SLUG mail archive


Re: Consulting Catalog

Dear Slug Member,
Sorry for the delay.  This will be the third time I've tried to send

We are creating a SLUG Consulting Catalog.  We believe that the
Symbolics LISP community is helped by encouraging the widespread
use of Consultants.  Even though most of us believe that Lisp Machines
are wonderful (why does anyone really want to use Unix?), we must
still work to show those that misunderstand Lisp that it
is good for delivery as well as development.  We must also still prove
to the world that the Symbolics style of user-interfaces (i.e.
Presentations) is the way to go.
Evidence of a vibrant and successful cadre of consultants working in
the field will provide:
- confidence in the viability of these approaches to software
- proof of established software applications systems that have been
  fielded in research as well as development/delivery situations
- a specific group of individuals whose credentials are established and
  who can be contacted directly.
Independent consultants provide a unique cohesive force in any technical
community.  However, it is difficult for the software engineering community
to realize just how much one consultant can do with a Lisp Machine.
We still need to educate people on what "Rapid Prototyping" really is.
Therefore, the main goal of this Catalog is to increase the visibility of
independent consultants with the hope that that will help encourage the
use of Lisp.  The emphasis is on cooperation in helping network about
To be entered in the catalog please send to Andrew Ressler the following
     For Individuals
     1. Name
     2. Contact Information (Address, Phone #, Net-Address, Fax #, etc.)
     3. Number years experience on Lisp Machines (Symbolics, TI, LMI, CADRS, etc.)
     4. Other Languages experience (C++ etc.)
     5. Experience with Symbolics Specifics (Statice, Joshua, Concordia,
        Graphics/S-Products, Networking, Windows, Zmacs, etc.)
     6. Specialties (Prototyping, Graphics, System Internals, Porting,
        System Design etc.)
     7. Educational Background
     8. Major Projects worked on
     9. References from clients that would be willing to discuss your performance
     10. Misc Comments
     For Small Consulting Companies:
     1. Company Name
     2. Contact Information (Address, Phone #, Net-Address, Fax #, etc.)
     3. Key Personal Names
     4. Number of People with Significant Lisp Machines experience
        (Symbolics, TI, LMI, CADRS, etc.)
     5. Other Languages experience (C++ etc.)
     6. Experience with Symbolics Specifics (Statice, Joshua, Concordia,
        Graphics/S-Products, Networking, Windows, Zmacs, etc.)
     7. General Specialties (Prototyping, Graphics, System Internals, Porting,
        System Design etc.)
     8. Major Projects worked on
     9. References from clients that would be willing to discuss your performance
     10. Misc Comments
We would like to make the catalog consistent so please try to stick to
this format.  Also please send the information electronically to if possible.  Otherwise, try or
We have the following list of people that have already agreed to be in the
     Amos Oshrin
     Andrew Ressler
     Larry Stead
     Michael Komichak
     Niel Mayle
     Odyssey Systems, Inc (Steve Gandor)
     PANGARO Incorporated (Paul Pangaro, Bill Wilkinson)
     Paul Cross

We are trying to reach the entire community of users, especially
those not on e-mail. Please forward to us anyone you know of who might
be appropriate for the catalog and we will contact them directly.
The list will be maintained by SLUG and will be advertised as an informal

This letter and the subsequent catalog will be sent to all SLUG members.
Inclusion in the catalog does not in anyway count as a
recommendation from either Symbolics or SLUG as to the consultant's
abilities as stated.
Please send requests for inclusion by May 15, 1990.
Andrew L. Ressler


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