From gedye@Sun.COM Wed Nov 29 19:31:16 1989 Date: Wed, 29 Nov 89 00:18:15 PST From: gedye@Sun.COM (Dave Gedye) To: don@cs.UMD.EDU Subject: Pie menus in TNT Owen forwarded your code around to our group. Good stuff. Your point about Thing ==> Good, Graphic ==> send ==> Bad is well taken. We are currently overhauling all our objects which manage a group of visuals (menus, settings, and the newly created button groups) so that they mix the Thing-handling code in, and just manage an array of Things. Up a closely related alley -- when I saw your Cyberspace demo, god when was it? back in August perhaps?, it hit me what opportunities there were for `non-canvas canvases' which you'd implemented for the browser. Well, I got thinking, and came up with the following proposal. I'd appreciate your comments if you can wade through it. Cheers, Dave. ------------------------------------------------ Regions ======== Below I explain my idea for a new `value added' component in tNt. I describe what it would do; the rough structure of its interfaces; what current toolkit problems it would solve, roughly how long it might take to build and integrate, and open issues. I call these objects "regions". They're the same thing that we used to call "trellises", so don't get phased by the new name if you've heard of them before. Warning: this memo is about 10 pages long, and includes just about everything I could pump out of my brain on the subject. You might like to print it out and mull over it in the environment of your choice. If you just want to play with a demo you'll have to wait a few more days. My current world is broken, but I'll have the demo posted out by Monday night. What is it? ----------- A Region is a cheap replacement for a canvas. It is implemented entirely in PostScript, and thus has to be *very* simple to perform well. At its simplest a region is a rectangular region laid on top of a canvas that can handle its own painting and hit detection. The power of regions though, is that they can nest to form a tree structure, just like canvases. One region can contain several others, each of which can contain others, and so on. Painting proceeds from the root of the region-tree to the leaves. Hit detection turns into the problem of finding the path from the root to the leaf region that suffered the hit. What are the important ideas? ----------------------------- Arbitrary Layout, Arbitrary Nesting: Below is an example of a region hierarchy (such as might be used in the future to implement a control area, and set of controls). The root region contains four subregions, three of which contain further substructure. Layout inside the outer most region is completely arbitrary (a la AbsoluteBag), but they are also optimized to handle regular arrays (a la RowColumBag) as is illustrated inside two of the subregions. _______________________________________________________ | | | __________________________________ _______ | | | |---- | |-------------| |-----| | |_______| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |_______| | | ____________________ |_______| | | |____|____|____|_____| _____ |_______| | | |____|____|____|_____| | | | | |_____| | |_______________________________________________________| Zero Interests: Since there are no canvases in the above picture, there are no interests either. The other side of this coin is that it **only makes sense to put object in a region hierarchy that want to respond to the same set of events.** You express interests for these events on the canvas over which you lay this region structure. Leaf Manager Subclass: An important question is: how many objects (instances of some subclass of Region) are there in the above picture? The simple answer is 20 (1 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 8); too many! The solution is to make a subclass of Region that *explicitly manages a set of leaf rectangles*. Since this management is explicit, these leaf rectangles need not be fully fledged region objects. They just exist as data structures held by the leaf manager. How many full objects are in the picture? 5 (1 + 4). Reducing the number of objects reduces the number of interobject sends, a very time consuming procedure. To paint the above picture only 5 inter-object sends are required. (1 from the canvas to the root region, and 4 from the root region to its subregions). The other benefit of factoring at the Leaf Manager level is that one level up from the leaves is exactly the right place to put painting knowledge that we used to keep in ClassGraphic. Chris Warth proved this in the 3D Exclusive Setting code he sent around a few weeks back. It was fast because 1. there were no interobject sends, and 2. because it had the built-in knowledge that everything it was going to paint was an exclusive setting. Coherent Tracking: There's a justifiable fear that doing mouse tracking across a complex picture in PostScript will be too slow. That's what canvases are good at, right? Obviously the final answer will come from measurement of a large realistic example, but I've got reason to be optimistic. Using what I call "coherent tracking" on a scene of 17 regions, nested to an average depth of 3, including no leaf managers, and no easy-to-resolve grid layout, I was able to resolve from a canvas coordinate to a leaf region in an average of 9.24 ms on a 3/160. This stands up very well, even as a prototype, against the 4.59ms that the current OpenLookMenu takes to execute the much much simpler operation of doing hit detection inside its fixed grid. Coherent tracking works on the assumption that successive calls to /track are very likely to end up resolving to the same leaf region. This is definitely true when the user is dragging around a scene. Cute note: the faster the machine, the truer it is. The tracking code in my Region prototype caches information each time it is called, and does a quick check the next time it is called. Who keeps X, Y, W, and H? Regions manage their own size (W and H), but in general do not need to know their position (X, Y) inside their parent region or on the canvas. I say *in general*, because prototypes I have built don't need this information. I suspect though that when all the details of integrating regions into the Bag world are worked out, we may choose, at least for some subclasses, to let regions know about their X and Y. The only good reason I can think of at the moment to have their positions externally managed is that this allows the *same* region to be used simultaneously in two places; either on the same canvas or on different ones. I'm hard pressed right now to say why this might be important. Where will Regions be used? ---------------------------- The Region concept is important both for performance reasons (it'll allow us to get rid of some canvases and interests), and also simplicity of interface. I anticipate regions being used everywhere in our toolkit where simple down/drag/up tracking is required. These should include: Menus: Simple single-grid menus, as we now offer them can be built from a single region layed on top of the menu canvas. More general menu layout (such as separated blocks of exclusive settings) can be achieved by nesting other regions inside the menu's root region. Such layout is required by OpenLook, but neither XView nor the current tNt can provide it. Settings: Groups of exclusive, non-exclusive, choggle, and checkbox settings will each be a subclass of Region. As with menus, we'll be able to go beyond our restrictive fixed grid layout, and implement arbitrary layout for the items within a group. Even better: since the setting classes will not have their own canvas, I'm hopeful that the interface we'll offer to settings in menus will simply be: build your own setting group, and insert it in the menu's root region. This is much cleaner than the current confusing duplication. Buttons, Menu Buttons (aka button stacks): Individual buttons will not have a canvas; they'll be inserted in a region structure that is layed onto a control area canvas. Apart from the space savings, having them all on the one canvas will allow us to do "Menu Bar" style menu tracking a la Mac. (I have mail waiting for Scott Ritchie about the legal implications of this.) Where is a Region Appropriate; Where a Canvas? ---------------------------------------------- You must use a set of canvases instead of a region structure when any of the following conditions hold: Different objects are interested in different events. This was explained above. Your regions are non rectangular. (This may not be strictly necessary; I could imagine a whole lot of complex pointinpath stuff going on, but I don't think we want to concern ourselves with this at the moment. Another argument is that most of the cost of a nonrectangular canvas is its path object. If you're going to keep the path, you might as well have the canvas as well.) You want to do nontrivial animation in response to tracking. Sliders and scrollbars are the obvious examples of this condition. What Are The Important Interfaces? ---------------------------------- The files ~gedye/play/region/ contain these interfaces plus quite a few more that I've been experimenting with. Below I've listed what I think is a minimal subset of them. /new { % - -> region No surprises here. /addclient { % region -> - Nest one inside the other. Args depend on layoutstyle (see below). /client { % n -> region Retrieve the nth region inserted in this region. I don't yet see the need for named access. /setsize {% w h -> - Set and get the rectangular sizes. /size {% - -> w h /paint {% x y -> - These two are a recursive pair /PaintRegion {% x y -> - just like /paint and /PaintCanvas Note that (x,y) are needed because the region doesn't know where it is. /clientat {% x y -> |null This method does single level point resolution. It returns an index to the resulting region and an x,y offset within it. If no child covers the given point, null is returned. /track {% x y -> - The canvas hanging on to a region /TrackNotify {% n|null m|null -> - structure calls the /track method of its root region on mouse down, and on each drag. /TrackNotify is called (by the region code) whenever the tracking enters or leaves a child of this region. Entrances have arguments , and exits . If successive calls to /track jump completely from one child to another the arguments are . /track is of course recursive. /setlayoutstyle { % /name -> - Two styles of layout are understood /setlayoutparams { % [stuff] -> - by all regions. These are /Absolute and /Grid. Subclasses may choose to add to this list. For example, OpenLook settings can be layed out in what I would call a /ShrinkAndAbut style (again, see Chris' demos). The arguments to /setlayoutparams vary depending on the layoutstyle. /Absolute style may require no parameters, whereas /Grid will probably take the interface that we already have for the current implementation of menus and settings. The arguments to /addclient also depend on the layoutstyle. Absolute layout requires an (x,y) pair. Grid layout requires nothing. Rough Class Structure --------------------- Here's my first cut at the org chart of these beasts: Region | |____LeafManagerRegion | | | |_______ExclusiveSetting (including choggles) | | | |_______NonExclusiveSetting_____CheckBoxes | | | |_______Buttons | | | |_______AbbreviatedButtons | | | |_______MenuItems | |____ComplexMenu Region we've discussed. LeafManagerRegion (horrible name) would not offer any new interfaces, but overrides all the recursive ones (/paint, /track) so it can hide the fact that the regions it is managing are not full blooded objects. ExclusiveSetting would override /newinit to gobble up an array of Glyphs and a callback proc, /paint to do its group painting, and /TrackNotify to handle its highlighting. Ditto for NonExclusiveSetting. The Buttons subclass would handle normal buttons *and* menu buttons (aka button stacks.) This is desirable because app programmers often wish to intermix these two object types. It is reasonable (I hope) to do this because the painting differences between buttons and menu buttons are small. The /newinit interface to this class might look like: /newinit { % [ ...] -> - A proc argument would indicate that this was a normal button, a menu implies that it is a menu button. If we were feeling really friendly, we could even allow the outside level of bracketting to be removed if there was only a single button or menu button involved. This way, we offer all of the advantages of "composite objects" while maintaining a simple interface when the number of objects being "clumped" is 1. This idea should be considered for all subclasses of class LeafManagerRegion. AbbreviatedButtons I haven't thought too much about. My first idea is that like Buttons, this class should include both OpenLook Abbreviated Buttons and Abbreviated Menu Buttons. Nice symmetry. MenuItems is the class that will usually be layed on top of the menu's canvas. It will allow regular command items as well as submenus, and should present exactly the same interfaces as the Buttons class above. In my region-crazed state I can *almost* imagine that two separate classes aren't necessary ... but I think we don't want all the `if' statements that this would imply. On the other hand, I *do* think that you should be able to slam an instance of ExclusiveSetting straight onto the menu, or into a ComplexMenu (see below). The same goes for NonExclusiveSetting. ComplexMenu is the class that you would insert into your menu canvas when you wanted to achieve the "block layout" look shown for example on pages 6-5, 6-7 of the OL Reference Manual, and 6-3, 6-4 of the Style Guide. It would layout its subregions down the canvas leaving a nice gap between each of them. If you want even more flexibility than this in your menus, we'll let you build it yourself easily and cheaply. Make your own region, and make *it* the one hung onto by the menu's canvas. Problems and Open Issues ------------------------ Bag Interraction: Think of a control area or a property sheet. These bags are going to contain a mixture of canvases (for sliders, text controls, and scrolling lists) and regions (for buttons, settings, and perhaps labels). My feeling is that they have to play together in something like the current AbsoluteBag, as well as something like the current FlexBag. (Even if GUIDE obviates the need for humans to ever use FlexBags again, I suggest that GUIDE itself will probably grow to allow real relative alignment in the future.) So, what options do we have? Something like the way graphics are currently handled in bags might work. They'd just need to be taught to hang onto some baggage... Another option that I don't like is to force a real canvas behind every region root in the bag. That way the bag could always just deal with canvases. To my mind this would lead to clumsy interfaces, as well as waste some canvases. To be good bag clients, regions will have to play the /minsize game. My gut feeling is that they can get away without also playing the /preferredsize game, but we might bite this just for consistency. Jerry Interraction: An interesting question posed by the proposed global event manager / application event manager split is "where will region tracking take place". If the answer isn't "in the global event manager", then I think its time to go back to Australia. I also assert that the /TrackNotify callback should almost always be handled in the GEM. (This is the code that is going to dehighlight one menu item, and highlight the next as the mouse sweeps down the menu.) What about when we detect a pullright? Hmmm. I guess that one *has* to execute in the GEM because it changes the state of input distribution. What about application-specific subclasses of Region. Do we tell them "you can't get at your userdict inside your /TrackNotify code". I'm hoping we don't have to say stuff like this. Damage: How are we going to do fast trivial rejection for damage repair on these suckers? Given that we don't have path intersection operators in the server, I'd say its a lsot cause. On the other hand, regions paint themselves so quickly that it might not matter; at least in our first cut at it. Parent Links: Does a subregion need to be able to reference its parent? Does the root of a region tree need to be able to reference its canvas? My simple prototypes don't display this need, but I can imagine that we might stumble across a reason why this is important pretty soon. This will add an extra instance variable to each region, and complicate region destruction a little. We should hold off as long as we can on this one I think. Overlap: Should we worry about what happens when two child regions overlap? My prototype demo actually has regions that do this. The rule I use in point location is "return the region that was inserted first". This falls out naturally from the point location code (the search stops as soon as it finds a subregion that contains the point.). *However*, the coherent tracking stuff gets very confused by overlaps. The region that you resolve to at any point will depend on the route you used to get there! Different reasons to track: The way I've currently organized the tracking stuff a canvas starts the tracking but some deeply nested region gets notified whenever a boundary gets crossed. How does this region know how it should respond to this? Currently I've assumed that there's only one reason to call /track -- the user has pressed SELECT and is about to choose some control object to let up on. What about the difference between menu tracking with the DEFAULT key down, and normal tracking? Maybe the answer is to set some kind of /TrackReason when tracking commences, and let the leaf regions query this if they wanted to. Of course, without parent references, how would they find it? Hmmmm. Tasks/Schedule -------------- I guess that there should be 4 phases of work associated with regions, the middle two of which can be overlapped. 1. Complete prototype to a level sufficient to demo "Menu Bar" functionality, where the menus themselves are implemented using regions. Many corners can be cut with the menu implementation (no need for submens, no need for stayup mode...), and with the button group prototype. But SELECT and MENU button tracking should work over the whole group. Doing this much in a prototype will force us up against a lot of the unresolved questions. Deliverables: a working demo of the above AND A SOLID INTERFACE PROPOSAL/DESIGN DOCUMENT, WRITTEN UP TO A LEVEL ALLOWING THE WRITERS TO DERIVE THE REFERENCE MANUAL ENTRIES FROM IT. Suggested manopwer: two people x three weeks. 2. Get sign-off from the architecture committee on the interface and the demo, then turn the prototype into real implementations for Region and LeafManagerRegion. Suggested manopwer: if the prototype goes well, this could take as little as two weeks for a single engineer; if badly 4 or more weeks could be absorbed here. 3. (Can be done concurrently with 2.) Create prototypes for *all* OL objects that will use regions. Submit the demos and interface proposals/design documents (one for menus, one for button groups, etc.) to the architecture committee for review. Suggested Manpower: Menus: 1 person x 3 weeks. Settings (x, nonx, checkboxes) 1 person x 2 weeks. Button Groups (inc. abbr buttons): 1 person x 3 weeks. 4. Get sign-off from the architecture committee on all the interfaces and demos, then turn the prototypes into the real thing. See the estimates from the OpenLook review that Greg and I carried out for times on this.