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EuroPAL Announcement

                            Europal 90

On Monday 26th March the first European Conference on the Practical
Application of Lisp, Europal 90, will be held at Churchill College,
Cambridge, UK. With twelve keynote and invited speakers, over thirty
submitted papers and three major panel sessions the event now looks set
to become a landmark on the international conference circuit.  In total,
almost fifty speakers from throughout Europe, the USA and Japan have
agreed to contribute to this years event.

Indeed the list of distinguished keynote and invited speakers reads like
a who's who in Lisp. These include Richard P. Gabriel (Lucid), Prof.
Gerry Sussman (MIT), Howard Shrobe, Gregor Kiczales and Professor
Masayuki Ida of Japan, Prof. Erik Sandewall (Sweden), Guiseppe Atardi
(Italy), Mark Son-Bell and Luc Steels (from the Free University,
Brussels and the Europal 90 conference chairman).

The event will begin on Monday 26th March with a choice of 2 tutorials.
The first tutorial is entitled Introduction to Common Lisp and
Object-Oriented Programming and will be presented by Tony Hasemer and
John Domingue of the Open University. Based on their book Common Lisp
Programming their experience of the problems faced by novice Lisp users
is the major influence on the style and content of this course. The
second tutorial is entitled The Common Lisp Object System - CLOS and is
given by Gregor Kiczales from the System Sciences Laboratory at Xerox
PARC. Gregor is an active member of the team that designed and developed
the CLOS and is a frequent leader of these advanced tutorial sessions.

There are also a number of half-day tutorials running concurrently with
the main conference which begins on Tuesday, 27th March with an opening
address by the conference organiser David Lloyd and the conference
chairman, Luc Steels. This will be followed by a keynote address by
Richard P. Gabriel entitled Lisp: Good News, Bad News, and How to Win
Big! The conference then splits into 2 parallel tracks for the rest of
the conference until the final keynote address on Thursday afternoon.
This will be given by Prof. Gerry Sussman and is entitled Intelligence
in Scientific Computing.

Europal'90 is aimed at the entire Lisp community and a great deal of
excitement has been generated by this first ever opportunity to focus on
the capabilities of Lisp and the ways in which it is being developed for
the 1990's. This conference is designed to present the practical issues
concerned with the delivery of Lisp-based applications and with
particular emphasis on Lisp as the foremost language for object-oriented
programming. For details on how to book for the conference and
tutorials, or for any information regarding the event, please contact:

David Lloyd
Conference Organiser
Europal'90, PO Box 110
Dorking, Surrey, RH5 4FB, U.K.

Phone:	44-(0)306-889485
Fax:	44-(0)306-741293 

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