SLUG mail archive


documentation in zmacs

   Date: Mon, 21 May 90 21:10:40 EDT

   I have two problems with the way the documentation works in Zmacs, and
   I wonder if any of you have solutions.

   1) It used to be that if one called up a piece of documentation in
   Zmacs (via M-sh-D), one got to see it, and it also got loaded into the
   document examiner.  I LIKED this.  Nowadays, you just get to look at
   it as it scrolls by, and if you miss something, tough luck.  Not even
   a bookmark is left behind.  Has anyone `unfixed' this so it works the
   way it used to?

It's still loaded into DocEx, but not in the default viewer (viewers are to
DocEx as buffers are to Zmacs).  I think they're put in a viewer named
"Background".  I don't remember precisely when this change occurred, but I
remember seeing it documented in release notes.

   2) Has anyone written a command to look up the common-lisp-style
   documentation strings, and display them in a nicely formatted way,
   while in the editor?  I know, I know, I should do this myself, it
   would be easy enough, but if someone already has...

I think that m-sh-A will display documentation strings in the typeout
window.  I'm not sure if this is what you mean by "a nicely formatted way."



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