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unexpunging files

    Date: Wed, 16 May 90 11:23 PDT
    From: (Scott Fisher)

    Dear SLUG,

	    I was wondering if anybody had written utilities that unexpunge
    files that have been accidently expunged.
I have such a utility for FEP files; I have the beginnings of such a utility for
LMFS files too.  Both have been used successfully at customer sites though with
some handholding, as they have no user-interface to speak of and require some
knowledge of what's going on to be used correctly.  On my personal (but not
any official) task list is to clean these up and install them in the system.

Oops, I guess I wasn't specific enough; the salvager will retrieve expunged
files from the LMFS if you haven't written over them and you don't have
disk errors.  My tool is an attempt to do this even when LMFS won't come up
because the partition or the disk is damaged.
    Scott Fisher

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