To: news-makers Subject: Comments on the NeWS Menu and Item classes --text follows this line-- I've been playing around with the NeWS Menu and Item classes a bit. Things I've noticed: * exclusivity could be used to make things simpler. * items take a parent canvas as an argument to their /new method. I want to be able to create items and then hand them to menus as keys, as arguments to the menu's /new method. But the menu canvas, which should be the item canvas's parent, does not exist before the menu has been sent a /new. There needs to be a way of defering the instantiation of the items that are the menu keys, till after the menu canvas is created. Then again, maybe the Item /new method should not take a parent canvas as an argument, and the creation of the canvas should be another method. It just stashes ItemParent away, anyway. Kludge alert: If you passed it a null instead of a canvas, then /makecanvas could know to def it to currentcanvas before using it. Icko gross barf me out. Or, instead of giving a canvas as an arg, you could use: {/ItemParent MenuCanvas put ItemParent} {/ItemParent {MenuCanvas} foomenu send put ItemParent} (With NeWS 1.1 items, the optional size arg check should treat executable arrays and canvases the same) What scope are you going to be in, and will foomenu have been def'ed yet, when this is executed? executed in /makecanvas, /location, /startinterests. Ugh.