Date: Mon, 11 Sep 89 21:41:18 -0400 (EDT) From: "Todd L. Masco" To: Subject: tinyMUD! Everybody with an internet connection should: telnet 4201 This access a quickly growing interactive multi-player game run off of One of the best things about it is that it's user-expandable -- For example, John, Doug, and I have implemented the Castle Anthrax (where we live) in it. Also, the entire game of ADVENTURE has been implemented (tho they had trouble with the Battery Vendor). This thing is great -- Oh, a hint: drop (sacrifice) things at The Temple of Arkteks-t'leep (architect's leap) for money. And north takes you to the library. Good luck! Oh, the author is James Aspnes, a former Bandykin. -- Todd From: James Aspnes Date: Tue, 28 Nov 89 22:33:04 EST To: Subject: TinyMUD has moved The original TinyMUD database has been moved to DAISY.LEARNING.CS.CMU.EDU ( The port number is still 4201. Alas, many changes made in the days before its demise on Lancelot have been lost. If you are running tinymud.el under GNU Emacs, the only thing you need to change is the setting of tinymud-server. An updated version of tinymud.el with this change has been put in the pub directory on LANCELOT.AVALON.CS.CMU.EDU for anonymous ftp. --Jim Date: Sun, 3 Dec 89 12:02:36 -0500 (EST) From: "Andrew C. Plotkin" To: Tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Subject: Re: what could be... > Excerpts from 2-Dec-89 what could be... Erik > Josowitz@vitruvius. (624) > does anyone have any thoughts on how the tinyMUD environment could > develop? Moonchilde and I (Zarf) are beginning work on a new MUD. The big improvements are a) the environment is an object-oriented sort of thing, instead of a flat database, b) the responses of objects to commands are programmable (in a cheapo Pascalish language), and c) the parser will be a lot better (multi-word parsing, indirect objects as well as direct objects). The ADV system on (port 12345) has the object-oriented system and programmable objects (I don't know about their parser). However, ADV is meant to have only a few builders -- most players will be mere mortals. (They may have done this already.) To we of tinyMUD, of course, that ruins the whole point of the game, so we're writing our own. (Actually, to distinguish the two sorts of games, we're calling ours a MID, for Multi-Implentor Dungeon. Tentative name for the universe : MIDgaard.) --Zarf Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 01:37:01 -0500 From: don (Don Hopkins) To: ap1i+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Cc: don Subject: what could be... I like your ideas for improvements, for the new MUD you're making. Especially the idea of having an embeded language to write object behavior. I'm afraid that the "cheapo Pascalish language" might get you into some trouble, though. I don't know how far you've gotten, or how much you enjoy implementing languages, but from what I've seen, language implementation is a bitch, and language design is a big hairy mother of a bitch. And of course the biggest nastiest bitch of them all is writing the manual. The easy way out is to go with some pre-existing language. It's got to be an interactive language if you're going to use it to program an adventure game. C is right out. It's not interactive. (C sucks for many other reasons too. And now that it's such a main stream language, it's just no fun to program in any more.) You should be able to type in little chunks of code to see what happens, instead of having to tool out whole function definitions in a text editor, compile them, and link them. (Yes, I've heard of Saber C. But last I heard, it wasn't on to public domain.) The advantage of using a pre-existing language is that you don't have to implement it, debug it, test it out to see what you forgot, rewrite it and make all your old code obsolete, debug it again, again, and again, write a manual, etc, etc, etc... Somebody else has already made all the mistakes, and fixed them by going through all that torture. You don't have to waste your time chasing down core leaks and segmentation violations, you can get on to more interesting stuff like building the universe. I know of several pre-existing language implementations whose source code is on the public domain, that might make good adventure language cores. * PostScript: I think a NeWS-like programming environment would be excellent for writting multi user adventures. Light weight processes, the event queue, and object oriented PostScript would be invaluable. There is also quite a potential for graphical adventures! Rehmi Post is working on PreScript, a multitasking PostScript interpreter like the one in NeWS, but without the graphics. It's intended to be used as an extension language for libraries written in other languages (i.e. you can add your own primatives and data types in C). He's giving it away for free when he's done! PostScript syntax is trivial, and the language is quite straightforward (or drawrofthgiarts if you're not used to RPN). It's a powerful language, even without a stencil/paint graphics package, and the object oriented extensions make it great for the kind of programming we're interested in doing. I think it's pretty hard to compile PostScript code, though. You could reduce it down to machine code that would run faster than it would through the interpreter, but it's hard to optomize because of the late binding (because of the dynamic way the dictionary stack is used). But you can do some really funky stuff in PostScript because it's so dynamic! * Scheme: Scheme would be a great language to program an adventure in. There are some nice schemes around, some more portable than others. It's small, it's powerful, it's religiously correct. Scheme does not have the nice interactive stuff that NeWS has, like light weight processes or an event queue. You could easily implement them though, but there are better ways to accomplish the same things in scheme. It probably wouldn't be very efficient unless you wrote the critical parts in C, or had a good scheme compiler. I have heard of a scheme=>c compiler out of DEC, but I think they want some money for it and have some distribution restrictions. I'm not sure. I'll try to get in touch with the guy and see... * Forth: I have a *great* 68000 and SPARC based forth system by Mitch Bradley, as well as a nice portable forth system written in C. I've always wanted to write an adventure authoring system in Forth! It would be easier in PostScript, though. * Lisp: Lots of free lisp implementations around. Ho hum. Scheme is more elegant. * Perl: Now there's a studly language! I love all that it does but I'm having a hard time getting past the syntax (it's like lots of languages mashed together, and I don't know which to use when). Perl is an excellent interface to Unix. It would be the language in which to write the ultimate adventure shell. * ZIL: Zork Implementation Language, a derivitive of MDL (Muddle). Owned by Infocom, but I heard they went under (sigh). The original Zork on MIT-DM was written in Muddle. Infocom implemented the ZIL language for micros, and used it to write their games. I wonder what happened to ZIL? Anybody got an MDL interpreter kicking around? I'd do just about anything for original muddle Zork sources. * DDL: Dungeon Definition Language. Definitly check this one out! I found it in /usr/src/games/ddl in my local vax 4.3 source tree. No source code for the ddl compiler, but there's a lot that can be learned by looking at the manual, the sample dungeon definitions, and the wish list. It's not an interactive language, but it does have a lot of good ideas that could be implemented in other languages. From: James Aspnes Date: Mon, 4 Dec 89 16:32:01 EST To: tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Subject: TinyMUD source code now available for anonymous ftp The sources for beta release 1.3.1 of TinyMUD are available by anonymous ftp from LANCELOT.AVALON.CS.CMU.EDU (, in the file pub/tinymud-1.3.1.tar.Z. The sources are in compressed tar-file format, and should include everything you need to get TinyMUD running except a BSD-ish Unix box and an ANSI C compiler. Have fun, --Jim Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 13:27:00 -0500 From: Fur - Roy Riggs To: tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Well, since I get asked how I made furBot map a bazillion times a day, I guess I'll just write this all out once and mail it. Basically, other than trying to give your robot artificial intelligence, mapping a dynamic graph is the hardest thing you can do. There are also a few things that cruel people can do to totally fool your robot, which he has no chance in detecting, and will introduce errors in your map. Such is life in the robot world. I'll try to cover the 3 most important topics, storing the map, building the map, and using the map. Note: this work is by no means definitive! I'm hoping that these notes will get serious robot builders pointed in the right direction, and that people who are just bored and want to write a robot for the hell of it, will run away screaming pulling their hair. All I ask is that you please please *please* don't use this information to create one of those stupid robots that are around now, like Pink, axe_murderer, and others. These robots really piss mee off because they are designed to specifically annoy human users, and they give other robots a bad name. I'll get off the soapbox now and begin. STORING A MAP I stored my map in memory as an ordered tree, where each node consists of a room structure. The room structure holds all the important data for that room, such as it's name, tinyMUD number, and a list of known exits from the room. The exits list is a list of exit nodes, where each node stores all the directions that lead to one room, and that room. My C structures follow: typedef struct _ROOM { /* this is one node that holds one room */ char *name; long number; /* our hashed id for a room */ long tiny; /* the tinyMud id for a room */ long learned; int flags; /* Flags used when traversing the graph */ struct _EXITTABLE *exits; } ROOM; typedef struct _ROOMTABLE { /* this is the ordered tree */ ROOM *room; /* ordered on the number field */ struct _ROOMTABLE *left, *right; } ROOMTABLE; typedef struct { /* this holds all the names for one exit */ char **directions; struct _ROOM *leadsTo; } EXIT; typedef struct _EXITTABLE { /* exits are not stored in any order */ EXIT *theExit; struct _EXITTABLE *next; } EXITTABLE; The fields in the ROOM structure have the following uses, the name obviously stores the name of the room. You will need this if someone pages you to find out where they are at. The number field holds a hash value of the rooms name and description. Just using the name of the room is not enough, your robot will get trapped in mazes if you do this. If you have a ton of memory to burn you could just store the description of the room. The tiny field is the number that TinyMUD uses, I store this for hypothetical purposes only. This is one of those things that someone can fake very easily like making a room named 'Bart's Basement (#666)' Since you can never figgure out a room's true tinyNumber unless its link_ok, you can't use these numbers for anything important. (There is a way to tell if someone is trying to fool you as above, I leave the solution as an excercise to the reader.) The learned field is something I use to tell how many exits furBot has tried in this room so far. More on this field later. The flags field is used internally, for the breadth first search. An exit is defined by the destination room it leads to, and every direction the robot tries that leads to the same room is added to the same exit. It doesn't matter if they are actually two separate exits in the game or not, because theoretically they are the same. For example if we are in the second floor elevator one exit 3;u;up that leads to the 4th floor, ends up being stored the exact same way as two exits one named 3 and the other named u;up. Naturally when your robot finally shuts down, you will want to have it store its map on disk. I used the following format for my file, (if you would like to use it also thats fine, I would like to see a standard map file format arise.) Note: tabs are used to separate the directions from the id of the destination. RoomName1 myId tinyId numberOfExitsTried n;north myIdOfDestination u;up myIdOfDestination RoomName2 myId tinyId numberOfExitsTried s myIdOfDestination GENERATING YOUR MAP This is by far the hardest thing you have to do. Believe it or not, it is actually a challenge to figgure out what room you are standing in, let alone determine where an exit leads. Unfortunately, builders can create an exit called: l;lo;loo;look;look here and then make your robot move somewhere, or print out some tricky phrase like 'Limbo (#0)' There is really nothing you can do about this, and without any additional information, your robot is screwed. Basically, I assumed that look would always work properly. When ever your robot tries to go in a direction, he will get back anywhere from 1 to 100+ strings. The only important cases are from 1 to 5, because you are guarenteed that from the 6th string on they are contents. From these lines, it is impossible to pick out the name of the room with 100% accuracy. The problem is that there are 3 string that are optional, (the succ on the exit, the rooms description, and the rooms succ) I won't go into every possible case, but here is an example, if you type 'sit' you could either get back 'You sit down on the chair' 'Comfy Chair (#12345)' The first case gave you a fail message, while the second case you actually traveled to a new room with no description. If you really wanted, you could apply a heuristic that would help in some cases, but the easiest way is just make your robot look in the room. We assumed earlier that look would always work, so now no matter how many strings we get back, we know the room name will always be the first one. Anyone who has seen furBot in a room with an osucc will see that he repeatedly looks in the room over and over when he is trying new exits. I think that Gloria also looks a second time whenever she enters a new room. Now if that wasn't bad enough, TinyMUD has the random exits. Frankly, these are a pain in the ass, and I haven't found a good way to deal with them. For now I just store every exit, and never delete them. You can't know for sure if you try an exit, and it doesnt work if the exit has been removed or if it just didn't work this time. To find new exits, I gave furBot a list of 50 common exits to try. To this list he adds every word from the rooms name, desc, succ, and every word from the contents list. He tries them all in order, looking each time to see if he actually moved to a new room or not, and adds them if they are a new exit. If he gets trapped somewhere with no exits, he goes home. I have furbot NOT adding any exit that leads home in his map. If someone asks him for a shortest path, you don't want him telling them to go home first. If you wanted, you could make your robot look at every item in the room, and add those words into the list to try also. USING THE MAP Once you have your map built, you will probably want to make your robot respond to pages. First off you grab the room name out of the page message, and search for it in your graph. If you don't know it, you can't get there. If there is more than one room with that name you will have to pick one at random or try them all. Once you determine your destination you use a breadth first search to find it. This is a classic algorithm that every robot builder worth his salt should know, so im not going to explain it here. CONCLUSION Hopefully, I have provided enough information to those who are really interested in providing the world with useful robots to get started off on the right foot. I also hope that everyone who was planning on building a robot to cash in credit cards all day, have given up all hope of building one. There are still many many things about mapping that I haven't touched. I look forward to serious replys and will answer them as best as I can for the next few days, until I go home for break. You can mail mee while I'm gone, but don't expect a reply until I get back. fur Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 20:55:25 -0500 From: Don Hopkins To:, brie+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU Cc: tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Subject: [Andrew C. Athan : Re: maping droids] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 11:27:13 EST From: Keith Rosenblatt The biggest problem I'm having in conceptualizing the operation of the map-making/exploration droid I've been working on is that of rooms having the same name. So far, the only good way that I could think of to solve that problem is to 1) Somehow arrange for a 'bot mode where room numbers would always be displayed whether the 'bot could control the room or not and 2) Stop the search right there, marking the problem in the database somehow for later human intervention (the operator would have to tell the droid that the rooms were the same or give paths to avoid the room entirely and still explore beyond that point.) The former would certainly make the entire process much simpler. Has anyone thought of any other solutions or come across other problems I may have missed? Think of how *you* would map the maze in adventure! You drop objects, and identify the room by the objects it contains. How about a mapping droid who drop ball bearings or dead batteries when it becomes confused with rooms of the same name. It could be dangerous for robots to indiscriminatly @create objects, though. (I'd be pissed if a haywire robot filled my room to the brim with ball bearings because some freak thought = was a comparison operator!) Perhaps a robot could carry around some some objects just for dropping when it became confused, but not create any more. The room description checksum is a good idea, but still would not work in the case of the classic maze in adventure. (You're an amazingly twisted little ass, always different!) Date: Tue, 19 Dec 89 01:42:43 -0500 (EST) From: Brian Harrison To: Tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Subject: maping droids what do the typical 'mud robot creators use to program their droids? c? elisp? pascal? prolog? ratfor? karel? :) Mlisp, but I'd much rather PostScript or Scheme. I wish Rehmi would get back from Texas and give me a copy of netscript, his PostScript extensible rpc server [like NeWS without a graphics library, that you can incorperate your own C libraries into]. I stole a clean implementation of buffers and marks from James Gosling's "ched", and I want to put that in. It would be perfect for implementing a mud client, as well as a graphical mud server. and for mapping hacks? anyone have some brilliant tricks that they wouldn't mind sharing with me before they incorporate it into their thesis? Thesis? Thesis??! I ain't no stinkin' grad student! But if anybody wants to send me maps their robots have created, I will run some keyboard macros over them, shoot them throught the pseudo-scientific visualizer, and send back some psychodellic color PostScript plots of the topological texture of TinyMUD. (Specify which room you want the view centered around.) anyone want to make a decent libdroid.a? now for the gross question: how about a separate socket (4202?) for droids only. sorta packet based. and gives away the names (ids?) of all the exits. or is this blasphemy? thx, -brie That's a nice idea, making a HyperCard front end for TinyMUD! I've just started playing around with something similar myself! My "real" job is writing a hypertext authoring tool in Emacs (UniPress, so I am using mlisp). Unfortunatly I can't give it out, it's kind of embeded in the rest of the stuff I'm working on, which is in a typical state of flux. In my spare time, I've connected the emacs hypertext authoring tool up to tinymud, and have made nodes for rooms with buttons I can click on to send commands, follow exits, etc. Each room is in a different emacs window (but same emacs process), which opens and comes to the front when you enter the room. You can click on the name of an object or a person, to look at it, and then click on various command buttons to do other things to it, follow links to other hypertext nodes without actually moving there, make buttons for your favorite commands in each room, type notes into the hypertext node about the room, etc... The idea is that I'm creating my own database that parallels the TinyMUD universe, where I keep my personal view of the world, associating local information with the names of rooms and objects. Graphics will be an interesting enhancement. (I'll be able to make pictures of rooms, objects, and people, and store them in my own database, and display them as well as showing their name.) Emacs can look for certain strings coming back from tinymud, and react to them automatically (for example, I had it automatically killing ultratron! whenever he entered into the room), as well as logging everything certain people do or say in their own personal buffers. It's a giant run-away rube goldberg device, but it's a fun way to stress test my hypertext authoring tool! Yes, I agree that there should be a "back door" entrance for robots that sends tagged packets, with object types and ID's. Giving away the ID's of all the available exist might be blasphemy, but I don't think it would change the nature of the game if it were to just give away the IDs of things you could normally see, as long as the normal access restrictions still apply. Does just knowing a number give you power over a room or an object? Knowing the ID number solves the problem of objects having the same name, which is a bitch of a problem to try to work around any other way. Every string it sends that comes from the database (room descriptions, success and fail messages, etc) could have a unique ID in the tag so I can instantly know if I've seen it before, and if it has some special meaning, without performing millions of string comparisons. You should be able to tell if a packet contains a room name, a room description, a player, the name of an object, a message from " or :, a page, a status message, the reply to a command, something that can be safely ignored (like "Contents:"), or whatever. (Idealy I'd like to be able to download PostScript procedures to the mud server that tell it what format to send messages back to me. The standard text-based user interface would be just one such procedure.) The command replies right now can be delimited by OUTPUTPREFIX and OUTPUTSUFFIX. Are command replies the only type of multi-line message? Are all other asynchronous messages sent on one line? i.e. Can I assume that if I get one line of text, outside of an OUTPUTPREFIX OUTPUTSUFFIX group, that it is a complete message, which can be interpreted on its own? Also, can I assume that none of the lines between the OUTPUTPREFIX and OUTPUTSUFFIX are *not* part of the reply to my command? (that is, I don't want people's talking showing up inside a delimited room descriptions.) -Don Date: Wed, 20 Dec 89 19:09:16 -0500 (EST) From: Brian Harrison To: Tinymud@CS.CMU.EDU Subject: Robotic Ethics on the issue of messy, er- noisy robots, i would advise these guidelines: don't flood players with ofail messages while trying to find exits. this can be solved by checking the objects in the room. here are three types of tests: 1) if one of the objects has "Contents:" when "look"ed at, then it's probably another player. 2) if the object name matches what you get from a periodic "WHO" command, then it is probably another player. 3) if a player replies soon after the robot "say hello", then you've got company. in fact, the robot can ask "mind if i map?" or "got a light?" upon entering a new room, and timeout waiting for a reply. also, i don't feel too happy seeing robot droppings. i'll gladly pick them up. all's fair in love, war, and tinymud. :) besides, who says that the robot has to leave the bread crumbs? we have the added clue of the junk, er- contents of a room to help determine what room we are in. determining exits: i wish there was a standard "exits" exit:ofail message that people can assume enumerates all possible exits. non trivial. saving that good mud-digging practice, i wish that another bit could be added into exit instances: hidden. and another command: exits, which tells the player all the exits except hidden marked ones. that way the game keeps track a player's options, without giving all the fun away. on storing maps: like i have enough virtual memory to have a 2D lookup of shortest paths from one room to another! try some sparse array tricks or something. please. resolution: i think i'll make a navigational server robot for "client" robots. oh, wait. we already have Gloria. also, "garbagemen" should be called "maids" or "butlers". god, solving how to make tinyROBOTS is fun! -brie p.s. see yunz at evecon? p.s.s. i might have a mail digesting machine...