# where to install executable on 'make install' DESTDIR=/usr/local/bin # where to install man page on 'make man_install' MANDESTDIR=/usr/man/manl # -DFORK if you have vfork() # -DBCOPY if your memcpy() is called bcopy() (a Berkeleyism, right?) # -DNOCOPY if you don't have a memcpy() by any name # -DGAMMA if you've got gamma(3) # -O if you trust your compiler's optimizer CFLAGS = -DVFORK -DBCOPY -g #-gx -O # -D in TERMFLAGS iff you wish to support # -DAED AED 512 and AED 767 # -DBITGRAPH BBN BitGraph # -DHP26 HP2623A and maybe others # -DHP75 HP7580, and probably other HPs # -DNEWS SUN Newtwork Window System (Postscript based) # -DPOSTSCRIPT Postscript # -DQMS QMS/QUIC laserprinter (Talaris 1200 and others) # -DREGIS ReGis graphics (vt125, vt220, vt240, Gigis...) # -DSELANAR Selanar # -DTEK Tektronix 4010, and probably others # -DUNIXPLOT unixplot # -DV384 Vectrix 384 and tandy color printer TERMFLAGS = -DAED -DBITGRAPH -DHP26 -DNEWS -DPOSTSCRIPT -DQMS -DTEK -DUNIXPLOT -I/usr/NeWS/include .SUFFIXES: .cps .cps.h: cps $*.cps OBJS = command.o eval.o graphics.o internal.o misc.o parse.o plot.o scanner.o\ standard.o term.o util.o CSOURCE1 = command.c eval.c graphics.c internal.c misc.c parse.c CSOURCE2 = plot.c scanner.c standard.c term.c util.c version.c # not C code, but still needed ETC = README gnuplot.1 Makefile plot.h term.cps simple.demo 1.dat 2.dat 3.dat \ controls.demo # VMS and PC-specific files VMSPC = compile.com link.com \ buildhlp.c corgraph.asm corplot.c header.mac help.c help.hlm \ hrcgraph.asm lineproc.mac link.opt make.msc pcgraph.asm # -lplot if you have -DUNIXPLOT LIBS = -lm -lplot $(NEWSHOME)/lib/libcps.a all: gnuplot help help: help.o ${CC} ${CFLAGS} help.o -o help help.o: help.h /usr/include/sys/file.h /usr/include/sys/param.h install: help gnuplot: $(OBJS) version.o cc $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) version.o $(LIBS) -o gnuplot install: gnuplot cp gnuplot $(DESTDIR)/gnuplot strip $(DESTDIR)/gnuplot install -s -c help $(DESTDIR)/help man_install: gnuplot.1 cp gnuplot.1 $(MANDESTDIR) clean: rm -f *.o gnuplot term.h help core *~ *.BAK term.o: term.c term.h cc $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) -c term.c $(OBJS): plot.h term.h: term.cps lint: lint -hx $(CSOURCE1) $(CSOURCE2) vax: uucp -m $(CSOURCE1) $(CSOURCE2) plot.h excalibur!m1:\[esl.source.esl.gnuplot\] archive: $(CSOURCE1) $(CSOURCE2) $(ETC) tar cf /tmp/gnuplot.tar $(ETC) $(CSOURCE1) $(CSOURCE2) docs help shar: gnuplot.shar.1 gnuplot.shar.2 gnuplot.shar.3 gnuplot.shar.4 \ gnuplot.shar.5 gnuplot.shar.6 gnuplot.shar.1: $(ETC) shar -vc $(ETC) > gnuplot.shar.1 gnuplot.shar.2: $(CSOURCE1) shar -vc $(CSOURCE1) > gnuplot.shar.2 gnuplot.shar.3: $(CSOURCE2) shar -vc $(CSOURCE2) > gnuplot.shar.3 gnuplot.shar.4: docs/* cd docs; make clean shar -vc docs > gnuplot.shar.4 gnuplot.shar.5: help/gnuplot/* (cd help; shar -vc gnuplot) > gnuplot.shar.5 gnuplot.shar.6: pc/* (cd pc; shar -vc $(VMSPC) ) >gnuplot.shar.6