SLUG mail archive
more about time
>>>>From: ESC@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (Eric S. Crawley)
>>>>When booting at a non-standalone site with a non-embedded system, a
>>>>will be made on the primary network (Chaos only for pre-8.0) for the time
>>>>day. Since the primary network can only be chaos before 8.0, only lispms
>>>>respond. The responses to the broadcast are collected and the median time
>>>>chosen for the status line time. If the broadcast fails to get any
>>>>pre-8.0 machines would give you a nasty prompt in the cold-load asking you
>>>>type the time. In 8.0, this has been changed so the calendar clock will be
>>>>the time is when the calendar clock is broken or uninitialized. After t
>>>>machine is booted the time is kept by the software.
This makes the autoboot feature pretty useless in 7.2 then, right? I have
a 3650
display. It's set up for autoboot so that if there is a power glitch, we could
start recording again ASAP. The power went off yesterday, and when I checked
this morning, the machine was waiting for the time to be typed in. Am
I missin
- more about time
- From: ESC@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.Symbolics.COM (Eric S. Crawley)
- more about time
- From: rsl@MAX-FLEISCHER.ILA-SF.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM (Richard Lamson)
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