From: Hopkins, Don [mailto:Hopkins, Don] Sent: Monday, May 18, 1998 4:09 PM To: Benjamin Levy;;; Cc: Hopkins, Don Subject: RE: NeWS [Somebody forwarded me this snippet of NeWS discussion. I haven't read the rest of the discussion but I couldn't resist commenting on the one message I read...] Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 13:09:43 -0400 From: Raul Miller To: Charles Haynes , Subject: Re: Linux swapspace (was Re: ADE: Linux drive partitioning) Charles Haynes wrote: > IIRC NeWS does not handle either printing or sound. Printing is a trivial enhancement. HyperLook (written in NeWS) supported printing very nicely. You could copy any PostScript graphic to the clipboard, paste it into the drawing editor, edit it, print it, etc. Any window could be copied as PostScript and the graphics would retain their structure, so you could take the image of the window apart in the graphics editor, if you felt like it. Any HyperLook application could incorporate the drawing editor widget, as well. I ported SimCity to HyperLook, and implemented a print city function that not only printed the city, but could also bring up a drawing editor on the image of the city map, that you could annotate, clip to any shape, and print however you want. I implented a sound mixer in HyperLook to which you sent messages through the NeWS server, that would mix any number of sounds from any number of applications in real time, vary the speed and volume, loop them, etc (whoop dee doo). When I later ported SimCity to X11, I had to implement my own sound server as a TCL/Tk client you sent messages to through the X server, much in the same way the NeWS sound server worked. So you would run the sound server locally, and you could run multi player SimCity remotely or locally, connected to several players on different workstations, and it would bounce messages off the X servers to all the local sound servers with the TCL "send" command. I layered the sound mixer on top of the low level Sun and SGI and HP sound libraries, as well supporting the NCD remote sound server library (based on the X11 server protocol and client library, but for sound). [In the NCD sound server case, the "PlaySound" message came from the SimCity X11 client, bounced off the X server in the X terminal, back to the TCL sound mixer client (usually back on the machine running SimCity), and then back to the sound server on the X terminal. What a rube goldberg device, just to play sounds in X11! It just goes to show what you get when you let computer hardware and network manufacturers design a window system.] The sound server situation with X11 was shameful, last time I cared about it. Last I checked there were several competing sound servers for X11, none of them widely used. And the X consortuim as promising to make them all obsolete when they finally came out with their fancy new multimedia stuff, that never materialized. (I think they got distracted by the idea of putting an X-Windows server into a NetScape plug-in window, not realizing how ridiculous that was, and just assumed all their sound server and multimedia problems would be solved once their plug-in was tightly plugged into Netscape. Wheee-oooh!) The whole point of having a sound server is that there should only be one, that all applications share. Not zero. Not ten. There were so many lame standards to choose from, and every company was making different promises they didn't intend to keep about what they were going to standardize on. Way back when I was at Sun, I was trying to convince them to make a simple sound server, but there were these guys working on a super fancy overengineered one written in C++ that used threads, and it wasn't done yet, and wouldn't ever be. Then there were *two* from DEC, one by DEC research that they were giving away for free, and another from the VMS weenies that they wanted to charge money for and railroad their customers into using. The VMS weenies wanted to destroy the research weenie's sound server, so they could make some bucks off of the whole deal. But the research weenies freed their source code, so at one time they were the only contender to NCD's audio server. Eventually somebody announced plans to merge the functionality of the DEC and NCD servers (one was good for downloading and playing back samples [ncd] and the other was better for streaming playback [dec]). And of course it never went anywhere from there (or maybe I just stopped paying attention in disgust). The NCD server had the obnoxious behavior of attenuating the sound volume, the more channels you mix together. Let me state very clearly that this is the WRONG THING! Their rationel was that they "averaged" the sound waves together like ((sound1 + sound2) / 2) or (sound1 + sound2 + sound3) / 3, so that they would never overflow, so they didn't have to clip (add with saturate). But the average value of a sound signal is zero [unless it has DC current], and 0+0=0, so the average of two sounds is 0. The correct way to mix sounds is the add them and saturate [clip to min and max values], and it should be up to the application to control the volume level during playback, and up to the game designer to produce and play back the sounds at the proper volume. Averaging is stupid because it changes the volume of all playing sounds in a bad way that you have no control over (especially if the sounds are being played by some other application). The server has no way of knowing how the sounds are being used, so it has no business changing their volume. If you're playing background music, you don't want it to become half as loud when you play a footstep sound effect, and then at the end of the footstep to jump back up to full volume. Any human not deaf since birth can tell you that more sounds you make the louder it gets, but this fact seemed to be lost on the technicians at NCD, who obviously didn't have the slightest idea what people would be using the speaker in the X-Terminals for. I tried in vain to convince them otherwise, to no avail. The only way to get it right is to mix all your sounds yourself and stream them to the sound server. A few years later I read an article in a computer gaming magazine that pointed out that the Mac sound manager does the same damn thing, and that it's wrong. I'm so sorry I had to wait for Microsoft to get it right with DirectSound, but if the X-Windows and Unix vendors (and Apple for that matter) are so out of touch with developers that the can't standardize on a sound mixer that works, they to hell with them, because they deserve for Microsoft to eat their lunch and piss on their parade. > >Also, the real world has requirements for printing and file services. > > It also has requirements for ending hunger and promoting world > peace. We can argue what requirements are relevant to a distributed > window system. Your complaint seems to be that we should not have > designed a distributed window system, we should have designed a > distributed extensible UI architecture. Good point. The real world also has the requirement that promises be delivered. What is the X-Consortium doing now? What ever happened to the grandious suite of multimedia libraries, application frameworks, and integrated authoring tools, that they promised? My complaint is more about the design of the communications aspect of the system than about what it looks like. You're confusing me with a bunch of the other critics of X. The same people who promised all you that X-Windows stuff will tell you these days that you should be using CORBA, and used to tell you to use OpenDoc. Oh, well. [Though, from an analysis viewpoint, if you muck up in one area it will have consequences in other areas -- so in that sense they're related.] I mean, sure: ICCM is a sick joke, to make something work you have to futz around learn how the sixty applications you want to interoperate with really communicate. But I think of that as a symptom, not a cause. Don't even get me started on ICCCM. > We disagree(d). We considered that, and explicitly rejected it. You > are free to argue that we were boneheads for rejecting it, but I > still think we made the right choice. I am less sanguine about our > choice of mechanism not policy, but that is a different argument. Maybe. If you expand that to UI mechanism, not UI policy, you might have a point. X *does* have policies (policies are the level of abstraction between goals and procedures, if you don't have policy you must be missing either goals or procedures). To illustrate this, consider issues like alpha channel, displays which can change their resolution or color depth. The secret X-Windows design goal was: "Politics, not Policy". -Don