Pie Menus in SDI by Mark Weiser Demonstration of Mark Weiser's Pie Menus implementation for his classic game SDI for SunView, written while snowed in at home in 1987. https://youtu.be/WTtEPbIE10I?t=42s While snowed in with his Sun workstation at home during January 1987, Mark Weiser implemented pie menus for Sunview. He used the Sunview pie menus for his classic "SDI" game. Date: Fri, 23 Jan 87 20:12:37 EST From: mark@markssun.cs.umd.edu (Mark Weiser) To: don@mimsy.umd.edu Subject: pies in sunview I used the snow to hack pies into sunview. It works now without walking menus. Will have walking over the weekend. -mark From: mark@mimsy.umd.edu Subject: pie menus in suntools Date: 26 January 1987 at 00:09:26 CET To: callahan@brillig.umd.edu, chris@brillig.umd.edu, don@brillig.umd.edu, steve@brillig.umd.edu I integrated pie menus into a version of suntools(.c), so they are used for all the background menus. Its running as the standard suntools on markshome right now. The method was to completely emulate all the standard sun menu library calls so the source of suntools.c did not change at all. Just a relink does it. I used walkmenu.h to hold all the local information as well, so some of the standard menu calls still will work with these (like menu_get(CLIENT_DATA)) But--I only emulated those calls and options used by suntools, so it is not a general library replacement. It still needs tuning to make the menus really look good, and for some mouse click response glitches, but basically its all in. Now the pie paper has two implementation data points, and I'll get back to work on it. -mark From: mark@mimsy.umd.edu Subject: sunview pies Date: 30 January 1987 at 06:24:27 CET To: don@brillig.umd.edu, steve@brillig.umd.edu images work. -mark From: mark@mimsy.umd.edu Subject: pie tester in sunview Date: 30 January 1987 at 07:07:49 CET To: chris@brillig.umd.edu, don@brillig.umd.edu, steve@brillig.umd.edu markssun:~mark/pie/test is the binary for a little pies in sunview tester. You just hand it a bunch of arguments and it makes a pie menu out of them. It takes your last item, and makes it arbitrarily makes it a submenu pointing to another copy of the original menu (to a depth of 5). Items are selected by clicking down/up on them. Any argument to 'test' which ends in '.icon' is assumed to be the name of an image file in icon format. Otherwise the string itself is used as the argument. Current bugs: 1. sometimes it doesn't notice the selection until you move the mouse slightly. 2. whena submenu is deselected (by clicking on the null middle region) the submenu does not go away (it just becomes overlaid by the old parent and is no longer active). Both of these bugs seem to be strange sunview things that I have not yet discovered workarounds for. I do have a suntools.c which uses pies, but it seems to only work with 3.2. -mark