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text formatting windows

    Date: Wed, 23 May 90 14:48:16 EDT

    Does anyone have code I could use for this purpose?

    I'm looking for the ability to do something like

    (format-text-as-paragraph <a long string> window-stream)

    I'm not looking to do anything fancy -- just splat a help message into
    a typeout window, ragged-right.  It just seems silly that with all
    that other great stuff out there (e.g., formatting-table) I should
    have to go through the whole rigamarole of positioning the cursor in a
    window and drawing strings char-by-char, or the equally onerous task
    of formatting the help message ahead of time for a particular

    Do any of you have such functions?  Or is there something in the
    manuals that I've overlooked (quite possible)?



How about:

   (format window-stream <a long string>))


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