Newsgroups: comp.theory.cell-automata From: (Don Hopkins) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Nov 92 16:12:22 GMT Local: Thurs, Nov 19 1992 8:12 am Subject: Re: Symmetric Life rules Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse (Torben AEgidius Mogensen) writes: - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > I have been doing some investigations of what I call "symmetric" Life > rules. The idea is to have a set of rule for a variant of Conways Game > of Life, which are symmetric in the sense that a pattern of empty > cells in a field of set cells has exactly the same behaviour as the > corresponding pattern of set cells on an empty field. [...] > I have found such a set of rules and carried out some experiments with > these. The rules are also interesting in that the central cell in the > 3x3 neighbourhood counts the same as the other cells. In short, given > that N is the sum sum of all the cells in the 3x3 neighbourhood, a > cell is generated for the next generation based on the following table > N Cell > 0 . > 1 . > 2 . > 3 O > 4 . > 5 O > 6 . > 7 O > 8 O > 9 O Your rule is similar to the "anneal" rule, but more turbulent. Anneal is a voting rule (that counts the 9 neighbors like your rule), and votes with the majority -- unless it would be a close vote, then it it votes the other way, to shake things up. The lookup table indexed neighbor count for anneal is { 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 }, and the lookup table for your rule is...... { 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 }. The behavior of both rules when given random input is to anneal the 1's and 0's into bigger and bigger shivering blobs. If a cell is surrounded by mostly the same color then it stays that way, but there is turbulance of cells changing back and forth along the edges, which eats away at sharp edges and smooths the blobs down, evaporating smaller blobs and connecting the larger ones until it looks something like black and white spotted cow hide. Rudy Rucker's "eco" rule uses "anneal" in one plane, in combination with either "life" or "brian's brain" in parallel planes. Think of "anneal" as undulating land and water masses. If the "anneal" plane is land, it computes "life" in the parallel plane at that cell, so you have all these critters running around on the land. Otherwise it computes "brian's brain" (a *very* active rule), so there are many schools of fishes swimming around in the water. It's even more interesting if you use "anti-life" (the bit reverse of "life", aka "pro-choice") instead, since the interactions between "anti-life" and "brian's brain" are much more exciting, as the background of "anti-life" is stimulus to "brian's brain", and vice-verse. -Don