTIC-QMS_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), QMS_VTIC+QMS_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"^IGE\n%s\n^IGV\n",str); } QMS_ulput_text(row,str) int row; char str[]; { QMS_move(QMS_HTIC*2,QMS_YMAX-QMS_VTIC-QMS_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"^IGE\n%s\n^IGV\n",str); } QMS_reset() { /* add ^- just in case last thing was ^I command */ fprintf(outfile,"^-^,\n"); } #endif /* QMS */ #ifdef REGIS #define REGISXMAX 800 #define REGISYMAX 440 #define REGISXLAST (REGISXMAX - 1) #define REGISYLAST (REGISYMAX - 1) #define REGISVCHAR 20 #define REGISHCHAR 8 #define REGISVTIC 8 #define REGISHTIC 6 REGISinit() { fprintf(outfile,"\033[r\033[24;1H"); /* 1 2 1. reset scrolling region 2. locate cursor on bottom line */ } /* thanks to calmasd!dko (Dan O'Neill) for adding S(E) for vt125s */ REGISgraphics() { fprintf(outfile,"\033[2J\033P1pS(C0)S(E)"); /* 1 2 3 4 1. clear screen 2. enter ReGIS graphics 3. turn off graphics diamond cursor 4. clear graphics screen */ } REGIStext() { fprintf(outfile,"\033\\\033[24;1H"); /* 1 2 1. Leave ReGIS graphics mode 2. locate cursor on last line of screen */ } REGISlinetype(linetype) int linetype; { /* This will change color in order G,R,B,G-dot,R-dot,B-dot */ static int in_map[9 + 2] = {2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1}; static int lt_map[9 + 2] = {1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6}; if (linetype >= 9) linetype %= 9; fprintf(outfile, "W(I%d)", in_map[linetype + 2]); fprintf(outfile, "W(P%d)", lt_map[linetype + 2]); } REGISmove(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"P[%d,%d]",x,REGISYLAST-y,x,REGISYLAST-y); } REGISvector(x,y) int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"v[]v[%d,%d]",x,REGISYLAST - y); /* the initial v[] is needed to get the first pixel plotted */ } REGISlrput_text(row,str) int row; char *str; { REGISmove(REGISXMAX-REGISHTIC-REGISHCHAR*(strlen(str)+3), REGISVTIC+REGISVCHAR*(row+1)); (void) putc('T',outfile); (void) putc('\'',outfile); while (*str) { (void) putc(*str,outfile); if (*str == '\'') (void) putc('\'',outfile); /* send out another one */ str++; } (void) putc('\'',outfile); } REGISulput_text(row,str) int row; char *str; { REGISmove(REGISVTIC,REGISYMAX-REGISVTIC*2-REGISVCHAR*row); (void) putc('T',outfile); (void) putc('\'',outfile); while (*str) { (void) putc(*str,outfile); if (*str == '\'') (void) putc('\'',outfile); /* send out another one */ str++; } (void) putc('\'',outfile); } REGISreset() { fprintf(outfile,"\033[2J\033[24;1H"); } #endif /* REGIS */ /* thanks to sask!macphed (Geoff Coleman and Ian Macphedran) for the Selanar driver */ #ifdef SELANAR SEL_init() { fprintf(outfile,"\033\062"); /* 1 1. set to ansi mode */ } SEL_graphics() { fprintf(outfile,"\033[H\033[J\033\061\033\014"); /* 1 2 3 1. clear ANSI screen 2. set to TEK mode 3. clear screen */ } SEL_text() { TEK40move(0,12); fprintf(outfile,"\033\062"); /* 1 1. into ANSI mode */ } SEL_reset() { fprintf(outfile,"\033\061\033\012\033\062\033[H\033[J"); /* 1 2 3 4 1 set tek mode 2 clear screen 3 set ansi mode 4 clear screen */ } #endif /* SELANAR */ #ifdef TEK #define TEK40XMAX 1024 #define TEK40YMAX 780 #define TEK40XLAST (TEK40XMAX - 1) #define TEK40YLAST (TEK40YMAX - 1) #define TEK40VCHAR 25 #define TEK40HCHAR 14 #define TEK40VTIC 11 #define TEK40HTIC 11 #define HX 0x20 /* bit pattern to OR over 5-bit data */ #define HY 0x20 #define LX 0x40 #define LY 0x60 #define LOWER5 31 #define UPPER5 (31<<5) TEK40init() { } TEK40graphics() { fprintf(outfile,"\033\014"); /* 1 1. clear screen */ } TEK40text() { TEK40move(0,12); fprintf(outfile,"\037"); /* 1 1. into alphanumerics */ if (pauseon) { printf("next frame?"); getchar(); } } TEK40linetype(linetype) int linetype; { } TEK40move(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { (void) putc('\035', outfile); /* into graphics */ TEK40vector(x,y); } TEK40vector(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { (void) putc((HY | (y & UPPER5)>>5), outfile); (void) putc((LY | (y & LOWER5)), outfile); (void) putc((HX | (x & UPPER5)>>5), outfile); (void) putc((LX | (x & LOWER5)), outfile); } TEK40lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { TEK40move(TEK40XMAX - TEK40HTIC - TEK40HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), TEK40VTIC + TEK40VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\037%s\n",str); } TEK40ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { TEK40move(TEK40HTIC, TEK40YMAX - TEK40VTIC - TEK40VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"\037%s\n",str); } TEK40reset() { } #endif /* TEK */ #ifdef V384 /* * thanks to roland@moncskermit.OZ (Roland Yap) for this driver * * Vectrix 384 driver - works with tandy color printer as well * in reverse printing 8 color mode. * This doesn't work on Vectrix 128 because it redefines the * color table. It can be hacked to work on the 128 by changing * the colours but then it will probably not print best. The color * table is purposely designed so that it will print well * */ #define V384_XMAX 630 #define V384_YMAX 480 #define V384_XLAST (V384_XMAX - 1) #define V384_YLAST (V384_YMAX - 1) #define V384_VCHAR 12 #define V384_HCHAR 7 #define V384_VTIC 8 #define V384_HTIC 7 V384_init() { fprintf(outfile,"%c%c G0 \n",27,18); fprintf(outfile,"Q 0 8\n"); fprintf(outfile,"0 0 0\n"); fprintf(outfile,"255 0 0\n"); fprintf(outfile,"0 255 0\n"); fprintf(outfile,"0 0 255\n"); fprintf(outfile,"0 255 255\n"); fprintf(outfile,"255 0 255\n"); fprintf(outfile,"255 255 0\n"); fprintf(outfile,"255 255 255\n"); } V384_graphics() { fprintf(outfile,"%c%c E0 RE N 65535\n",27,18); } V384_text() { fprintf(outfile,"%c%c\n",27,17); } V384_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { static int color[]= { 1 /* red */, 2 /* green */, 3 /* blue */, 4 /* cyan */, 5 /* magenta */, 6 /* yellow */, /* not a good color so not in use at the moment */ 7 /* white */ }; if (linetype < 0) linetype=6; else linetype %= 5; fprintf(outfile,"C %d\n",color[linetype]); } V384_move(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"M %d %d\n",x+20,y); } V384_vector(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { fprintf(outfile,"L %d %d\n",x+20,y); } V384_lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { V384_move(V384_XMAX - V384_HTIC - V384_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), V384_VTIC + V384_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"$%s\n",str); } V384_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { V384_move(V384_HTIC, V384_YMAX - V384_VTIC - V384_VCHAR*(row+1)); fprintf(outfile,"$%s\n",str); } V384_reset() { } #endif /* V384 */ #ifdef UNIXPLOT #define UP_XMAX 4096 #define UP_YMAX 4096 #define UP_XLAST (UP_XMAX - 1) #define UP_YLAST (UP_YMAX - 1) #define UP_VCHAR (UP_YMAX/30) #define UP_HCHAR (UP_XMAX/72) /* just a guess--no way to know this! */ #define UP_VTIC (UP_YMAX/80) #define UP_HTIC (UP_XMAX/80) UP_init() { openpl(); space(0, 0, UP_XMAX, UP_YMAX); } UP_graphics() { erase(); } UP_text() { } UP_linetype(linetype) int linetype; { static char *lt[2+5] = {"solid", "longdashed", "solid", "dotted","shortdashed", "dotdashed", "longdashed"}; if (linetype >= 5) linetype %= 5; linemod(lt[linetype+2]); } UP_move(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { move(x,y); } UP_vector(x,y) unsigned int x,y; { cont(x,y); } UP_lrput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { move(UP_XMAX - UP_HTIC - UP_HCHAR*(strlen(str)+1), UP_VTIC + UP_VCHAR*(row+1)); label(str); } UP_ulput_text(row,str) unsigned int row; char str[]; { UP_move(UP_HTIC, UP_YMAX - UP_VTIC - UP_VCHAR*(row+1)); label(str); } UP_reset() { closepl(); } #endif /* UNIXPLOT */ UNKNOWN_null() { } /* * term_tbl[] contains an entry for each terminal. "unknown" must be the * first, since term is initialized to 0. */ struct termentry term_tbl[] = { {"unknown", 100, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null, UNKNOWN_null} #ifdef PC ,{"cga", CGA_XMAX, CGA_YMAX, CGA_VCHAR, CGA_HCHAR, CGA_VTIC, CGA_HTIC, CGA_init, CGA_reset, CGA_text, CGA_graphics, CGA_move, CGA_vector, CGA_linetype, CGA_lrput_text, CGA_ulput_text, line_and_point} ,{"egabios", EGA_XMAX, EGA_YMAX, EGA_VCHAR, EGA_HCHAR, EGA_VTIC, EGA_HTIC, EGA_init, EGA_reset, EGA_text, EGA_graphics, EGA_move, EGA_vector, EGA_linetype, EGA_lrput_text, EGA_ulput_text, do_point} #ifdef EGALIB ,{"egalib", EGALIB_XMAX, EGALIB_YMAX, EGALIB_VCHAR, EGALIB_HCHAR, EGALIB_VTIC, EGALIB_HTIC, EGALIB_init, EGALIB_reset, EGALIB_text, EGALIB_graphics, EGALIB_move, EGALIB_vector, EGALIB_linetype, EGALIB_lrput_text, EGALIB_ulput_text, do_point} #endif #ifdef HERCULES ,{"hercules", HERC_XMAX, HERC_YMAX, HERC_VCHAR, HERC_HCHAR, HERC_VTIC, HERC_HTIC, HERC_init, HERC_reset, HERC_text, HERC_graphics, HERC_move, HERC_vector, HERC_linetype, HERC_lrput_text, HERC_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif /* HERCULES */ #ifdef ATT6300 ,{"att", ATT_XMAX, ATT_YMAX, ATT_VCHAR, ATT_HCHAR, ATT_VTIC, ATT_HTIC, ATT_init, ATT_reset, ATT_text, ATT_graphics, ATT_move, ATT_vector, ATT_linetype, ATT_lrput_text, ATT_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef CORONA ,{"corona325", COR_XMAX, COR_YMAX, COR_VCHAR, COR_HCHAR, COR_VTIC, COR_HTIC, COR_init, COR_reset, COR_text, COR_graphics, COR_move, COR_vector, COR_linetype, COR_lrput_text, COR_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif /* CORONA */ #endif /* PC */ #ifdef AED ,{"aed512", AED5_XMAX, AED_YMAX, AED_VCHAR, AED_HCHAR, AED_VTIC, AED_HTIC, AED_init, AED_reset, AED_text, AED_graphics, AED_move, AED_vector, AED_linetype, AED5_lrput_text, AED_ulput_text, do_point} ,{"aed767", AED_XMAX, AED_YMAX, AED_VCHAR, AED_HCHAR, AED_VTIC, AED_HTIC, AED_init, AED_reset, AED_text, AED_graphics, AED_move, AED_vector, AED_linetype, AED_lrput_text, AED_ulput_text, do_point} #endif #ifdef BITGRAPH ,{"bitgraph",BG_XMAX,BG_YMAX,BG_VCHAR, BG_HCHAR, BG_VTIC, BG_HTIC, BG_init,BG_reset, BG_text, BG_graphics, BG_move, BG_vector,BG_linetype,BG_lrput_text, BG_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef HP26 ,{"hp2623A",HP26_XMAX,HP26_YMAX, HP26_VCHAR, HP26_HCHAR,HP26_VTIC,HP26_HTIC, HP26_init,HP26_reset,HP26_text, HP26_graphics, HP26_move, HP26_vector, HP26_linetype, HP26_lrput_text, HP26_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef HP75 ,{"hp7580B",HP75_XMAX,HP75_YMAX, HP75_VCHAR, HP75_HCHAR,HP75_VTIC,HP75_HTIC, HP75_init,HP75_reset,HP75_text, HP75_graphics, HP75_move, HP75_vector, HP75_linetype, HP75_lrput_text, HP75_ulput_text, do_point} #endif #ifdef NEWS ,{"news", NeWS_XMAX, NeWS_YMAX, NeWS_VCHAR, NeWS_HCHAR, NeWS_VTIC, NeWS_HTIC, NeWS_init, NeWS_reset, NeWS_text, NeWS_graphics, NeWS_move, NeWS_vector, NeWS_linetype, NeWS_lrput_text, NeWS_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef POSTSCRIPT ,{"postscript", PS_XMAX, PS_YMAX, PS_VCHAR, PS_HCHAR, PS_VTIC, PS_HTIC, PS_init, PS_reset, PS_text, PS_graphics, PS_move, PS_vector, PS_linetype, PS_lrput_text, PS_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef QMS ,{"qms",QMS_XMAX,QMS_YMAX, QMS_VCHAR, QMS_HCHAR, QMS_VTIC, QMS_HTIC, QMS_init,QMS_reset, QMS_text, QMS_graphics, QMS_move, QMS_vector, QMS_linetype,QMS_lrput_text,QMS_ulput_text,line_and_point} #endif #ifdef REGIS ,{"regis", REGISXMAX, REGISYMAX, REGISVCHAR, REGISHCHAR, REGISVTIC, REGISHTIC, REGISinit, REGISreset, REGIStext, REGISgraphics, REGISmove,REGISvector,REGISlinetype, REGISlrput_text, REGISulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef SELANAR ,{"selanar",TEK40XMAX,TEK40YMAX,TEK40VCHAR, TEK40HCHAR, TEK40VTIC, TEK40HTIC, SEL_init, SEL_reset, SEL_text, SEL_graphics, TEK40move, TEK40vector, TEK40linetype, TEK40lrput_text, TEK40ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef TEK ,{"tek40xx",TEK40XMAX,TEK40YMAX,TEK40VCHAR, TEK40HCHAR, TEK40VTIC, TEK40HTIC, TEK40init, TEK40reset, TEK40text, TEK40graphics, TEK40move, TEK40vector, TEK40linetype, TEK40lrput_text, TEK40ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef UNIXPLOT ,{"unixplot", UP_XMAX, UP_YMAX, UP_VCHAR, UP_HCHAR, UP_VTIC, UP_HTIC, UP_init, UP_reset, UP_text, UP_graphics, UP_move, UP_vector, UP_linetype, UP_lrput_text, UP_ulput_text, line_and_point} #endif #ifdef V384 ,{"vx384", V384_XMAX, V384_YMAX, V384_VCHAR, V384_HCHAR, V384_VTIC, V384_HTIC, V384_init, V384_reset, V384_text, V384_graphics, V384_move, V384_vector, V384_linetype, V384_lrput_text, V384_ulput_text, do_point} #endif }; #define TERMCOUNT (sizeof(term_tbl)/sizeof(struct termentry)) list_terms() { register int i; fprintf(stderr,"\navailable terminals types:\n"); for (i = 0; i < TERMCOUNT; i++) fprintf(stderr,"\t%s\n",term_tbl[i].name); (void) putc('\n',stderr); } set_term(c_token) int c_token; { register int i,t; if (!token[c_token].is_token) int_error("terminal name expected",c_token); t = -1; for (i = 0; i < TERMCOUNT; i++) { if (!strncmp(input_line + token[c_token].start_index,term_tbl[i].name, token[c_token].length)) { if (t != -1) int_error("ambiguous terminal name",c_token); t = i; } } if (t == -1) int_error("unknown terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list", c_token); term_init = FALSE; return(t); }