SLUG mail archive



    Date: Tue, 8 May 90 12:08:30 PDT
    From: (Bruce Seely)

    We are thinking seriously of using CLIM for the user interface of a system we
    are currently designing.  However, we don't know much other than what we've
    heard by word-of-mouth. Can anyone point me (either directly or indirectly) to
    information about it's capabilities and availability.  Our intent is to run it
    on Suns and on Macintoshes running Allegro Common Lisp if that's possible.

    Please respond to me directly, since I am not on the SLUG mailing list.


    Bruce Seely
    Rockwell International Science Center
    1049 Camino Dos Rios
    P.O. Box 1085
    Thousand Oaks, CA  91360

A 16 page draft of Sonya Keene's "GETTING READY FOR CLIM" will be available 
from your Symbolics Sales Office next week. Give them a call and they will 
send it right out to you.
0, answered,,


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