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Re: Lexical environment of method
I am confused by your example, but if you want a lexical function
that references the instance variables of an instance, you just have
the instance create the closure:
(defflavor widget
(ivar "puzzle"))
(defmethod (setup-fn widget) ()
(setf fn #'(lambda () ... what you want done...)))
(defmethod (use-fn widget) ()
... (funcall fn) ...)
If you really want top level defun-in-flavor, like:
(defun-in-flavor (fun widget) ()
then you can try:
(defmethod (setup-fn widget) ()
(setf fn #'(defun-in-flavor fun widget)))
(defmethod (use-fn widget) ()
... (funcall fn self sys:self-mapping-table) ...)
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