SLUG mail archive


1 Debugging challenges sought:0

1It's me again, but this time, it's in regard to ANOTHER SLUG-90 session.
This one will concentrate on advanced debugging techniques, and what I'm
looking for are suggestions or even instances of problems that can be given
to a panel of wizard-level debuggers for suggestions on how they can be
approached. If you've spent a lot of time on a particular kind of problem,
and have thought there has to be a better way to find the solution, then
this is your chance to stump the experts! (or hopefully, learn something
about how Genera can be used to track down complex problems quickly).

I am soliciting concise, written problem instances that should be emailed to
me (only!) and will be unveiled (for the first time) at the SLUG session on
debugging. Stump the entire panel, and win a 3620*!!!!!! Your problem can
involve any coding style, but should be in Lisp (this is a lisp users group,

Thanks for your support.

[*] (Or a photograph thereof. Or a walk by one, with someone pointing it out
to you. Or the string "3620" written on a blackboard in your presence. Or...)

 Brad Miller		U. Rochester Comp Sci Dept. {...allegra!rochester!miller}

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