_calctool.help_ _< _ Left shift n ( < ). This must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9 to indicate how many places to shift. _> _ Right shift n ( > ). This must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9 to indicate how many places to shift. _BIN _ Change base to binary ( B ). The display value is shown in binary. A maximum of 32 digits are allowed. _MEM _ Toggle register window ( M ). Display popup window with the values of the ten memory registers given in the current base, to the current accuracy. _OCT _ Change base to octal ( O ). The display value is shown in octal. A maximum of 15 digits are allowed. _D _ Hex D (decimal 13) ( d ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _DEC _ Change base to decimal ( D ). The display value is shown in decimal. This is the default base. A maximum of 12 digits are allowed. _E _ Hex E (decimal 14) ( e ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _HEX _ Change base to hexidecimal ( H ). The display value is shown in hexidecimal. A maximum of 12 digits are allowed. _F _ Hex F (decimal 15) ( f ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _KEYS_ Toggle button labels ( K ). Toggle the labels on the calctool buttons between the mouse and keyboard equivalents. _? _ Calctool Help v2.2. ( ? ). All calculations are in double precision. The display can be used with the [Get] and [Put] function keys with other Sunview windows. For every mouse selection, there is an equivalent keystroke. These can be found by selecting the KEYS button. If an error condition occurs, you must clear the calculator. From now on when you select [?] you will get help on the next selection you make. _&32 _ Get 32 bit unsigned int ( i ). This is a logical function, that will truncate the given number to return a 32 bit unsigned integer. _STO _ Store memory register n ( s ). This must be followed by an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division), then a digit in the range 0 to 9 to indicate the memory register in which to store the current display value. The arithmetic operator is optional in which case the current display is stored in the memory register. _&16 _ Get 16 bit unsigned int ( h ). This is a logical function, that will truncate the given number to return a 16 bit unsigned integer. _RCL _ Retrieve memory register n ( r ). This must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9 to indicate the memory register from which data is to be to retrieved. _PI _ Value of pi ( P ). Enter the value of pi into the calculator. _A _ Hex A (decimal 10) ( a ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _e _ Value of e ( E ). Enter the value of e into the calculator. _B _ Hex B (decimal 11) ( b ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _% _ Percentage ( % ). This calculation takes the last number enter and the next number given, and performs a percentage calculation on them. _C _ Hex C (decimal 12) ( c ). This selection is valid only if the current base is hexidecimal. _clr _ Clear display ( Delete ). This will clear the value of the calculators display. _bsp _ Erase character ( BackSpace ). The right most character of the current calculator display value is removed, and the value of the display is recalculated. (Note: internal accuracy is lost with this operation.) _OR _ Logical OR ( | ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs a logical OR operation on them, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers. _AND _ Logical AND ( & ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs a logical AND operation on them, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers. _ASIN_ Arc Sin ( } ). Return the trigonometric Arc Sin of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _SIN _ Sin ( { ). Return the trigonometric Sin of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _e^x _ e to the x power ( # ). Return e raised to the power of the current display value. _7 _ Numeric 7 ( 7 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _10^x_ 10 to the x power ( $ ). Return 10 raised to the power of the current display value. _8 _ Numeric 8 ( 8 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is octal or binary. _y^x _ y to the power of x ( Y ). The operation takes the last number and raises it to the power of the next number given. _9 _ Numeric 9 ( 9 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is octal or binary. _INT _ Integer portion ( I ). Return the integer portion of the current displayed value. _X _ Multiplication ( * or x or X ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs an arithmetic multiplication on them. _XNOR_ Logical XNOR ( n or N ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs a logical XNOR operation on them, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers. _XOR _ Logical XOR ( ^ ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs a logical XOR operation on them, treating both numbers as unsigned long integers. _ACOS_ Arc Cos ( ) ). Return the trigonometric Arc Cos of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _COS _ Cos ( ( ). Return the trigonometric Cos of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _ln _ Natural log ( N ). This operation returns the natural logarithm of the current displayed value. _4 _ Numeric 4 ( 4 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _log _ Base 10 log ( G ). This operation returns the base 10 logarithm of the current displayed value. _5 _ Numeric 5 ( 5 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _SQRT_ Square root ( S ). This operation will perform a square root operation on the current value of the calculator display. _6 _ Numeric 6 ( 6 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _FRAC_ Fractional portion ( F ). Return the fractional portion of the current displayed value. _/ _ Division ( / ). This operation takes the last number and performs an arithemetic division by the next number entered. _NOT _ Logical NOT ( ~ ). This operation will perform the logical NOT operation of the current value of the calculators display. _ACC _ Accuracy n ( A ). This must be followed by a digit in the range 0 to 9 to indicate how many digits of precision are to be displayed. _ATAN Arc Tan ( T ). Return the trigonometric Arc Tan of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _TAN _ Tan ( t ). Return the trigonometric Tan of the current value, in the current units (degrees, radians or gradients). _1/x _ Reciprocal ( R ). The will return the current the value of 1 divided by the current display value. _1 _ Numeric 1 ( 1 ). _x! _ Factorial ( ! ). This will return the factorial of the current displayed value. _2 _ Numeric 2 ( 2 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _x^2 _ Square ( @ ). This will reurn the square of the current displayed value. _3 _ Numeric 3 ( 3 ). This selection is ignored if the current base is binary. _CHS _ Change sign ( C ). Change the arithmetic sign of the current displayed value. _- _ Subtraction ( - ). This operation takes the last number and performs an arithemetic subtraction of the next number entered. _QUIT_ Quit calctool ( q or Q ). The calctool program is exited, without user verification. _OFF _ Turn calctool iconic ( o ). _ _ This key is not used currently. It will be implemented in a future version. _DEG _ Trig base to degrees ( ^d ). Change the current trigonometrical base to degrees. _0 _ Numeric 0 ( 0 ). _RAD _ Trig base to radians ( ^r ). Change the current trigonometrical base to radians. _. _ Numeric point ( . ). Selecting this starts the fractional part of numeric entry. _GRAD_ Trig base to gradients ( ^g ). Change the current trigonometrical base to gradients. _= _ Calculate result ( = or Return ). The result of the current calculation is displayed in the current base. _ABS _ Absolute value. ( U ). Return the absolute value of the current displayed value. _+ _ Addition ( + ). This operation takes the last number and the next number entered, and performs an arithmetic addition on them. ______