SLUG mail archive
mailstop 7L-68
To: miro, bclark, jcorrie, jcrawfor, mgarmani, sglickma, georgeh, skao, bknapp, rlawler, dlayton, mmarkley, phyllis, ereading, bruce, rwojcik, maryb, jdunkle, gita, bprice, jhoard, cathy, rbruno, dans, jstout, kjason, sonia, rjohnson, yana, bcutler, anamioka, paird, rmarcus, klash, smiller, ruths, kerry, klabunde, jfulton, chosogi, alicer, kenk, psteele, mmonson, akdas, cosborn, dmartin, allenm, kyms, unix-users
Subject: mailstop 7L-68
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 90 15:32:25 PDT
In case any of you were wondering why you haven't gotten any Boeing mail for
the last few days.......
Recently a certain ATC employee transferred to Everett. When she did, she
submitted a "change of mailstop" request, intending to have her personal mail
forwarded to Everett. The mail room actually changed the entire 7L-68 mailstop,
as if our entire organization had moved to Everett.
So, said employee's new group in Everett has been inundated over the last few
days with all of the ATC 7L-68 Boeing mail, addressed to people they don't
know. Fun way to break in your new group, don't you think?
Hopefully the problem has been corrected, and more hopefully, all of our lost
mail will find its way back to the ATC. (I talked to the lead in the mail room,
and he says the mailstop change has been canceled.)
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