/********************************* incoming.c ****************************/ #include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h> #include <sunwindow/notify.h> #include "sdi.h" /* * Copyright 1987 by Mark Weiser. * Permission to reproduce and use in any manner whatsoever on Suns is granted * so long as this copyright and other identifying marks of authorship * in the code and the game remain intact and visible. Use of this code * in other products is reserved to me--I'm working on Mac and IBM versions. */ /* * This file contains routines for lauching 'foe' missiles. Since * a round is over when all the foes are gone, end-of-round work * is done here as well. And since the game is over when there are * no cities left at the end of the round, end-of-game computations * are mostly done here too. And, since the only difference between * different skills is the difficulty of foe missiles, skill adjustment * is also done in here. Why not just do everything here? Wouldn't fit. */ /* The following two constants determine launch rates. */ #define MAX_TIME_FOR_A_ROUND 45000000 #define AVG_DELAY_BETWEEN_MISSILES 1000000 static short *missiles_to_launch = NULL; static int next_missile_launch = 0; static int num_launch_intervals; static bonus_threshold = 5000; /* * Increase the game level by one, within reason. */ #define MAX_LEVEL 49 int bump_level() { int level; char buf[32]; level = atol((int)panel_get_value(level_item)) + 1; if (level > MAX_LEVEL) { level = MAX_LEVEL; panel_set(next_round_item, PANEL_SHOW_ITEM, FALSE, 0); } sprintf(buf,"%d", level); panel_set_value(level_item, buf); return level; } /* * Compute the skill differentials, get the missiles ready to launch, * and set the 'running' switch on. Normally 'init_incoming' is the last * thing called when a round is started, and setting the 'running' switch * immediately releases various notifications so the game really begins. */ init_incoming() { extern Panel_item rock_item, foe_ground_item; int foe_val, friend_val, laser_val, rocks_val, level, skill, count, range; int base = 2; char buf[128]; if (running) return; skill = (int)panel_get_value(skill_item); switch (skill) { case 0: /* novice */ carryover_divisor = 1.0; foe_divisor = 2.0; min_missile_speed = 5; max_missile_speed = 15; foe_factor = 2; break; case 1: /* occasional */ carryover_divisor = 1.3; foe_divisor = 2.5; min_missile_speed = 10; max_missile_speed = 20; foe_factor = 4; break; case 2: /* expert */ carryover_divisor = 1.6; foe_divisor = 3.0; min_missile_speed = 15; max_missile_speed = 25; foe_factor = 6; break; } level = bump_level(); foe_val = foe_factor * level; panel_set(foe_ground_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, foe_val, PANEL_VALUE, foe_val, 0); panel_set(foe_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, foe_val*3, 0); laser_val = (int)panel_get_value(laser_item); laser_val = ((int)((float)foe_val/foe_divisor)) + laser_val/carryover_divisor; laser_val += base; panel_set(laser_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, laser_val, PANEL_VALUE, laser_val, 0); panel_set(ballistic_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, foe_val, 0); friend_val = (int)panel_get_value(interceptor_item); friend_val = ((int)((float)foe_val/foe_divisor)) + friend_val/carryover_divisor; friend_val += base; panel_set(interceptor_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, friend_val, PANEL_VALUE, friend_val, 0); rocks_val = (int)panel_get_value(rock_item); rocks_val = ((int)((float)foe_val/foe_divisor)) + rocks_val/carryover_divisor; rocks_val += base; panel_set(rock_item, PANEL_MAX_VALUE, rocks_val, PANEL_VALUE, rocks_val, 0); if (missiles_to_launch != NULL) free(missiles_to_launch); num_launch_intervals = MAX_TIME_FOR_A_ROUND/blast_delay + 2; missiles_to_launch = (short *)calloc(sizeof(short), num_launch_intervals); next_missile_launch = 0; count = (int)panel_get_value(foe_ground_item); range = min( MAX_TIME_FOR_A_ROUND, AVG_DELAY_BETWEEN_MISSILES*count); while (count--) { missiles_to_launch[(random() % range) / blast_delay] += 1; } new_score(); if (level <= 1) bonus_threshold = 5000; } /* * Called at each display update timestep, this routine launches * any missiles which have come due. */ doto_launch() { int level; int num_missiles; if (!suspended) { int x; if (next_missile_launch >= num_launch_intervals) return; num_missiles = missiles_to_launch[next_missile_launch++]; if (num_missiles) { panel_set_value(foe_ground_item, panel_get_value(foe_ground_item) - num_missiles); level = atol((char *)panel_get_value(level_item)); while (num_missiles--) { x = random() % max_x; start_missile(x, UP, min(max(normal(min_missile_speed+level/2,level/2), min_missile_speed), max_missile_speed), launchpw); } } } } /* * Compute which cites are still left, bonus scores, and end-of-game. * Get ready for the next round. */ finish_round() { char buf[128], score_buf[32]; int cities_lost = compute_cities(citypw); extern int continuous; int level = atol((char *)panel_get_value(level_item)); int score = atol((char *)panel_get_value(score_item)); int bonus, extra_city = 0; running = 0; put_text(25, "Round Over"); total_cities_lost += cities_lost; bonus = level*10*(num_cities-total_cities_lost); update_cities(citypw, 1); if ((score+bonus) >= bonus_threshold && total_cities_lost > 0) { extra_city = 1; total_cities_lost -= 1; bonus_threshold += bonus_threshold; } bonus = level*10*(num_cities-total_cities_lost); sprintf(buf, "You have %d cities left, for %d bonus points.",num_cities-total_cities_lost, bonus); panel_set_value(score_item, sprintf(score_buf, "%d", score+bonus)); if(total_cities_lost >= num_cities) { panel_set(skill_item, PANEL_EVENT_PROC, panel_default_handle_event, 0); if (!continuous) do_game_over(); update_scores(); new_game_proc(); } else { put_text(50, buf); if (extra_city) { put_text(0, "BONUS CITY"); new_city(citypw); } next_round_proc(); if (continuous) { sleep(1); start_next_round(); } } } /* * this keeps any more missiles from being launched. Actually freeing * of allocated structures happens on the next 'init_incoming' call. */ free_foe() { num_launch_intervals = 0; }