SLUG mail archive
Team Leaders
To: bcutler, bknapp, rlawler, bruce, ctoney, dlayton, eharrison, ereading, georgeh, jcorrie, jcrawfor, jwhiteley, mgarmani, mmarkley, golney, paird, sglickma, skao, yana, mmonson, unix-users, ggertley, jdunkle, gita, bclark, rbruno, smiller, ruths, maryb, klabunde, mpark, bprice, klash, poltrock, chosogi
Subject: Team Leaders
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 90 16:49:44 PDT
We are trying to find out who to charge for Sam Kao's workstation. Since Sam
doesn't seem to be
around much lately, I am reduced to asking any team which has Sam doing work
for them to
send me a message saying so. Thanks.
Chuck Klabunde
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