SLUG mail archive


document examiner versus printed manuals

    Date: Thu, 15 Mar 90 13:37:37 EST

	From:  lakin@csli.Stanford.EDU (Fred Lakin)
	Date: Wed, 14 Mar 90 14:55:46 PST

	This is a great discussion cause it's so polarizing. 

	How about we settle it in an interesting way and schedule some races
	at SLUG 90?

    Interesting idea, heh heh.  Who gets to choose the questions
    that people have to answer during the race?  Therein seems
    to lie the heart of the matter.


Hmmm....  I thought it was going to be something of an environmental
question too.  The garbaged-up 3640 using an overloaded VAX (or
whatever) as a doc file server vs. an Ivory machine with doc on its
local LMFS.  I suspect the wide range of environments that people use to
access documentation accounts for much of the polarity.

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