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550 hp-lst.ether... 550 Host unknown
550 dnt@hp-lst... Host unknown
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Received: by on Fri, 27 Apr 90 10:30:56 PDT
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 90 10:30:56 PDT
From: Larry Baum <lbaum>
Message-Id: <>
To: dnt@hp-lst
Subject: Re: Uninvited
In-Reply-To: <8590003@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM>
Organization: Boeing Computer Services AI Center, Seattle
In article <8590003@hp-lsd.COS.HP.COM> you write:
: I realize that this is shameless begging but I need help to complete the
: last? screen. I have freed my brother but can't get past the last demon.
: I have tried almost every object in the game, cast spells with the unused
: words, and searched the local bookstores(computer and otherwise) for solution
: books. All to no avail. Any help will be appreciated.
: Thanks
: Doug
: dnt@hp-lsd
You have NOT used every object in the game.
What is the standard weapon against a vampire?
What object did you fail to get in the church?
Operate the cross (found in church; it opens the secret
passage to the big spider) on the demon.
Larry Baum
Advanced Technology Center
Boeing Computer Services uucp: uw-beaver!bcsaic!lbaum
(206) 865-3365 internet:
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