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Raster image to file

    Date: Wed, 9 May 90 15:17 PDT
    From: (Eric Buckman)

	Date: Wed, 9 May 90 15:11 EDT

	I have no doubt that this has been asked before, but I don't know the
	answer and I thought someone out there would.  I would like to dump
	a color screen to a file in a way analogous to <function-Q>.  I would
	be happy with any format which could then be redisplayed, but I would
	need a description of the format (the files may be displayed on an X
	server).  Could someone explain how to do this or send the code 


	David Loewenstern
	AT&T Bell Laboratories
	Whippany, NJ 07981
	email: || whutt!davel
	at&t: 201-386-6516

    Here is some info that might be helpful, but certainly not complete.....  I
    think the S-Color, and S-Utilities (layered products from Symblics) have what
    you want.  So, you can do stuff that dumps out screens in IMAN format, and that
    is explained in their documentation.  Also, they have written a utility called
    S-Convert, that I used to convert a screen image to Turevision format.  Software
    on our Sun's is able to convert from Truevision to a bunch of other format's
    including X .  The software for converting between different bitmap formats is
    called PBM for Portable Bitmap.  Monty Kosma (
    got that software from somewhere, and it is on one of our Sun's.  You'll have to
    ask him how to get a copy of this Unix based bitmap conversion code if you're
FYI Release 8.0 (coming soon to a Lispm near you) has code for reading/writing a bunch
of different foreign image formats.  Adding new formats is pretty easy too.


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