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Highly informal UX400S benchmarks

In response to the benchmarks sent out last week, out of curiosity, I
compiled, loaded, and ran the gabriel-benchmarks on my UX400S.  I did nothing
to ensure cleanliness of world, etc.  Note, however, that the top-level
functions in the benchmark file call the GC before running each function and
run each function some number of times where the number appears to depend on
the detected behavior.

The results, in general, show the UX to be twice as fast as the 36xx times
posted last week.  The benchmarks were run under 7.4.  With Symbolic's PR
saying 8.0 will generate faster UX code, hopefully we'll see even more
competitive times.  Notice, also, that I do have an FPA (although I never need
it for what I do).

The most troublesome results in terms of disproportionate time for the UX
compared to the other (non-symbolics) systems seem to be CTAK and the Div2...
results.  The Div2 functions are merely list consing and traversing skipping
every other element from the initial list.  This function seems to use common
enough tasks for its behavior to be worrisome, but I didn't try to see how it
differed from other functions where the UX performed well.

Lisp Type:          Symbolics Common Lisp
Lisp Version:       System 418.194, Ivory revision 2
Software Type:      Lisp Machine
Software Version:   Genera 7.4 Ivory, System 418.194, Logical Pathnames Translation Files 
NEWEST, RPC 407.12, MacIvory Support 412.42, Serial 402.16, Utilities 412.28, Server Utili
ties 410.3, Hardcopy 413.8, Zmail 410.9, LMFS 411.11, Tape 412.15, Nsage 407.9, Extended H
elp 409.2, RPC Development 401.6, MacIvory Development 401.6, Documentation Database 412.9
, IP-TCP 413.6, Solstice Genera Patches 1.90, UX Support 401.13, UX Development 401.3, X R
emote Screen 406.44, CLX 406.10, Network RPC 404.15, NFS Client 404.12, Experimental Sipe 
2 1.0, Ivory Revision 2 (FPA enabled), FEP 315, FEP0:>I315-Loaders.flod(4), FEP0:>I315-Inf
o.flod(4), FEP0:>I315-Debug.flod(11), FEP0:>I315-Lisp.flod(4), FEP0:>I315-KERNEL.FEP(4), B
oot PROM version 308, UX Support Server 1.3b, genera program, ivory-life program, UX kernel life-support, SunOS (SATCHMO) 4.0.3, 1526x1129 B&W Screen, 3008
x2000 B&W Screen, Machine serial number 521, Allow user-defined keyboard translations for 
VT100 emulator (from SYMBOL:>don>vt100-arrowkey-patch.lisp.2), Get TCP options right. (fro
m SYMBOL:>don>tcp-patch.lisp.2)
Machine Type:       Symbolics UX400S
Machine Version:    Ivory Revision 2
Machine Instance:   SKEPTIC
Site:               TRC
                     :STRING :NEWIO :ROMAN :TRACE :GRINDEF :GRIND)

Boyer: CPU:   6.876  Page:   0.633  Real:   7.509  (based on 3 calls)
Browse: CPU:  11.121  Page:   1.001  Real:  12.122  (based on 3 calls)
Destruct: CPU:   0.980  Page:   0.115  Real:   1.094  (based on 7 calls)
Traverse, Initialize: CPU:   3.546  Page:   0.118  Real:   3.663  (based on 3 calls)
Traverse, Traverse: CPU:  27.806  Page:   0.178  Real:  27.984  (based on 3 calls)
Tak: CPU:   0.226  Page:   0.003  Real:   0.229  (based on 27 calls)
STak: CPU:   1.374  Page:   0.010  Real:   1.384  (based on 5 calls)
CTak: CPU:   3.352  Page:   0.021  Real:   3.374  (based on 3 calls)
TakL: CPU:   2.706  Page:   0.017  Real:   2.724  (based on 3 calls)
TakR: CPU:   0.264  Page:   0.003  Real:   0.267  (based on 23 calls)
Deriv: CPU:   1.958  Page:   0.412  Real:   2.371  (based on 4 calls)
DDeriv: CPU:   1.889  Page:   0.434  Real:   2.323  (based on 4 calls)
Div2, Iterative: CPU:   1.096  Page:   0.301  Real:   1.397  (based on 6 calls)
Div2, Recursive: CPU:   1.764  Page:   0.315  Real:   2.079  (based on 4 calls)
FFT: CPU:   2.625  Page:   0.018  Real:   2.644  (based on 3 calls)
Puzzle: CPU:  14.355  Page:   0.092  Real:  14.447  (based on 3 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 2, r = x + y + z + 1: CPU:   0.000  Page:   0.002  Real:   0.002  (based o
n 2294 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 2, r2 = 1000r: CPU:   0.002  Page:   0.002  Real:   0.004  (based on 1408 
FRPoly, Power = 2, r3 = r in flonums: CPU:   0.001  Page:   0.001  Real:   0.002  (based o
n 2045 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 5, r = x + y + z + 1: CPU:   0.023  Page:   0.003  Real:   0.026  (based o
n 243 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 5, r2 = 1000r: CPU:   0.114  Page:   0.006  Real:   0.120  (based on 52 ca
FRPoly, Power = 5, r3 = r in flonums: CPU:   0.024  Page:   0.003  Real:   0.027  (based o
n 232 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 10, r = x + y + z + 1: CPU:   0.263  Page:   0.025  Real:   0.288  (based 
on 23 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 10, r2 = 1000r: CPU:   1.727  Page:   0.076  Real:   1.802  (based on 4 ca
FRPoly, Power = 10, r3 = r in flonums: CPU:   0.276  Page:   0.026  Real:   0.302  (based 
on 22 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 15, r = x + y + z + 1: CPU:   1.744  Page:   0.134  Real:   1.878  (based 
on 4 calls)
FRPoly, Power = 15, r2 = 1000r: CPU:  11.399  Page:   0.689  Real:  12.088  (based on 3 ca
FRPoly, Power = 15, r3 = r in flonums: CPU:   1.842  Page:   0.135  Real:   1.977  (based 
on 4 calls)

  (BOYER 6.8761516e+0)
  (BROWSE 1.1120778e+1)
  (DESTRU 9.7952914e-1)
  (TRAVERSE-INIT 3.5455475e+0)
  (TRAVERSE 2.7805527e+1)
  (TAK 2.2620267e-1)
  (STAK 1.3735926e+0)
  (CTAK 3.3520982e+0)
  (TAKL 2.7062435e+0)
  (TAKR 2.640737e-1)
  (DERIV 1.9580348e+0)
  (DDERIV 1.8894575e+0)
  (DIV2-I 1.0962129e+0)
  (DIV2-R 1.763562e+0)
  (FFT 2.6253839e+0)
  (PUZZLE 1.4355169e+1)
  (TRIANG 9.0742065e+1)
  (FRPOLY2R 0.0e+0)
  (FRPOLY2R2 2.0470829e-3)
  (FRPOLY2R3 1.0235414e-3)
  (FRPOLY5R 2.2517912e-2)
  (FRPOLY5R2 1.136131e-1)
  (FRPOLY5R3 2.3541454e-2)
  (FRPOLY10R 2.6305014e-1)
  (FRPOLY10R2 1.7267144e+0)
  (FRPOLY10R3 2.763562e-1)
  (FRPOLY15R 1.7441146e+0)
  (FRPOLY15R2 1.1399181e+1)
  (FRPOLY15R3 1.8423746e+0)

  (BOYER 7.5087e+0)
  (BROWSE 1.2121801e+1)
  (DESTRU 1.0941658e+0)
  (TRAVERSE-INIT 3.663255e+0)
  (TRAVERSE 2.7983624e+1)
  (TAK 2.2927329e-1)
  (STAK 1.383828e+0)
  (CTAK 3.3735926e+0)
  (TAKL 2.7236438e+0)
  (TAKR 2.6714432e-1)
  (DERIV 2.370522e+0)
  (DDERIV 2.3234391e+0)
  (DIV2-I 1.3971341e+0)
  (DIV2-R 2.0788126e+0)
  (FFT 2.6438076e+0)
  (PUZZLE 1.4447288e+1)
  (TRIANG 9.1335724e+1)
  (FRPOLY2R 2.0470829e-3)
  (FRPOLY2R2 4.0941657e-3)
  (FRPOLY2R3 2.0470829e-3)
  (FRPOLY5R 2.5588537e-2)
  (FRPOLY5R2 1.1975435e-1)
  (FRPOLY5R3 2.6612077e-2)
  (FRPOLY10R 2.8761515e-1)
  (FRPOLY10R2 1.8024565e+0)
  (FRPOLY10R3 3.0194473e-1)
  (FRPOLY15R 1.8781986e+0)
  (FRPOLY15R2 1.2088024e+1)
  (FRPOLY15R3 1.9774821e+0)

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