% % This is the version of DVIPS.OPT distributed with % the Sun Workstation version of DVILASER/PS. % The Apollo and VAX/VMS versions differ slightly. % % Establish local defaults for DVILASER/PS. % % Any DVILASER/PS commands can be placed in this file. For % example, commands to declare the paper width and height % as well as which PostScript printer is being used. % % tfmpath is set up to use the same tfm files as TeX. % new paths for pixels and tfms AJCD 23/11/88 % AJS Changed downloaded fonts => memoryavailable has changed printer LaserWriter memoryavailable 1000000 resolution 300 300 pixelpath /usr/local/share/tex/fonts/pk/canon /usr/local/share/tex/fonts/pk/arbor /usr/local/share/tex/fonts/pk/dist /usr/local/share/tex/fonts/pk/agfa tfmpath /usr/local/share/tex/fonts/tfm height 11.65in width 8.22in reverse off xy 1.3in 1.6in download all prolog %verbose