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A type specifier question for the CL language theorists.

    Date: Mon, 14 May 90 15:13:04 EDT
    From: cogen@XN.LL.MIT.EDU (David Cogen)

    I thought that (LIST INTEGER) was permissible.

    But, there is another way to do this, although I suspect that most compilers
    would ignore it. It uses SATISFIES.

    The type is

    where EVERY-INTEGER-P is


    -- David Cogen.

Yes, I will take your advice and write it just this way.  Thanks.  
I don't really care whether compilers ignore this or not (see below).


    Date: Mon, 14 May 90 15:58 EDT
    From: Barry Margolin <barmar@Think.COM>

	Date: Mon, 14 May 90 11:20 PDT
	From: (Robert D. Pfeiffer)

	I just realized that I don't know how to write a type specifier that
	concerns itself with the types of the elements of a list.  That is, I
	can write '(ARRAY INTEGER) to specify an array that consists of
	integers but I can't write '(LIST INTEGER) to do the same for lists.  

	Am I missing something obvious, or is there really no standard CL way to
	do this?

    There is no standard CL way to do this.  The primary reason this exists
    for arrays is because most implementations have specialized
    representations of arrays with restricted element types (for instance,
    (array (unsigned-byte 8)) can be implemented by packing four bytes into
    a word and using byte addressing, rather than as an array of pointers as
    in the general case), and code generation for array accessors can take
    advantage of compile-time knowledge of the storage type.  Lists are less
    amenable to such storage optimization, since they still have to have the
    cdr pointer (even in cdr-coded implementations they have to have a
    full-sized car pointer that can be replaced with a forwarding pointer
    when you rplacd).

I understand.  The real issue here is that I want to use a type
specifier to "program my intent" for documentation purposes.  As you
point out, the implementation of type specifiers in CL is really for
getting (allowing) compiler optimizations to happen.

    By the way, general Common Lisp questions are better off being sent to
    the mailing list, rather than the slug
    mailing list.  The latter is more oriented towards Symbolics- and
    user-group-specific discussions.

Thanks for pointing this out.  I wasn't aware of this mailing list.

    Date: Mon, 14 May 90 13:40 PDT
    From: Stephen L. Nicoud <>

	Date: 14 May 90 20:19:39 GMT
	From: barmar@Think.COM (Barry Margolin)

	By the way, general Common Lisp questions are better off being sent to
	the mailing list, rather than the slug
	mailing list.  The latter is more oriented towards Symbolics- and
	user-group-specific discussions.

    The address is now, although the
    address will work until that machine is finally turned off (it forwards
    common-lisp mail to   Requests to be added to Common Lisp list
    should go to

    Stephen L. Nicoud  <>  uw-beaver!bcsaic!snicoud
    Boeing Advanced Technology Center for Computer Sciences

And thanks for correcting the address.  My request is on the way!


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