Problems Found with the NetScape Plug-in API. By Don Hopkins, Kaleida Labs. These are the problems I've found with the NetScape 2.0b3 Plug-in SDK, on the Mac. NetScape 2.0b4 has been released, but unfortunatly the 2.0b4 Plug-in SDK is nowhere to be found. I've written two plug-ins on the Mac: a cellular automata engine that does algorythmic animation and lets you drag bouncing automata filters around and draw into the cells, and a ScriptX plug-out -- a NetScape plug-in that communicates with a ScriptX plug-in via Apple Events and system memory, displays a live ScriptX window embeded in a NetScape page, and sends mouse events from NetScape back to ScriptX, so that from NetScape you can interact with ScriptX running in a different process. I made this plug-in "extension cord" so ScriptX can run in its own process, because the plug-in interface is not compatible with programs like ScriptX that need to handle their own clocks and event loop. ScriptX has clocks, timing, threads, synchronization and events at its heart, while NetScape would only let it run in idle time time slices, without any provision for setting up the timer based callbacks that drive ScriptX. * Fat plug-ins: NetScape 2.0b3 on Mac does not execute PowerPC code in fat plug-ins. Only calls 68k part of fat plug-ins. That's why you can't set breakpoints in the PowerPC code -- it's emulating the 68k code instead. * LiveScript: No way to access and change properties of plugin from LiveScript. It would be nice to have a call-in that would get and set the value of named properties, and enumerate property names. So LiveScript programs could dynamically change and query the properties of plug-ins. It would be nice if livescript could send messages with arguments and return values to plug-ins. Also need a way for a plug-in to query livescript properties, like the document, url, forms, other plug-ins, and other things that livescript can access. Plug-ins should be able to send messages and events to livescript, and execute strings of livescript code. * Plug-in callbacks: ** NP_HandleEvent Not all keyboard events are getting through on the Mac. The event handler never gets mouse motion or mouse up events, so I had to track the mouse motion and button release manually by checking the button status in the idle callback. I hope it's not supposed to be this way, because it encourages people with bad Mac programming habits to poll the mouse in their mouse down subroutine, which doesn't return until the button is released. That would halt all network processing in NetScape during mouse tracking. All mouse tracking should be callback based -- the interface should not encourage polling style mouse tracking. ** NP_SetWindow Is the NP_Window *window valid after the call returns? Should I make a copy of it? * NetScape callbacks On the Mac, NetScape does not provice and glue functions to wrap around the callback pointers into NetScape. I wrote some myself, but I got argument type checking errors with CallNPN_DestroyStreamProc, CallNPN_MemAllocProc, CallNPN_MemFreeProc, and CallNPN_MemFlushProc. (see "npupp.h" below). If the NetScape Plug-in SDK would simply provide handy utility functions like wrappers around their callback functions, not only would NetScape save developers time writing such trivialities, but they would also discover syntax errors in their untested code, as well as semantic errors in their plug-in interface (like the fact that there are pairs of functions who have the same name but take different arguments and perform different functions -- see "Architecture" below). Need a way for a plug-in to register to handle a protocol, and do all the other stuff available in the spyglass web browser api, like echo url, progress notification, etc. The current plug-in API does not seem to support plug-ins that are not mime file type viewers. What about plug-in "applets" that are configured through html properties or url ars? Need a way to embed a plug-in without refering to a file, and configure it through the html properties alone. For example, if I have a plug-in cd player "applet", why should I have to make a special dummy file of a certain mime type and unique extension to point the embeded cd player's url at, just to trick NetScape into invoking my plug-in? Need support for background plug-ins that stay around after the page viewing them goes away. Need a way to load and start up background plug-ins when NetScape starts up, so it's possible to implement things like protocol handlers, speech recognition navigation controllers, format translators, etc. Need a way to dynamically load new plug-ins (retrieved over the net) after NetScape has started up, instead of re-starting NetScape. Unloading and reloading plug-ins would be great for development, and for large plug-ins on small systems. Some plug-ins can be downloaded and dynamically loaded, but other plug-ins will require complicated installation (like installing DirectX), and possibly rebooting. All plug-ins will require trust on the part of the user. (But they trusted NetScape enough to download the Navigator, so who knows how far their trust will go?) I haven't been able to relocate the url I was at or reproduce it without simply crashing, but with NetScape 2.0b4 on Windows, I opened a url that tried to embed a plug-in that I didn't have, and NetScape went off to some CGI script at, which reported that something bad had happened on the server. Is this the beginning of a centralized plug-in detection and distribution mechanism? Forgive me if this whole incident was just a bad dream, but it's beginning to look pretty scarry: NetScape Navigator reporting back to the mother ship who's viewing what file of what mime-type from where without which plug-in installed. Are NetScape plug-in developers going to be asked to register their plug-ins with a central authority, or port them to all platforms that NetScape supports? Adobe doesn't impose such constraints on Photoshop plug-in developers. Will people be able to reconfigure their browsers to automatically download plug-ins from some other server than Will this scheme scale up with the proliferation of special-purpose mime types, or plug-in applets rather than mime viewers? What happens when two plug-in developers want to use the same three letter file extension, or when all the good three letter extensions are used up? Is all this just an elaborate excuse not to put a tag into html so it's possible to write a web page that can tell if the browser can embed a particular mime type, and substitute an alternative instead? Anyway... Need a callback from the plug-in to NetScape that lets NetScape handle events and ongoing file transfers, so if the plug-in needs to put up a modal dialog, or do something that takes a long time, it can give time slices back to NetScape so at least it does not freeze all network and formatting activity. All NetScape modal dialogs should be so polite. It should never freeze when you're holding down the mouse on a menu or button. The current NP_HandleEvent interface (which does not report mouse move and up events) tempts people into using the horrible mac input tracking technique of a subroutine that gobbles all motion and only returns on mouse up. This should be *highly* discouraged. Need a way for a plug-in viewer to request a certain size from the formatter, in case it knows how big it wants to be. Need to be able to do this after reading enough of the stream, like the jpeg viewer, blocking the formatter until the size is known. Also it would be nice to be able to change to a new size and reformat the page around them whenever they need to (not often, hopefully). For example, quicktime movies can change size in the middle of the movie, or a viewer might implement a user-selectable zoom feature. It would be great if the formatter was optimized to handle size changes of plug-ins quickly and efficiently, by scrolling the image on the screen, so you could implement an outliner plug-in that changed height when you opened and closed the outline, and the screen would efficiently update without blinking, fast enough that it was pleasant to use. ** NP_OpenURL What does it mean for the third window arg to be NULL? It just crashes on me when I do that. What other strings besides window names and "_current" can I pass? Why the bizarre string with underscore convention? If I give it a URL to open with window "_current", the url is not interpreted relative to the current window's URL, like I would expect it to be. It's interpreted as an absolute url, instead. How can I relativize a URL to the current window? Or at least know the URL of the current window, and relativize it myself. Sometimes my draw routine is being called with the wrong graphics translation, so it draws in the upper left corner instead of where it's supposed to. This happens when I do an N_OpenURL from the mouse down event handler, and update is called while it's thinking. How do I get a stream back from opening a URL? The doc is vague on this. It says a new stream will be created, but how do I get a handle on that stream? Will my NP_NewStream handler be called some time later on? Will I be notified in the case of failure? Can I decide to time out and cancel the OpenURL? When NP_NewStream is eventually called, how can I find out which of my OpenURL requests the stream it's passing me corresponds to (or if it was from the original invocation of the plug-in)? What do I have to do, string compare the URL of the stream I get in NP_NewStream with the URL I passed to NP_OpenURL? If, when I call OpenURL, I have some internal state that I want to pick up again when the stream is opened, I don't want to store that state in a global, since I might be opening several URLs at once, I need a way to associate the state I have during NP_OpenURL (i.e. why it was I wanted to open this url, and what I'm going to do with it once I get it) with the stream that eventually gets opened. So it would be nice to have a "(void *)clientData" that I pass into NP_OpenURL, that's passed back to me in NP_NewStream, so I can pick up where I left off, without having to do some hokey string lookup table to map pending urls to state. ** NP_Status This needs to be called in just the right graphics context. If I've called "StartDraw", then the text string is drawn in the wrong place, translated to where my plug-in is drawing. NP_Status should probably take pains to save the graphics context, set up the right one, and restore it. ** npupp.h Bad definitions. Untested code cut-and-paste errors. Here are the fixed definitions: #define CallNPN_MemAllocProc(FUNC, ARG1) \ (void *)CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(FUNC), uppNPN_MemAllocProcInfo, (ARG1)) #define CallNPN_MemFlushProc(FUNC, ARG1) \ (uint32)CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(FUNC), uppNPN_MemFlushProcInfo, ARG1) * Documentation and Demos The documentation and demos are terrible. NetScape needs to provide much better plug-in demos -- not to impress people, but rather to subject themselves to the same plug-in development process that they're putting developers through. * Architecture Some of the call-ins have the same names as call-outs, and different arguments, even: NP_Write, NP_NewStream, NP_DestroyStream. For example, the arguments of NP_Write are different, depending on if it's NetScape calling the plug-in, or the plug-in calling NetScape: Netscape calls plug-in: NP_Write(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 offset, int32 len, void *buf); Writes len bytes of data in buf to the stream. Offset is the logical position of buff in an idealized file URL. Plug-in calls netscape: NP_Write(NPP instance, NPStream *stream, int32 len, void *buffer); Writes len bytes of data in buf to the Netscape stream. This is a major design flaw, that shows how little the plug-in interface has been thought out and tested. The plug-in interface is totally mime viewer oriented, which is very limiting, and too narrowly focused. There's no way to do background plug-ins (even though the documentation claims they're supported, there's no way to express them through the api), protocol handlers (like you can already do through the Spyglass Browser Remote Control interface, but only in another process), or embeded plug-ins that aren't viewing a file (like a QuickCam viewer plug-in that doesn't need to read a file since it gets its input from hardware, or my cellular automata plug-in which can be configured from the html embed properties, and generates animation algorythmically). I hope NetScape can come up with a plug-in interface that is good enough that they can implement their own navigator components with it (like the mail reader, outliner, progressive jpeg viewer, etc). The only way it's going to go anywhere is if they work closely with developers, and use the plug-in interface for non-trivial things themselves. Microsoft already has a VRML plug-in for their navigator, so presumably they have a plug-in interface, and from what I've seen on their web site, it may not be "good enough", but it's probably going to do a lot more that you can do with NetScape right now, since they're exposing a lot of their navigator's functionality through OLE. They seem to understand that there's a much bigger picture, and that the problems aren't trivial. Java isn't going to magically solve all those problems, folks. -Don