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1Re: Symbolics X Server?0

    Date: Wed, 25 Apr 90 15:58 EDT
    From: Brad Miller <miller@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU>

	Date: Wed, 25 Apr 90 13:29:36 EDT
	From: barmar@Think.COM

	They have an X11R3 server for Genera 8.0; it's not as
	buggy, and it's only very (but not extremely) slow.  Both are included as
	part of Symbolics's X Window System layered product, the main bulk of which
	is their X Remote Screen facility, which allows Lispms to put a virtual
	console up on an X server.

    One could hope it would be X11R4 compatible by the time they ship 8.0; we've
    been running R4 for a while already!

I think Genera 8.0 went into beta test in December, but X11R4 wasn't
released until January.  And Genera is different enough from BSD Unix
that it's not an easy port.  8.0 has probably been frozen since early
March, so they would have had to port, alpha test, and beta test their
X11R4 implementation in two months.  Genera may be a wonderful
development environment, but it can't do miracles.


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