SLUG mail archive


SLUG'90 Database Session

I am seeking user participation in the SLUG'90 Database session.  I will
be chairing the session.  

The session will focus on exploring user needs and experiences with
object-oriented databases.  This means that we are looking for real
world oo-dbms application(s) written in *any* oo-dbms.  [It does *not*
have to be Statice, in fact one or two non-Statice examples would be

Typical issues of interest: What were the problems in 1) design, 2)
implementation, 3) interface, 4) operations?  What was different about
the oo-dbms conceptualization of the problem?  How well/problematically
did your oo-dbms interface to other subsystems, language constructs
[e.g. CLOS, DW...] other operating environments [e.g. Unix, VMS] or
systems constrains [e.g. we had a real-time application with 80 msec
window and ....]?  Integration with expert systems shells [e.g.  KEE,
Art, Joshua...].  Did/would an oo-dbms allow you to solve problems in a
new domain, or offer novel solutions to your current needs?  What would
you like in an oo-dbms.

This in obviously a non-exhaustive list.  Any oo-dbms issue of interest
to you will be considered.

Object-oriented databases are an emerging technology and contain many
exciting open issues.  There are few definite answers, no standard
languages and no standard measures of success.  This session would be an
excellent opportunity for anyone *either* interested or experienced in
the area to have their voice heard.

The current plan is one video presentation and talk on a geographic
application; another geographic application using Statice vs. SIM; one
talk on why the use of Statice was *abandoned*; and some comments on
alternative oo-dbms products.  If you would like to participate in the
session, please reply to

as soon as possible.  [I have to produce a session drafts by mid-next

Thank you, 
Leslie Walko

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