SLUG mail archive
Random namespace pruning
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 90 14:23 CDT
From: "David D. Loeffler" <>
We have a site here with about 100 lisp machines and about 200 other
hosts. We have 5 namespaces, 4 of them on one machine. We have been
experiencing random reaps of one of the namespaces. The changes file is
periodically reaped and we have not found out what is triggering it.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
We have had similar problems in our 4 namespaces (1000 hosts), and the way I
made them go away is to stop use changes files. The inconvenience of the
extra time it takes our namespace servers to boot (as they have to reload the
namesapace files, instead of just reading the changes files) is more than
offset by the substantial reliability improvement. If you don't reboot your
namespace servers often, I suggest you try it too.
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