SLUG mail archive


SLUG-90 `Proceedings'? -- Call for volunteers!

Date: Mon, 7 May 90 17:15 EDT
Message-ID: <>

Dear Sluggers;
This is a Call for Volunteers!

   For the benefit of those who will be unable to attend SLUG-90 ---  or
those who  can  attend  but  find  it  difficult  to attend all parallel
sessions --- I  propose to  collect an  informal summary  of each of the
SLUG-90 sessions  from  attendees.   This  will  also help non-attendees
understand the inevitable editorials which will followup on SLUG in late
July!  BTW, I'm one of those unfortunates who wont be able to attend.

Please respond to me and tell me which of the sessions you plan to
attend, are willing take notes on and can summarize for the benefit of
the rest of us.  Volunteer for as few or as many as you care,
prioritized if you want.  I'll try to arrange for as many sessions as
possible to be covered while minimizing the number that any individual
has to cover (taking notes can be a drag!).  I'll reply to tell you
which sessions to cover.

The  proposed  format   is  some   appropriate  mixture   of  prose  and
itemization, page-ish in length.   Lets forgo the  editorializing; there
will be plenty of bandwidth on SLUG for that afterwards.  

I'll assemble (and edit, if that's acceptable) responses into reasonable
sized sections  and  post  them  to  the  SLUG  mailing  list as soon as
possible after  I've  recieved  the  responses.   Perhaps  it be best to
distribute these in PS (Pseudo-Scribe) so it can be conveniently  viewed
& printed from lispms.   Responders who wish  to @scribe the  stuff they
send me are more than welcome, but it wont be required.


Rough outline of the SLUG-90 schedule follows:

I. Wednesday
  A. Opening Session 9-10
  B. Management Presentations 10:30-12:30
    1. State of Symbolics
    2. Future of Genera
    3. Delivery Solutions
    4. Support
  C. User's views on Genera  2:00-3:30
    1. The role of Genera
    2. The pieces of Genera
    3. Other additions to Genera
  D. Parallel technical sessions 4:00-5:30
    1. Concordia Case Studies
    2. Debugging Techniques of Sophisticated Users
    3. Communications and Integration for Delivering Multi-System
  E. Birds of a Feather 7:00-8:00
    1. Dialnet
    2. Maintaining Lispms
    3. Object oriented design
  F. Birds of a Feather 8:00-9:00
    1. System security
    2. Justification for Lispm purchases
  G. Birds of a Feather 9:00-10:00
    1. SIG for consultants
    2. SIG for site managers
    3. SIG for 3600 owners

II. Thursday
 A. Technical presentations 9:00-10:00
   1. Framethrower (HDTV)
   2. CLOE
 B. Technical presentations 10:30-12:30
   1. Bug tracking
   2. Genera 8.0
   3. XL1200
 C. Parallel technical sessions 2:00-3:30
   1. Database:Integrating and using from Lisp/Genera
   2. Research Techniques: How to find the right function-the
	documentation and beyond
   3. Site Maintenance Strategies, Tools and Configurations
 D. Parallel technical sessions 4:00-5:30
   1. Performance: Pitfalls and Tuning
   2. Extending Genera: the right way to add extensions to Genera's
   3. Using Genera to develop portable applications: Successes and

III. Friday
  A. SLUG Election and other business 9:00-10:00
  B. Reverse Q&A 10:30-12:30
    1. Symbolics management
    2. Symbolics developers
  C. Parallel technical sessions 2:00-3:30
    1. Delivering Applications: Tips from Consultants and Issues from
    2. CLIM & DW - experiences and comments
    3. State of Lisp

A poetic rendering of the events at the SLUG reception would also be
more than welcome; particularly the antics of our illustrious PAN.

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