SLUG mail archive
SLUG-90 Announcement (SCRIBE)
To: slug@Warbucks.AI.SRI.COM
Subject: SLUG-90 Announcement (SCRIBE)
From: (Jim Aragones)
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 90 11:59 EST
Character-Type-Mappings: (1 0 (NIL 0) (:FIX :BOLD :NORMAL) "CPTFONTCB") (2 0 (NIL 0) (:FIX :ITALIC :NORMAL) "CPTFONTI") (3 0 (NIL 0) (:SWISS :ROMAN :SMALL) "HL10") (4 0 (NIL 0) (:SWISS :BOLD :SMALL) "HL10B")
Telephone: 518/387-6967
This is the SCRIBE version of the announcement I just sent out. Use
this to print out a copy of the registration form for FAXing to
Shelanski Associates. In case you don't know how to use SCRIBE from
your Symbolics, consider this an extended example :-)
To run:
Yank the announcement into a Zmacs buffer, and use "m-X Format Buffer"
or "m-x Format Region" to preview it. You can also save it to a file
and use the command processor command, "Format File", to print it out.
If you don't read your mail with Zmail, this may be easier said than
done, but I'm sure the challenge will appeal to your sense of adventure.
There is a BUG in the version of SCRIBE many (or all?) of you have, and
you'll see the following error. Just "c-R" a "NIL" to make it run (or
have Symbolics (or barmar) patch it for you :-).
Format File VEGA:>jka>slug90-preliminary.scribe :Destination Banana
1Trap: The second argument given to the SYS:CHAR-EQUAL-INTERNAL instruction, (#\] #\,), was not a charact
0 Arg 0 (NUMBER): #\@
Rest arg (COMPILER:NUMBERS): ((#\] #\,))
s-A, : Supply replacement argument
s-B: Return a value from the CHAR-EQUAL-INTERNAL instruction
s-C: Retry the CHAR-EQUAL-INTERNAL instruction
s-D, : Return to Lisp Top Level in Dynamic Lisp Listener 1
s-E: Restart process Dynamic Lisp Listener 1
Control-R2 Return
0Return a value from the function CHAR-EQUAL.
New value to return: ()
cut here ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3@comment[-*- Mode: Scribe; Default-character-style: (:SWISS :ROMAN :SMALL) -*-]
@comment[Use 4"m-X Format Buffer" to preview or "Format File <pathname> :Destination <printer>"3]
@pageheading (center "Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference")
@blankspace (1.5inch)
@heading[Sixth Annual International Symbolics Lisp Users Group Conference]
June 18 - 22, 1990
Hosted by
The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA]
@blankspace (1.5inch)
@majorheading[ Preliminary program and pre-registration form ]
@majorheading[Developing and Delivering Applications]
Last year, over 150 users met in Boston with Symbolics
management and developers to share experiences and hear about
Symbolics' technology, product and business plans. This year,
SLUG-90 will include tutorials by Symbolics' Educational Services,
technical sessions, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, formal
presentations by Symbolics developers, presentations by Symbolics
management, and many opportunities for informal discussions with
representatives of all facets of Symbolics management.
Symbolics has recently announced details "Focus on Five", its new
product and corporate strategy to maintain price performance
leadership, support application portability, and broaden its
markets. Top Symbolics management, including Jay Wurts
(President and CEO), Ken Tarpey, Ken Sinclair, and Johanna
Rothman will be on hand to discuss the strategy and its
implications. Prominent Symbolics developers, such as David Moon,
Kent Pitman, and Scott McKay will discuss the forthcoming release
of Genera 8.0 and the future of Genera, including CLOS and CLIM.
The theme of this year's conference is "Developing and Delivering
Applications" - using the tools provided by Genera to build
application software while addressing the following constraints:
@begin[description, spread .5, above .5, leftmargin 0.5inch, indent -.5 inch]
INTERFACES@\What are the right tools to use to ensure that the
programmer and user interfaces are optimal?
MAINTENANCE and PERFORMANCE@\What effects will using a
particular tool have on maintainability, extensibility, and
performance tuning?
PORTABILITY@\How can we make the application available to the
user, and what tools exist to ensure this can be accomplished?
EXTENSIONS@\How can we take advantage of Symbolics'
extensions to Genera (for example, Statice, Joshua, and Concordia),
given the above constraints?
This year, the focus is on tools we can use to (1) develop better
systems faster than we could before, and (2) deliver these
applications in a variety of environments. Symbolics has given us
some solutions in both of these areas, such as CLOE and
Ivory-embeds: what other paths have been used successfully and
at what cost? In particular, we'll try to address the question of
how we can develop an application in Genera for delivery in
different environments, while sacrificing as few of Genera's
developmental advantages (and layered products) as possible.
Please join us in what promises to be a lively and informative week
at Stanford!
@pagefooting[immediate, left Send comments to Richard Billington via Email:]
Proposed tutorials include:
@begin[itemize, spread .3, above .3]
An Introduction to CLOS for Flavors programmers
CLIM: Theory and Practice
Programming for portability using Genera, CLOS, and CLIM
Proposed conference sessions include:
@begin[itemize, spread .3, above .3]
Case Studies of Using Concordia
Databases: Integrating and Using from Lisp/Genera
Debugging Techniques of Sophisticated Users
Delivering Applications: Tips from Consultants
Future of Genera
Introducing the XL1200
Lisp Myths and Misconceptions
Performance: Pitfalls and Tuning
Site Maintenance Strategies, Tools, and Configurations
State of Lisp
State of Software Support
State of Symbolics and the Focus-on-Five Corporate Strategy
Symbolics Delivery Solutions
Unix-Genera communications and integration (including RPC and X)
Users' View of Genera: Likes, Needs, and Our View of the Future
Using CLOE: Comments, Advise, and Experiences
Using Genera to Develop Portable Applications: Successes and Advise
ZMACS: extensions, modifications, and how to do it
Proposed Birds-of-a-Feather sessions include:
@begin[itemize, spread .3, above .3]
Consultants SIG
Justifying Buying/Using Lispms
New and Old DIALNET Users
Object-Oriented Design
Policies and Approaches to Hardware and Software Maintenance
Site Manager's SIG
Tools for the Security Conscious
A machine room will be available throughout the conference. Machines can be used for
demonstrations, swapping software, hacking, etc.
@heading[Dates] @tabclear[] @tabset[3inch]
CLOS Tutorial@\Monday, June 18, 8am-12pm.
CLIM Tutorial@\Monday, June 18, 1pm-5pm.
Portability Tutorial@\Tuesday, June 19, 8am-5pm.
Symbolics sponsored reception@\Tuesday, June 19, 5:30pm.
Conference begins@\Wednesday, June 20, 9am.
SLUG sponsored reception@\Thursday, June 21, 7:30pm.
Conference ends@\Friday, June 22, 3:30pm.
The 1990 Conference will take place at Stanford University in the
midst of its Centennial Celebration. Located on the San Francisco
Peninsula, Stanford offers outstanding facilities, reliably excellent
weather, and easy access to San Francisco (30 miles to the north),
the coast (10 miles west), with redwoods, wine country, Santa Cruz,
Monterey, and Carmel not much farther away.
@heading[Registration fees]
@tabset(1.8inch, 3.1inch, 4inch)
@\ Tutorial @\ 1-day @\ 3-day @*
@\ (half/full day)@\ conference @\ conference
Advance registration @\ 95/190 @\ n/a @\ 120
Late registration @\ 115/230 @\ 75 @\ 150
Students @\ 75/150 @\ 20 @\ 55
@heading[Conference organizers]
@begin[display, leftmargin 0.5inch]
Richard Billington
Georgia Tech/School of ICS
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
404/894-3227 FAX: 404/853-9378
@begin[display, leftmargin 0.5inch]
Shelanski Associates
701 Market St., Suite 2000
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215/922-5757 FAX: 215/625-9037
Additional information on lodging, parking, room locations, etc. will be included with
registration materials. Contact Shelanski Associates regarding registration. Contact Richard
Billington with comments and suggestions on conference agenda.
@pagefooting[immediate, left Mail or FAX to Shelanski Associates at 215/625-9037]
@heading[ Pre-registration Form ]
@i[Send no money now. Use this form to request final registration materials.
City:_________________________________________________ State:__________
Country:___________________________________________ Zipcode:___________
Phone:______________________________ FAX:_____________________________
___ I'm interested in dormitory housing (less than $25/single/night)
There are several inexpensive hotels near campus.
I'm interested in attending the following tutorials:
___ An Introduction to CLOS for Flavors programmers (1/2 day)
___ CLIM: Theory and Practice (1/2 day)
___ Programming for Portability (full day)
Briefly, what do you expect to get out of the tutorials you're interested in:
___ I'm interested in attending the conference sessions.
___ Sessions I'd like to see & what I'd like to get out of them
___ I would like to make a technical presentation on:
Development tools or techniques
A successfully delivered application
Other technical issue
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